Thursday, September 08, 2022

Update- Rabbi Wei$$mandel to the rescue of the OK, with a pack of non-truths-see bottom

 Rabbi Shain pulled his Co-hashgocha from the Manalapan chinese restaurant when Rabbi Don Yoel Levy decided the the chinese owners can have key to the restaurant. Therefore he had key with the blessing of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy.

The OK claimed that the had the locks changed 3 months ago, why because he was caught?

No-one bring in chicken in his pants pocket for a chinese restaurant, unless perhaps if they were wearing a "Bekeshe"?

Why doesn't the OK dismiss the RC responsible for food service at the OK just like Passaic Hashgocha did when they caught the JIN chinese retaurant serving treif.

Small Restaurants Are Facing a Nationwide Chicken Shortage Another pandemic-related shortage has struck. By Caitlyn Hitt. Published on 5/10/2021


  1. There's a rosh kollel who eviscerated a certain rav hamachshir in Brooklyn who people think is reliable but is far from it. That was when the machshir started patting himself on the back & boasting that he caught an account with treif meat. The question begged, where was the machshir until then?

  2. Rubashkin Truck DriverThu Sep 08, 05:35:00 PM 2022

    Can someone check with the Nitra Ruv as to whether he was granted access to the entire restaurant?

    (Lubinsky assered the Nitra from speaking to the media again regarding Agri after he let slip the WHOPPER to the Wall Street Journal that Rubashkin does not allow him to step foot in integral areas of the plant!)

  3. Yukel, you gave malapan chinese the original heshcher, you allowed a fraud to sell kosher food you share responsibly! You should be in a corner crying and doing teshuva, not gloating on a blog. Don't think fir second this didn't go on when you were $$$ don't think it's only the chicken, probably seafood fish sauces too. foy!

    1. once again the OU queens guy. Stop already with your shtusim which are all anti Yidel.
