Monday, September 19, 2022

And now for , The Rest of the Story-

 The California Kehila Kosher/Heart-K/Igud Hakashrus was owned by Rabbi Avrohom Teichman.

He sold his Organizations to the OK, not the OU, as he felt that the OK is a more reliable 

Organization than the OU (and they offered more money and a job for his son).

The OK's RC for Food-service is Rabbi Teichman's son, contractually they can't have him dismissed. JOB SECURITY


  1. The rest of the story, continues;

    Rabbi Sholom Fishbein arranged for Rabbi Teichman's son to take over the Kashrus Administrator position at Metro-West kosher in New Jersey

  2. Is this the Sholom Fishbein from crc chicago and from AKO?

  3. Wondering why is Fishbane both from CRC AND AKO? If AKO is really checking up on all kashrus organizations, should it not be a neutral third party not a kashrus organization?

  4. As a member of AKO, let me enlighten you to the factual goals not the hyper talk of AKO.

    AKO does shove under the carpet many serious issues in order to cover for a Member Organization, which we can understand.

    The force behind the creation of AKO was the Star-K, it served for them many purposes.

    Among them, keeps them under the radar, they get advance knowledge of what "others" are up to and they precede them, one example is China.

    The other Kashrus Organizations would have been more vocal against them, but AKO keeps it at "let's discuss it between friends" at the next meeting.

    Transparency, is one item that AKO is not known for, covering up is more in their realm.

    For the kosher consumer, AKO in Toto is actually more of a detriment than a benefit, they love to portray themselves as the eyes of the kosher consumer.

    It's a private club, with great PR, and the kosher consumer has yet removed the veil that they hide behind.

    Ksiva Vi'chasima Tova to all.

  5. Spotlight on the Queens VaadTue Sep 20, 09:45:00 AM 2022

    Yasher koyich to the candid AKO member.

    Sounds like Executive Drecktor Chaim Schwartz is even more clueless than we could have imagined. Schwartz got up to the microphone at AKO's Dallas, TX, shindig to propose the exact same corrupt garbage of covering up all kashrus violations "among friends" that AKO was geboit oif to begin with.

    Perhaps Schwartz's correspondance secretary borrowed from the other hashgocho, Yaakov R., will make up an excuse for the humiliating Dallas blooper that Schwartz was just chazering ibber.

  6. Was he even involved when his father ran it? like why is he suddenly good for this position

  7. Mishoacha put out an article this week about the AKO meeting since Manalapan

  8. Bs"d

    "In this week's mishpacha magazine..."

    The "modern Charedi" shmatta must not have been paid enough to cover-up that one!
    For those of you who don't yet know "mishpacha magazine" has been repeatedly ossured by the gedolei haposkim here in Eretz Yisraeil (including Rav Sariel Rosenburg, Rav Shimon Baadani, and Rav Yehudah Silman, shlit"a).

    The menuvalim subsequently claimed at the time to have "changed their hanhala ruchanit" and the nature of their content, but this was NEVER confirmed by the above-signed Rabbanim, and the stench of their modern "chareidi-style" articles has continued unabated ever since this "glitch". (In their early history an internal feud caused them to split up, and "Hashavua" magazine was subsequently formed alongside "mishpacha".

    This went on for some time until "Hashavua" had slipped up with some issue of inappropiate content - which "mishpacha magazine" gleefully reported to the Rabbanim [some 20+ years ago when "modern chareidim" still cared to listen], resultimg in the former's foreclosure.

    When "mishpacha"s turn came it was already a "new" era where such "technicalities" had been outmoded...) Their history also shows numerous episodes of them "pumping and dumping" the words of Gedolei Haposkim in order to fit in with their sick agendas. Stay away and read Ami magazine instead!

  9. AMI, instead-Give me a break.

  10. Basic Standards? NotWed Sep 21, 06:24:00 PM 2022

    Mishpacha is alter neiass. Ami is full of a lot of nonsense which some of it is krum. But it's the Yated that recently especially has promoted many dangerous krumkeiten. One Yated item over the summer that created a lot of buzz was maybe the worst one yet in Pinny getting caught with his hoizen down. It was a whitewash of the lowlife family of Paysach Krohn's wife written by one of the relatives who is from the YU machaneh. These people were not so frum before Churban Europa and have been engaged in all kinds of immoral, criminal activity despite Yated's revisionist historia to glorify them. And the mysterious would be "hero" as per the Yated who was nunt with them in the Shangchai ghetto was no such thing! He was a notorious meshumod who horeved in shmad & a Nazi collaborator on top of it!!! Can't the Yated do even the most basic fact checking???

    1. Love the “fact checking” part when it comes to one’s enemys.

  11. Just started reading today. Rough crowd here! I think if you want to make meaningful criticism (and name calling), you have to be brave enough to sign your name. Wishing you all a כתיבה וחתימה טובה, from a small player in this Kashrus industry (and not part of ako because it makes no sense to me)...
