Wednesday, December 07, 2022

KCL- All Lakewood establishements receive only yoshon from Bertram even when not marked on the boxes- It's a LIE!



  1. There is a caterer in Monsey, based in New Square, I think called Oneg. They do mainly food service for schools. They are under New Square Hashgocho.

    Somebody asked them what they use for the iceberg.(For some reason, Postiv never got into iceberg. I wish they would!)

    The caterer said that New Square has their own bodkim who constantly check. Every week NSK tells this caterer what to use that week. It is different every week.

    He asked the caterer again, and the caterer told him that punkt this week NSK told him to use the J&R. But it's not all the time.

    Does this make sense? Are NSK bodkim reliable?

    It seems that this NSK Big wig "Wagshall", has an agenda- No positive, even if we must use the infested product.

    1. Postiv does not have iceberg. Why not?! We need some alternative to JR

    2. Happens to be that this week positive did NOT produce enough lettuce to supply everybody. Maybe that had no fresh stuff.

      If you want to smell the coffee you got to do your homework before you sign off on it.

  2. bodek has iceberg. what is exactly the issue with bodek?

  3. Iceberg is a cheap product that doesn’t have the same infestation issues as romaine.

    1. That is an old folk tale. Iceberg is harder to clean than Romain. That is why many companies who do Romain won't deal with iceberg.

  4. Just who is putting out old folk tales?

    Except for the inner leaves, iceberg has much fewer crevices.

    And iceberg does not have leaf miners because it doesn't have stalks. Leaf miners can only be remediated by trained mumchim. Baalabustas & layman cannot properly identify & remove leaf miners.

    Plus iceberg can tolerate colder growing climates which minimize infestation.

  5. All the bodkinm I spoke to tell me iceberg is more difficult?

    Why else doesn't Postiv grow iceberg?

  6. That's puzzling what 3:20 pm heard because kashrus figures have told me that iceberg is easier.

    1. Most Kashrus figures are clueless with tolaim

  7. Woe is lying ? Bertram or the store owner or the mashgiach?
