Saturday, September 24, 2022

Why Honeydew Honey is not kosher?

Shellac and confectioners glaze are also digested by the insect,
and is considered non-kosher יוצא מן הטמא 

Honeydew honey is made by insects such as Aphids, caterpillars etc. Ingest into their digestive system the sap from certain trees and then they excrete it onto plants,  that is יוצא מן הטמא, and is not kosher.

The mere fact that it's then taken  by the honey bee and runs it through their honey-sac "which is not their digestive system", can not now make it kosher.


  1. This problem is not limited to honeydew honey.

    Beware also of Melipona honey, Manuka honey, Forest honey, Pine honey, Beechwood honey, Fir honey, etc


  3. Yea.
    Honey do this. Honey do that. Isn’t kosher for a Yeshivah home.
    It’s mommy do this. Mommy do that.

  4. We accidentally bought juice that contains strawberry puree. Which level of strainer is safe to remove thrips?

  5. The bris guys who filter OJ should filter it for you as well. If you need a sticker that may cost a vit (+20%).
