Thursday, September 08, 2022

Kashrus alert: KCL

  KCL says they have proof that all of the

Manalapan Chinese restaurant meat and chicken landed up at a Lakewood food establishment-

they are currently looking for it.


  1. Big Shpiel, KCL allows the chinese sushi chefs to use their own treif sauces, that's why I never buy any KCL sushi.

  2. Wiesner needs to put on some props like an alter Europeyisher detective cap & start fumfering around with a magnifying glass.

  3. Gut murgin, KCL also allows the infested nori wrap in all of ther sushi places.

  4. Rubashkin Truck DriverThu Sep 08, 04:59:00 PM 2022

    Who's currently in charge of receiving at BMG? This is serious as it may get confused for Hershey Friedman's Agristar.

  5. Wiesner will have more incentive to find it if he gets a nice portion of it to take home as a "gratuity".

  6. Rubashkin is speaking about Bitachon

  7. How could anyone, even KCL allow chinese sushi chefs?

    How could anyone, even KCL allow Non-Jewish chefs?

    Even Gary only used his brother a Reform Jew, but a Non-Jew??

  8. Rabbi Weisner, go stock up by the restaurants, etc. for Shabbos asap, it's Thursday already.

  9. I hope I can get to it before Wiesner does, stick my fake plumbas on the chazirei & farkoif it for gore billiga prizen around Boro Park-Flatbush!

  10. We should be allowed to SUE the pants off the Hechsherim in court.
    That would fix all of this in a moment.

  11. All us treif hucksters should get together on this

  12. Shades of 1973? Was there any treif baloney or cheese as part of this episode?

  13. The Chinese don't know anything about good food. When do you ever see veal on their menus?

  14. I'm embarrassed to have ever eaten at a venue owned by the KCL. The chicken tastes like burned paper, the quality of the bread is often low (even if Kosher), and there's no way to trust the hashgachos for fleishigs! Like at this point, going to the restaurants (there) is for non-fleishing meals.

    I'm glad I left that sorry excuse for a town.
