Sunday, December 04, 2022

Update: Pride of the farm milk was the preferred milk for בני תורה for the past 15 years

Those that refrained from drinking pride of the Farm milk, must at least make התרת נדרים, with a very good reason why they want a היתר, 
ופושעים יכשלו וכו' אינו מספיק


  1. Reb Yudel ---- help us understand ...Star-K is the best for milk but you bash them for other items on your blog?

    1. Reb Yudel 's kashrus is not political! If and when a Star K product is done right, it's acceptable. Sadly, there are very few. Pride of the Farm owners work to have a mehadrin milk company .

  2. End of the day Pride Milk is Star K and Yudel says Star K is a scam. I wonder if there’s other money going in a different direction

  3. The misguided=אנשי רשע will never admit that they were wrong from day one.

  4. Clarification: Star-K has been a kashrus Scam from day one; despite the Star-K, the pride of the milk and Kreider milk was acceptable for Bnei-Torah for the past 12 years +-.

  5. Why should we believe when you say it’s a star k scam but their milk is good

  6. Which Bnei Torah preferred it. They used to keep all the cows that had the questionable surgery done to them.

  7. Do any of you know the facts (not theories) about the other farms regarding the procedured cows? NO!

    Several years ago, J&J wanted to take the cream from Kreider/Pride of the Farm, and they were very dissatisfied with the non-removal of the procedured cows.

    Therefore, Pride of the Farm started a removal system verified by others and is supposed to be monitored by the on-site Mashgiach at the farm.

    1. according to you the star k was using those cows and only stopped because J&J didn’t like it

  8. That is correct, ST-K did not have them removed till J&J......

  9. Aye OU Mashgiach in Queens, what happened that "Machmirim" brand dairy products went kaput?

    Did you tayneh aniyei ircha koidem to make sure none of the free shnorred gelt was transferred from the rich dudes in eastern Queens to your benefactor's mishpooche instead of to you?

  10. what about the new info regarding the Treifos that is=ts not common? is that true on pride of the farm too?

  11. When I was a mesivta bochur in the 1980s, the shmuah in yeshivos was that the Italianishe mafia had a yad in cholov Yisroel milk routes in NYC, so when Pride of the Farm sent a truck from Baltimore, the truck was shot at, and no other delivery attempts were made. Urban legend? Or anything to this?

  12. The Treifos at the USA farms are 5-8%.

  13. The same reasoning for Hatoras Nedorim must be by Positive lettuce also, for all of the reasoning.

  14. Sun Dec 04, 09:24:00 PM 2022

    I, the OU mashgiach, tried VERY hard to divert the Moola to myself and my gantzeh mishpoocheh.I was NOT successful. The excuse was exactly your tayneh: aniyei ircha koidem - They just added Aniyei b'daas ircha koidem. They taynehd Free Fress Aniyei b'daas ircha koidem. So some of the money went to bloomies. Some the Rebbisheh Koilel in order to have enough fress when the Free Fresser hit east.
    I suggested that some of the money go to the Yesoimim families but no one knew anything about it.
    If the Pope would of have his loshon horah, Rechilus and moitzee shem Rah headquarters here on the east coast he would of had a shot on a piece of the pie.

  15. OU mashgiach, you still haven't explained why Machmirim Dairy went belly up. Was it blacklisted from Queens Vaad accounts because not enough baksheesh to Chaimel Schwartz? Surely you & the Rebbelah could've worked out some backroom deal. Or was the stuff really just getting relabeled from Ahava Dairy? This site is about The Rest of The Story, so heyos you are such a prolific commenter here, 'fess up already. That rhymes with fress up which is not exactly a coincidence.

  16. Too much free milk for free fressers for a small trying to be honest company.
    Trying to be honest only let them attempt to do business with boomin no hashgacha Bloomies but with all the free fressing going on there by only one professional fresser…who would never ever fess up…

  17. The Machmirim guy was all worked up & vehemently denying it when Lubinsky's Kosher Today & Matzav reported he was an extension of Ahava. A blogger claiming to be a kashrus insider was laughing over the angry fit, saying that Machmirim was repackaging from Toobro which was the company that bought out the Ahava assets, so yes Machmirim is technically telling the truth that he has no shaychus to Ahava that no longer exists. Another blogger claiming to be a kashrus mashgiach said Machmirim was using the facility of Norman's in NJ. Other bloggers predicted Machmirim would go broke because they were paying 4 shgoochos and they were a one trick pony of undercutting everyone else on retail price in an industry without much profit to begin with.

  18. The entity Yyo Enterprise, owned by Yanky Ostreicher, is the holding company for Machmirim Dairy uluv hashulem, and lehavdil bein Machmirim lechaim, New Square's Madanim supermarket, and Coastal Gourmet. Coastal is a seafood company which only has OU - not any heimishe shgooches. But get ready for this. Not only he's farkoifing anisakis infested wormy sechoireh

    But some selections he didn't even bother to put OU on it either

  19. אלה תולדות מחמירים
    ויצא מחמירים
    וישלח מחמירים
    וישב מחמירים

  20. In the toldos of Eisav there are mamzerim.

    The Yoyo mishpooche (pun intended) have another hustle, a kind of like mamzer gesheft, with OU cholov akum David's Cookies that they are feeding to Modern Orthodox & Modern Charedi Fressers.

    David's Cookies was founded by David Liederman

    Einikel of this Yid, Mendel Liederman

    David was the first American to work as a cook at Troisgros, a treifenner Michelin 3 star restaurant in France.

    This is beyond chazir with frog legs on the menu.

    In the mid-1990s Liederman opened treifenner theme restaurant Television City in Rockefeller Center. The restaurant had a television motif & celebrity backing. Late 1990s he opened Chez Louis, an homage to treifenner Chez l'Ami Louis in Paris.

    He opened his first David's Cookies store in Manhattan on 2nd Ave & 54th St next to Chez Louis.

    Liederman built David's Cookies into a $35 million-a-year retailer within 6 years. As of 2015 David's cookies had grown to $100 million-a-year.

    That's a sach cholov akum that the Ostreichers are feeding the Fressers!

  21. Tue Dec 06, 10:10:00 AM 2022

    We never would post stuff like that even with Briskeh LH Passes.
    But now that CCRC DID post it with non brisk LH pass Its a pretty good picture fin Zahn Mishpoocheh.

  22. In shmoozen we are told toldos of Eisav there are mamzerim - lav davka Eisav. Kol zman you owe a big favor to the mishpocho, mamzerim come preapproved.

  23. I didn't post it but I have to say the mystery researcher really did his homework. I see that at the same address in Skver are both Ostreichers along with a Spitzer.

    Mashgiach, is it really azoy geferlich? This is a new twist on picking & choosing poskim! Either they'll admit there is no posek who was mattir, or they will make up some malarkey that the alter Viener Dayan was "mattir", just like he was supposedly mattir your kisvei galochim! At the end of the day, all this akum filth is just peachy keen for you & your chevra!

  24. What’s with the new ‘smart milk’ bingo carrys with ekstein

  25. Who uses Ekstein anymore for any kashrus related issue?
    He's a big Talmud Chuchom, but kashrus, he's a good talker, but that where it ends.
    It's almost like Tartikuv's Reb Shmiel Teitelbaum.

  26. Shtrengste Shgoocha?Wed Dec 14, 12:43:00 PM 2022

    Is Belz still sold on Eckstein? You should hear some of these Belzers talk their mind how the Ingrisher shgoochos are no good. And doesn't OK use Eckstein as their backup heter manufacturer, or "posek"?
