Monday, September 19, 2022

Update on OK Hashgocha on Chinese Restaurant

  Hi. On Tuesday 9/13/2022, I passed by a Kosher Chinese store on Coney island Ave called Glatt


 It's on Coney island between Ave. L and M. I saw frum people going in the there.

There is an OK symbol on the store's awning. I checked the OK certificate paper on the window and it had an expiration date of 8/31/2022!!! Meaning at that point the certification expired 13 days prior. 

 1. Do you have any contacts within the OK to find out if the certification is still valid, and if it's not, why don't they publicize it and remove the certificate and sue to remove the ok symbol from sign? 

 2. Do you have any contacts in Flatbush that can pass by and take a picture of the expired sign in the window? 

 If the OK is falling apart, the public needs to know before any further incidents not afterwards. 




Hi, just to follow up, I had someone check the store's window last night, and now there is a valid certificate hanging in the window. No way of knowing when it was changed, before you emailed the OK, or afterwards. There certainly was an expired certificate late Tuesday.

 Was the OK unsure about renewing the hechsher that they didn't give a new certificate at the expiration date? Or was the mashgiach too busy to hang up the new one? One would think after the severe kashrus failure in Manalapan the OKs mashgiach wouldn't be asleep on the job.

 We did not get any email response from the OK, kashrus needs transparency and communication. An attitude of we know what we're doing, or trust us and don't ask questions, is surely a red flag.

 In this week's mishpacha magazine the was an interview with Fishbein from AKO, he claimed there are 4 establishments in Boro park owned by goyim.

 1. Why isn't this public information?

2. Do you know which 4 establishments, and are you at liberty to say? Are they strictly in boro park, or is he referring to the Boro park area with would include all of south brooklyn including Flatbush etc.?

3. Shouldn't establishments owned by michalelei Shabbos be treated as goyim?

4. Speaking of Flatbush, what's the story with vaad of Flatbush certification on food establishments? I remember years ago it was considered horrible, then I heard that Rabbi Goldberg fixed it up. Is that true? And if yes, is it still "fixed up" now that rabbi Goldberg is no longer around?

5. Which organizations can be trusted for food establishment certification in Brooklyn - Boropark/Flatbush areas?



  1. Moish!!
    You should wat at home only and pray that its kosher there as well.
    Absolutely no eating out for a guy who is so choshesh on every minute detail of kashrus as you are.

    1. Go look at playa bowls in freehold mall. Expired cert. certificate is also slightly misleading on what they certify who knows what they’re hiding

  2. Check it out. Great supervision
