Thursday, September 22, 2022

Star-K and Rabbi Weismandel approve the fake "Grama-Switch", fouled up again DE JA VU

 Another Kashrus Scandal????

This is the latest alert regarding an oven model sold since 2015

 From: Rivka Leah Goldman <>Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2022 10:17 A

 Subject: Frigidaire FPET3077 Problem

 Please alert any customers who bought the above model that there is a problem with the fan shutting off when you open the oven door, even in Sabbath mode.

 In order not to have a problem on Shabbos/YomTov, you'll need to find a way to hold down the switch that sticks out from the oven (like a plunger switch in a refrigerator) which is triggering the fan.  

Either find a screw or something to insert into the space where it protrudes to hold it down or buy some strong metallic tape (available at auto parts stores) or look for a strong thin magnet. 

The magnet may need to be taped in place so that it doesn't shift as the door is opened and closed.

 Frigidaire is aware of the problem and is working on a solution.

 Kesivah v'Chasimah Tova.

 Rivka Leah Goldman

 Database Support Specialist

 122 Slade Avenue

 Baltimore, MD  21209

 410-484-4110 x.220

 443 334 0137



  1. Guess they missed one model out of thousands. Not a excuse but not a scandel.
    Now let the overseer of this site, the infamous FREE FRESSER make his not SO nasty coments and tie in some molester and murderer here. Plus the mohel with his way of milah which he has a kabbalah on.


  2. Cuckoo Clock Clucking of an OU MashgiachThu Sep 22, 03:14:00 PM 2022

    Yanky R., true to his tradition of defending the gantze mishpooche, claims an hour ago that Paysach Krohn has a "kabbalah" on his way of milah.

    Whoa! Considering that all the gedolei haposkim have assered Krohn's barbaric Gomco Clamp plus Krohn himself from doing any more milos once he mutilated kinderlach with it, from whence could that "kabbalah" possibly be? Perhaps Krohn's fellow Kew Gardens menuvol Feivy Gruberger aka Philip Berg of "Kabbalah Center"?

  3. The OU mashgiach is sulking & stomping his feet dort in Queens (Thu Sep 22, 2:14 PM) because as mentioned yesterday on Yudelstake, people had caught his familial associates sneaking past the Yated screeners a whitewash of the loooooooong sordid history in the yichus of Paysach Krohn's wife, which in actuality takka includes molesters & murderers, and also extends to Maskilim, embezzlers, a meshumod, galach & shmadnik missionary and even a Nazi collaborator!

    Next time the OU mashgiach does one of his fake show "inspections" in the kitchen by a Simcha he's fressing at (as if he will refrain from fressing when he finds something wrong - not!), he can emerge to tantz "The Kapo", instead of "The Horah"!

  4. After Rav Shain publicized this at 2:14, it took less than half an hour for Star K's loyal trolls to come into the comments with a dishonest guzma as a defense

    Frigidaire only has 53 oven models certified by Star K, not "Thousands".

  5. Crying Fowl with SpiegelThu Sep 22, 03:52:00 PM 2022

    If Empire can't get every chicken right out of 1000s, isn't that kal vachoimer for appliances with complicated circuitry & umpteen mini-computers?

  6. Falls poultry in Liberty was closed up, because Star-K had over 20% treifos and Neveilos going out with their Glatt plumbas.

  7. What about the King David restaurant in Monsey that Rabbi Weissmandel gave the manager a buck, and said you are my Masgiach.
    This happened right after the Finkel Scandal.
    King David was buying the treif chickens from Kiryas Yoel poultry.
    Did Rabbi Weismandel "Nitra-Ruv" to kasher their keilim, NO- Why not?

  8. Star-K on Fresh Express was 100% infestation of bags? Or only 90-something %?

    Then there are the travesties that Star-K is smart to deny that they certify to begin with.

    A secular multi-millionaire making a Bar Mitzva at Yankee Stadium where they manipulated the electronic scoreboard for shtick all Shabbos long. And Homosexual weddings at non-Orthodox temples.

    If you thought Moshe Heinemann is irresponsible, wait until you meet his brother in Lakewood who is in charge of Star-K's Northeast sector!

  9. Was KJ poultry in Monsey really treif? Or was it just not up to KJ Vaad standard like the scandal with the Far Rockaway supermarket under King Joe buying the rejects?

  10. The "treifos" was sold to a person that one of his customers was the King David restaurant under Nitra Tuv.

    It was buried pretty good, no one kashered keilim.

  11. time for a repost about the DA's.

    *new article* that its common
