Thursday, December 08, 2022

Food Service Mashgichim



  1. Many restaurant owners are very karg. They fight customers who want to put the tip on their credit card because from the $3 dollar charge the bank takes a 6 cent fee from the restaurant. It also happens that some restaurant owners don't oppose running everything to the credit card but the waitresses approach the diners with watery eyes about to tear, begging you for cash tip - this is because the owner outright steals the tips to put in his own pocket. This happens a lot with Israeli owners of NY restaurants who hire Israeli girls working illegally who are scared to report the owners in case they get deported. (Notice that Obama launched a massive crackdown of Israelis working in America without permits - Israelis only because Obama "loves" Yidden so much)

    So if you really want mashgichim to be mechubad, by all means, put them at the mercy of the karg, slimy restaurant owners.

  2. Driving up costs even further in this inflationary economy will drive customers away. Restaurants know this and will fight to stop any windfall for mashgichim.

  3. It will not drive customers away; if they don’t want to add it, then they won’t.

  4. Gimme Gimme Your GeltThu Dec 08, 02:33:00 PM 2022

    @ 12:46 pm

    There is a percentage of restaurants who make tips mandatory. And some of them have a lot of gall to make it more than the 15% standard. This is just for waitresses or in some cases the waitresses-bus boys shared pool. The moment that you have a "large party", which they ridiculously define to be as little as 10+ (sometimes even 6+) diners, they charge a huge fee that they call "captain gratuity". The point of compensating the captain in a goyish restaurant is when there is a truly large gathering the captain is managing a team of waitresses. When kosher places do it as described above it is just a shakedown with any lame excuse to greedily squeeze more money out of you.

  5. Restaurants are absolutely a luxury.
    There is really no need to pay 25.00 for 3.00 worth of pasta with another .50 for some non-vodka sauce. Plus 2.50 for tax.
    Elah mahy it’s an occasion - special or not - then the price does not make a difference. And that includes all the additions, tax, tips, gratuities and all other fahsheedeneh fees.
    So either stay home and save a lot of money or go out and hand them your credit card without asking how much, why this fee, why yenneh fee.

    1. Totally agree. Shnorers don't belong in a restaurant. It's a luxury thing.

  6. Vos zogt Horav Yudel?Fri Dec 09, 04:33:00 AM 2022

    A mashgiach for a different hashgocho that uses lettuce & herbs under Tarnopol tells me he once went down to that Tarnopol operation to observe. He reports that he saw them manually checking every piece both sides.

    Does that sound right?

    I have been having a hard time getting to the bottom of what Tarnopol is up to. I have this report that it's all good but then there is grumbling out there that Evergreen was nasty to R' Ari Green when replacing him with Tarnopol because they wanted a lower standard.

  7. Gimme_Your_Gelt

    if your ready to pay $30 for a $7-9 steak, don't complain.
    Tough having been in the business, I can tell you the restaurant owner bas pretty much pays $7-9 for that steak, maybe a dollar less.

    Its like your auto mechanic charging you double what the part costs. And don't believe the invoice from his parts supplier, he discounts that.
