Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Re: Manalapan chinese express



  1. Kepeida that JLC pushed out R' Chaim V. & made chop suey out of him?

  2. Whos JLC, whos R' Chaim v.?

  3. JLC is the Manalapan kollel & shul

  4. The problem starts, by thinking one can give a hechsher to a goy, & reding sich eimn, that it will be more Kosher than a yid. No goy should ever get a hechsher for a retaurant, enough of unserer need parnoso.

  5. What was the big oiftoo already for the gvir writing the checks to replace RCV? Ok, so the few BTs mekurev to JLC were often weird. The new regime from what I've seen has the same track record.

    It was al kol ponim not smart to open in Manalapan. It is a very hot location in the secular world so all of the nicer homes have bidding wars from goyim. The remainder is either restricted to senior citizens (Covered Bridge), or the homes, even when not in a flood zone, are too small for frumma mishpochos.

    Marlboro is more upscale & mostly frei Yidden so it's a bonanza in kiruv. The kiruv is also easier when the mashpiyim are not coming with a mindset & aura from Staten Island yeshiva vechadoimeh.

  6. Which other food establishments are operated by chazer fressers?

  7. Maybe time for them to do Teshuvah on eating OU-D and other milk products that are חלב שחלבו עכו״ם?

  8. https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/kosher-food-news/kosher-chinese-express-of-manalapan-nj-permanently-closed-after-questions-over-kosher-status/2022/09/06/

    Oylam Goylem! Here's the low Klass Jewish Press being meyaetz on the treif with the Modern Orthodox dude Kornblum as if he's a kashrus authority

  9. Yudel- my wife ate in the restaurant when she was single, she doesn't remember the exact year but it was between 2013-2016. Was this Chinese restaurant under good management or was it Treif?

  10. What years was yudel in charge of this

  11. Yudel was there prior to 2007, after that it was
    OK's not really kosher.
    2013-2016 was not kosher already.
