Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Passaic/Clifton Hashgcha dismissed their Kashrus Administrator when the Chinese was caught w/ Treif-What is the OK doing?

 When the Passaic Clifton Chinese restaurant was caught selling treif, some two years ago, they dismissed their Kashrus Administrator.

Why isn't the OK dismissing their Food service RC???, they must bear the full responsibility.


  1. Give us a break! PCK, which is very heavily stacked with YU rabbis, denied, denied, denied everything until things quieted down. Only then did they throw out Auerbach on his behind. Almost no one kashered thanks to PCK propaganda. And many of the brainwashed residents in town get very hostile against anyone daring to say there was any kind of kashrus problem whatsoever.

  2. Passe Ick, do you mean it's possible to do really bad stuff around here & completely get away with it?

  3. Concerned
    We need a full investigation into how this could’ve happened and what’s with the kashrut of the other stores this person owns and what’s the level of kashrut at all OK restaurants
    R Yidel please be on top of this we need u

    1. No investigation needed. Avoid OK food service.

  4. Besides the OU all national hashgachas have weak food service divisions (if that) in the NY area. Star-k. Chof-K. OK. Consumers beware.

  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20160429084413/http://www.dupont.com/content/dam/dupont/tools-tactics/bi/surfaces-technical-library/documents/north-america/Corian_is_a_Kosher_Surface.pdf

    Do serious hashgochos agree?

  6. Tue Sep 06, 09:06:00 PM 2022

    Sounds like that Queens OU guy again.

  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20190308135404/https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/1447491/shock-passaic-glatt-kosher-restaurant-may-have-been-selling-non-kosher.html
