Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Why did BMG's KCL reccomend the Manalapan Chinese Restaurant for the past 15 years? Behind the scenes

The KCL is "now" denying that they recommended the Manalapan Chinese Restaurant (since Rabbi Shain is not there anymore).

   If this would be KCL's last lie, I would forgive them.


  1. In the jnews link bmgs-kcl-is-it-really-kosher/:

    R' Dovid Feinstein signed that his father never told anyone that anisakis are mutter. So why are you siding with Belsky & Rav Vaye?

    You criticize Rav Bess who sides with R' Dovid Feinstein because you say he backs any shvache hashgocho. Have you brought proof against other hashgochos to him? When Rav Bess saw proof that bugs were crawling all through salads at Queens Vaad restaurants, he was quick to condemn the Queens Vaad.

    Where is the Rav Sternbuch teshuva where you insinuate he is mattir anisakis? Even if it's true, why do you ignore that all the other gedolei Eretz Yisroel definitely asser anisakis.

  2. You are a liar, kcl never recommend manalapan chinese

  3. Does KCL still have mafia enforcers now that CEO AK is out of the picture?

  4. udel Shain- – Had Shimush in Kashrus and Halacha by Reb Moshe Feinstein, Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Neuschloss, Debreciner Rav, Rav Pam, Rav Eliyashev, Reb Shlomo Zalman, Rav Shmuel Wosner, Z”L. He was appointed by Reb Shnuer Kotler as the kitchen Mashgiach in Bais Medrash Govoha (BMG).

  5. "Does KCL still have mafia enforcers now that CEO AK is out of the picture?"

    Who wants to know?

  6. Rav Yudel was שם דבר for many years as a mumcheh and I follow his blog seriously. Kudos to him for finding this out.

    I consider myself an openminded kashers person, reading and researching for myself. Yudel has been very helpful.

    However im not suer how his game is now. He wrote some accusations without backing them up. One recent that comes to mind is his treatment of the Milk issue. I saw the sefer Cholov Treifah because of the blog (I don't go to Seforim stores, Yudel brought it to my attention) and Yudel is attacking and not one coherent on target argument was made against it. I consider this a win for the sefer and not yudel. Yudel did not engage or deal with any of the claims made by the sefer!

    Anyways. KUDOS to YUDEL FOR HELPING KLAL YISROEL! Many more years!!

  7. RE: cholv treifa sefer.
    I discussed this at length with Rav Eliyashev and Reb Shmuel Vosner and it was concluded vadai Ossur and treif.

    They pasken al pi mesorah, this sefer is based on much wrong information, my Rabeim wher I had shimus by told me when to get into discussions, etc.
    This is one of them where he is being machshil klal yisroel big time.

    Mesorah is the only guide for klal yisroel.

    1. Cholov treifa has statistics that contradict everyone else who did research on the same topic. His neemanus I questionable.

  8. Where is the OU guy when you need him??

  9. Time for a kashrus revolt in Lakewood. But Lakewood is not the yeshiva's Lakewood any more. History will look back and realize the second haskalla movement is underway. We are ignoring mesora, the kiddush Hashems being publicized are mostly would've been considered chillul Hashem, and the only criteria is " but it's not an aveira". This is a new jew"ish" movement. There is no reason a town like Lakewood has lines out the door in Rita's, Wawa, Quick check, 7-11, Dunkin donuts, and Starbucks.

  10. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!Thu Sep 08, 12:18:00 AM 2022

    "If this would be KCL's last lie, I would forgive them."

  11. Rabbi Shain is supposed to Speak today at 12pm at BMG on Forest Ave and 11 street about this Chinese Manalapan

  12. Would be great if there can be a recording of the speech!

  13. Notice how these R' Yudel misnagdim all suffer from the same tzad hashoveh of no derech eretz

  14. The KCL is a fraudulent organization. When I tried to explain the Matzav in America to Israelis (Haredim), the Haredim (in Israel) couldn't believe that Bnei Torah (in Lakewood) are negligent in the field of Kashrus.
