Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Bertram couldn't get Nirbarter or KAJ to certify, say they took Ungar's Hashgcha- enjoy your protein



  1. Very sad that Ungar has gone this route as between him & Steinmetz are almost all Monsey restaurants.

  2. Never mind which hashgacha. Check it, as you usually do, and report back to us. With a video.

  3. Forget about Rav Unger for a minute. There is so much corruption in Skver that it makes me wonder how we can trust even the main hashgocho there.

    The orders come from the top to "eliminate threats" and the beis din are just puppets who go along with everything. What is a "threat"? Ledugma, it is choik veloi yaavoir that no one can daven outside main beis medrash. When Rottenberg walked half a mile outside New Square to be mashlim a minyan for a choyleh in a nursing home, he was burned almost to death with a molotov cocktail that also destroyed his house at 3 am. When Rabbi F was confronted by Skver's mafia enforcers like Berger as to why he is davening somewhere else, he said because there is a molester in main beis medrash tolerated by the Rebbe who touches his kids. Berger said I hear, and it's a good excuse takka, ober fort I don't care, so if you continue davening in another shul you'd better watch your back. Rabbi F grabbed his family & ran for his life to live elsewhere. Why does the Rebbe need a mansion overlooking the Hudson that he paid $3 million for & is worth at least double that today? Why does the Rebbe need a fleet of luxury vehicles? That car maker grada built the ovens at Auschwitz.

  4. There's a recall on Gold Nut brand dried guava for insect infestation.

    Is fresh guava ever infested?

  5. When the kehilla defrauded Federal education programs, they kidnapped, beat up & tore the clothes of a Federal agent sent to investigate. Because Clinton got their bloc vote, there was no SWAT response.

    When a bank repossessed a home & was going to sell it to someone who is not a Skverrer, the Skverers tied chains from a vehicle to the home's pillars & drove off, coallapsing the whole structure.

    When they could no longer cover up that the Rebbe's hoiz gabbai is a child molester molesting kids inside the Rebbe's house, they put the molester on a plane to Israel before the police could get him.

    The Rebbe's personal chef was arrested for peeping through motel windows to watch Shvartzas being intimiate.

    The Rebbe ignored complaints from the rest of Monsey that his chassidim are the owners of Rockland County's porno shops that are machshil many yungerleit & bucherim.

    Skver buys as much real estate as they can in a mile radius of the village so that no other Yidden who are not Skver can't have it. They rent out the houses they buy as Mexican or Shvartz rooming houses so that other Yidden are afraid to live anywhere in proximity. Skver actually had the nerve to issue a kol korei a few years ago warning other Yidden to encroach within a mile of the village. The mile radius includes parts of Old Monsey!

  6. The Rebbe R' Duvidl Twerski told Rav Matis Salamon that yenner fish monger is a "farnanter baal dimyon".

  7. Whatever the baal habus did or didn't, that fish sure scared the living daylights out of his Mexican helper. The poor fellow was then crying to the NY Times that he hasn't slept in weeks, between being frightened and because "Spanish-speaking rabbis from all over the world" were calling to get his eyewitness account of the incident.

  8. Thu Sep 08, 12:38:00 AM 2022 + Thu Sep 08, 09:45:00 AM 2022

    Sounds Like the CCRC fresser, NAY FREE fresser, was in Skver for Shabbos and couldn't get his fress or couldn't get enough Fress.

