Friday, September 16, 2022

Re: Manalapan kosher Chinese express OK certified-must take responsibility! by dismissing the head of "Food-Service".



  1. Why should the KCL take responsibility for recommending to me and all others to eat in a Treif restaurant?

  2. So based on what are we relying on the kcl?

    I think, I had enough of these kashrus organizations acting as kashrus supervisor, it's all a fraud.

  3. Is dismissing the food service head also part of the takanas vaad arba haratzos?

  4. That's straight out of the code of Jewish Law.

    That's the first thing to do when someone is ready to take responsibilty.

    Every responsible kashrus Agency does that immediately.

  5. If he followed the rules (as in code of Jewish law) there is no reason to fire him.
    It irresponsible to fire someone who did nothing wrong.
    In Halacha there is no “the Buck stops here” rule.

  6. Did nothing wrong?
    You must be from AOC's camp, or Biden, etc.

  7. Someone didn't follow the rules of engagement, otherwise the rules are flawed if this is the results.
    Therefore, either the one in charge of food service or the one that made the rules must be dismissed.

    This is not to be defined as an innocent accident, this is sheer negligents.

  8. The voice had a letter this week blaming the heimishe hashgochos as to the reason there is little awareness regarding Yoshon. However most heimishe products are yoshon. The litvishe continue to knock chasidim with lies. It's no wonder the chasidim aren't even goires the litvaks.

  9. If the food is kosher but its not yoshon does that also cause timtum or OTD ???
