Thursday, October 06, 2022

Shain's Authentic "BRISKER בריסקער-HADASIM"

 Haddasim have a big Shmitah shortgage- 

Shain's Brisker בריסקער Hadasim,

only at Shain's 1140 Forest Ave, Lakewood, NJ


  1. Where is CCRC ? Claims that the ou guy accused Reb yudel of prices being very high. This year CCRC won't even have access to daled meenim (I mean he'll have plenty access to the daled meenim fress fruits but not to shake the leaves.)

  2. You ARE the OU guy and you DID attack R' Yudel as if he's achroy for inflation. You never miss an opportunity to smear R' Yudel.

  3. Is that a kibud to be named the OU guy?
    sounds like your in Kashrus and say on everything 'its under the OU'.

  4. Briskeh hadasim from Israel or from chitz looretz ?
    It ain’t Brisk either way. Thus why the 20% raise? Maybe the 20% is to make up for the shekel losing value but then the price in Lakewood should be the same or lower.
    OU Guy

  5. Fuzzy Math in QueensThu Sep 29, 11:11:00 AM 2022

    The OU mashgiach guy needs to go back to 11th grade economics class.

    The exchange rate has nothing to with the price increase.

    There is a shortage. Supply & demand affects price. This is the yesod of 1700s economist Adam Smith (who was either a Quaker who learned Shas or was mechaven to a Tosfos on supply & demand driving up prices)

    Oh nevermind, the mashgiach couldn't get in to Shaar Hatorah Grodno in Kew Gardens dort where they have decent limudei chol. He probably never had an economics class. Even if he did he would mistumme from kanoyus divert his attention from the limud to doodling space ships with little green men aliens that was more interesting to him.

  6. Guess this hadasim business is really keeping him busy

  7. No one taught him how exchange rates establish prices as well.
    No toisfis or Gemara that he ever did in shteinzaltz taught him that.

  8. We all thought that Horav Hagoon Reb yudel sorted the hadasim but the photo implies that Reb Chayim Zatzal sorted yudel’ s hadasim now we know why they are so expensive

  9. The mashgiach is personally checking inventory at every branch to see if there is Mei Menoochos or Nachalas Moishe on the economic Toisafos. But ersht we had to convince him that Metzudah hasn't come out with Toisafos yet. He was muttering "supply demand" & frantically turning the seforim upside down, shelf bu shelf!

  10. Why the need to bring hadasim from Europe? Aren't there hadasim in the US? Did the brisk rav plant it himself?

  11. From where in Europe?

    The Rov ztl held the luft in the Alps is good for gezunt which is why R' Avrohom Yehoshua goes there bain hazemanim.

  12. RAY does not go there because the lift is gut he goes there veil the tatteh is geforen even if the lift changes.

  13. Tzvay dinim.

    Der Rov iz geforen altz dem meyuchaddik luft.

    RAY's hiddur in dem is to retrace the Rov's pesios to a tee when going for a shpatzir.

  14. But why did the Tateh go when his statehood did not go- The Tarth’s Tateh was healthy and hut nisht gedarfet the shveitzeh luft ???

  15. Was it R' Shamshon Refoel Hirsch who said he's mechuyev to tour the Alps to see niflaois Haborei?
