Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Ice-Cream at Lakewood Fleishig affairs may be Dairy, "KCL mashgichim aren't attentive to these issues".

An actual episode, there are many more.
A Baal Simcha sends his representative to see the preparations for his upcoming simcha at the "KCL" caterer's commisary [as agreed].
Is everthing yoshon as agreed? Frum Caterer "sure is".

Is everything Bishul Yisroel Bet-Yosef as agreed? Caterer, sure is.

Are you cooking now for the affair? Caterer, well yes. But didn't we make up that everything will be done tommorow, so I can observe......? Well, you are right.?????????????

What is the Goy putting into the deep fryer?
Oh, that's a garnish for the fish.

Well First, that's not Bishul Bet-Yosef,

Second you cook fish garnish in Fleishig oil???????????????

By the way I see the flour you have here is realy "yashan", over a year old. Do you sift the flour?

Sure- Can I please see your sifter? and he brings out the strainer for noodles [ called a chinese-cap] all of the bugs can fit right through it R"L.

Is this some joke here? where is your Mashgiach?
The KCL doesn't require a mashgiach here, you see I'm a frum caterer.
I think a Mashgiach would not be worth anything here. Thanks.

At the KCL supervised affair, "A cup of water in a plastic cup, please".


  1. "KCL at its best. watch video"

    You don't have to be a genius to realize that the title implies that
    what you're talking about can be seen in the video. But it's not - instead,
    the video is a comedy sketch (I think) from 2008.

  2. If one caterer under any hashgacha messes up according to a unhappy customer you can't just go and badmouth each and every establishment under theat given hechsher.
    Unless you give to other side a chance to defend itself.
    Even then you won't know what really occurred as the saying goes 'every story has three versions: his side, my side and the truth'. And that is true on this site more then any other.

    It is well known that this site and KCL are not exactly on the same page and we are being polite.

    The reading consumer of this site has the right to know much more details of this alleged story.

  3. Which caterer should we stay away?

  4. A Baal Simcha from out of town that has some sort of handle on food-service, did some personal inquiries re Lakewood caterers and concluded that he can't partake in his families affairs with eating any food.

    He had a personal dilemma, he was unable to eat at his own child's wedding. by the time he realized it, it was too late to make arrangements.

    He regrets that he assumed "allah-essen", a shtut fun Toirah, vichulu.

  5. You call yourself polite?Mon May 13, 06:04:00 PM 2019

    " that is true on this site more then any other"

    Are you a Liberal Democrat?

    That's right out of their script to pretend they are being fair but they already came into the picture with a premeditated bias against someone (in this case R' Yudel), who they then proceed to marginalize & badmouth as not even being worthy that anyone should be goress him.

    And you & your chevra are a bunch of kfuyei toiv for all the scandals that were averted or minimalized after R' Yudel spoke up.

    Someone from a major hashgocho once admitted in the 5 Towns newspaper that though he is not thrilled with R' Yudel's style, R' Yudel does serve a needed purpose to keep people on their toes. (I feel sorry for that fellow because I am sure his 'Liberal' bosses clobbered him after he wrote that for speaking the truth, contrary to the company line)

  6. Comon. Use some new stuff.

  7. This video took place in Eretz Yisroel.
    What is the connection to the KCL???
    Why should the KCL be responsible for an establishment in Eretz Yisroel and they clearly do not give the Hashgacha at that restaurant???

  8. I do repairs in many establiments in the kitchen. Yudel happened to be there as a mashgiach for a simchah. He was the first mashgiach I ever saw walking around and poking his nose in the food preparation and even asked a Mexican how he was preparing. The mashgiach right after him was sitting learning in a Sefer on a stender

  9. Based on MEXICAN information - as 'asher peeham deebair SHAV' - and by Yudel there is no such thing as 'masiach l'phee toomoi - he pasels and is matrif all other hechshairim.
    Remember IF they pay him off - i'm not saying they do - then its automatically his hechsher.

  10. National Association for the Advancement of InsectsWed Aug 18, 09:01:00 PM 2021

    "Can I please see your sifter? he brings out the strainer for noodles [ called a chinese-cap] all of the bugs can fit right through it"

    A new revenue stream for Bodek & 'Sachdis! They can import noodle strainers to pass off as flour sifters!

  11. Mon Jan 28, 10:55:00 AM 2019

    If this occured with azzeh frimmeh parent - that he could not eat at his offsprings wedding -min Hastam its not his child. (May of got mixed up at birth in the hospital. Rav shternbuch did not say this but would of if asked especially in a private conversation. The truth be said he IS meramaz this in the famous Yudel Teshuva ( The South Africa one)

  12. Wed May 15, 12:21:00 AM 2019

    All hashgachos are connected through the infamous AKO with the exception of Hisachdus of Lakewood. What one does all do.

  13. It seems that AKO (Association of kashrus organizations) is very much into NO-TRANSPARENCY, to the kosher consumer.

    Therefore it's of utmost importance to establish a kosher consumer organization to force complete transparency from all kosher certifiers.

  14. Fri Oct 21, 11:14:00 AM 2022

    Uh Huh.

    With blogs like this around no one is transparen.t

  15. R' Avri Juravel lets the cat out of the bag to Mishpacha Magazine that a Chinese factory cooking "kosher" bamboo shoots for 20+ years was bamboozling the mashgichim the entire time until he personally poked around & figured out they were cooking in the same vats as processed seafood shrotzim!

    He didn't identify which hashgocho(s) were asleep at the wheel.

  16. He's been employed & working for the OU for years.

    The kof-k only does in china chemicals not any food items.

  17. Let’s the old cat out?
    Like this happened 20 years ago or is this a new ‘Chinese’ scandal ???
    Why wait for a magazine to publish? It usually is at least 2 to 3 weeks from interview until publishing .
    Rabbi Juravel is not the type to let something like this wait for YS type of noise and acting.

  18. Quack Quack Menachem GenackSat Oct 22, 10:54:00 PM 2022

    Sounds like our tayera Chief Rabbi of Idaho Falls is talking too much for OU comfort!

  19. Sitting on a chair on a table in a commercial kitchen limits ones ability to control kashrus, besides that one is defined as....

    1. Our Rav and model CCRC would love to sit on chair on a table and fress all day and night.

  20. Defined as a Kook with a chief Rabbis jacket, fits well.

  21. Mashgiach min HachalonosSun Oct 23, 11:23:00 AM 2022

    R' Avri taynas farkert, that his armchair general perch gives him unparalelled, unsurpassed advantage over commercial kitchen minions.

    Perhaps his voice resonates with more oomph & is taken more seriously when he orders total clearing of the fridges while elevated over the tish!

  22. Till he gets his can off the chair perched on the table, they got the pig served with the kosher apple in the mouth.

    A good mashgiach keeps moving around.

  23. There's also room for the OU mashgiach to clambor over from Queens & pole vault to on top the table so he can do "Haleetynee Nu" on multiple HEAPING PLATES of GREASY FRIED RICE. Then it would be in order for him to serenade the Mexican arbetters with Lehisaneig Besaaneegim, fried rice veslav vedugim.

    Avadda the mashgiach cannot argue on the throne arrangement after it passed muster from Genack with his YU shitos. It should also be on the same page as the mashgiach's Flatbush fetter Georgie who went to YU instead of Torah Vodaas. The fetter probably also walked over to patronize the "Bais Yosef" moicher of the non-Brisk "Briskeh" fleish on Ave P.

  24. As much as I want I can’t compete mit the chief mechaber namely CooCooRiCo who is the “Briskeh Rov AND the Chazon Ish together in the Halacha of FREE fressing.
    In a couple of weeks he’ll double his weight at one of the heiligeh fress conventions.
    The Yirah CCRC has to be youtzeh all the shitos of Free fress is something to see and learn from.
    Of course the 100 koilos fun dorten according to all fress poiskim as hoo toos and too toos and tehoo toos just to name few is something I can’t copy or follow by a long tehoo too shot.
    Let’s not talk about the koilos fun dorten in 1, 2 or 1,2, 3 neshimas. That alone needs a whole lot of fressing.
    Es hehrt zich gut fahr ah por vochin

    1. You forgot to sign off:
      OU Masgiach

  25. coo coo rico doesn't have to worry that when the Moshiach comes and he will be mattirr the Chazer, where will coo ccoo rico put it?

    He'll just look in the mirror and see the chazir smiling at him.

  26. Actually, uncle George R. was busy sourcing the ingredients for Leib Pinter's treif sandwich gesheft, so Ave P is way too much in the ballpark of hilchos kashrus.

  27. Caloric Capers of an OU MashgiachMon Oct 24, 11:48:00 AM 2022

    "a couple of weeks he’ll double his weight"

    The OU mashgiach in Queens is so preoccupied with body sizes, fressing & get fat quick schemes.

    Has he ever taken a good look in the mirror at himself???

  28. No need to look in a mirror when the world champion fresser is right here practicing for the world famous fress conventions coming up this zman. As korvaynee, those dirshu concerts and some Agudah party somewhere know only to CCRC. No one else ever saw ant fress at Agudah.
    (for sure no fried rice there -aye just saying....)

  29. How does the Kew Gardens resident OU mashgiach deny knowledge (Mon Oct 24, 1:13 PM) of locations for Agudah Fressing events when his own brother hosted one at his home in Far Rockaway? Don't tell us that the mashgiach is even persona non grata by his own brother?

  30. Rabbi Senter has told people that at least with some Chof K (primarily fleishdik content) foodservice it's better to not eat the fish with milchdik "in case there was a mess up" of fleish contamination. Isn't he supposed to make sure his mashgichim are doing their job to keep the fish separated so that there shouldn't be any such worry? At least he's not always thinking in cover up & denial mode which is better than can be said about his major competitors.

  31. If the fish cooked in a CLEAN Fleshig pot it’s not to be eaten with milk or ice cream as this is the topic here.
    The is no issue with cooking fish in a clean meat utensil.
    So we got another trouble maker trying to besmirch another hashgacha.
