Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Bais Din Siruv issued- Whoever can be instrumental in getting compliance with Bais Din's Hazmonahs, please do so



  1. Chaya Deutsch from Jenna Ct? Or the one from Autumn Rd?

  2. https://www.kupat.org/Project/782/?source=TAM7

    They nebich have no mishpocho

  3. The one place in Monsey who are achzorim despite having plenty of empty rooms


    When Jews left Judaism & Orthodoxy in droves in the 1800s & early 1900s, the great sages took strong action, from the Chafetz Chaim to several Rebbes. Sarah Schnirer to the Alter of Novardhok & R’ Meir Shapiro, addressed the problems, did their best to implement remedies & fought heroically to fill the historic role Jewish leaders took throughout the generations to preserve Yiddishkeit through countless challenges we've faced.

    They weren't labeled anti-Charedi for not towing party line or saying everything's perfect; they acknowledged the problems & addressed them.

    This being said, it's important we acknowledge the new reality of our generation, that the Baal Teshuva movement as we knew it, is dead. It's no longer here. This isn't something that has to do with outreach. Is there an easy metric to show how much of a decline the movement's been through? Taking a quick look at the historical BT yeshivas might help. Many Yeshivas & seminaries that used to serve many young Jews who wanted to join our communities, are now filled with students who grew up in the most frum communities. Sometimes it's because the Yeshiva/Seminary could no longer fill its seats with Baalei Teshuva who no longer knocking on their doors so they opened a program for graduates of frum schools, and other times a need came up in the community because there was no longer room for those students in our “conventional” Yeshivas. Students who used to fit in just fine to Torah Vedaas or Chaim Berlin now might have to go find themselves a less conventional Yeshiva. If that does not tell you something about how our community has changed, I do not know what will. In the wake of Chabad’s recent Kinus Hashluchim, some contrasted the photos of the 2022 Kinus with more than 6000 shluchim around the world vs one of the first Kinus Hashluchim with just 60 Shluchim gathered in Crown Heights. Seems like an amazing success. Yet in a recent article in Jewish Action, the figure for the total of baalei Teshuva in our community is about 2000 a year between all Kiruv movements combined. If we have 6000-10,000 people working in Kiruv for 2000 coming in a year, and the possibility of 2000+ leaving every year, one might say the 65 Shluchim of the Rebbe were getting better results in the 1980s. Lehavdil Elf Elfei Havdalos, an article a few years ago covering Mormon missionaries who also seek to convert others to their denomination, found the number of converts per missionary is 3.4. It doesn't seem like we're at a tenth of their impact. We cannot ignore such a huge change.

    While the article in Jewish Action sought reasons for the declining numbers, few of those reasons address the ways our own community has changed. Symbolic of that oversight was blaming mental health on college campuses for fewer joining us. If I had to address young Jews on college campuses hesitant to join us, I'd more likely say: “it’s not you; it’s me. Aval Ashemim Anachnu”.

  4. YSV the Root of All EvilMon Jan 02, 03:39:00 PM 2023

    part 2

    So what should we make of the lack of those wanting to join our community & those who are leaving?

    It's very simple.

    The frum community owes its current growth to high birthrates, not to how appealing, pleasant, or meaningful our community is. Not only are few choosing to join us despite the resources we invest in that, but many are leaving. Yet the worst part of it is we don't care.

    We've chosen as a society to give up on 10-20% of our children for the sake of standards of living, an unexplainable system of meaningless elitism, and making sure our child does better than our neighbor’s child.

    While some communities should be applauded for making sure Jewish education is affordable for all, most communities have failed to do so. To understand this from a historical perspective: American Jewry, the wealthiest community in Jewish history, has failed in what every Jewish community in history saw as the most fundamental need – Jewish education for all. What Jews in Yemen, Lithuania, Tunisia, Galicia, France & Persia, were able to do under the most dire circumstances, we're not able to do, we're not able to secure, even while we possess the means to easily do so. At the same time, we spend lavishly, even promiscuously on causes we don't have to. Our institutions worked for some while failing others.

    I recently spoke to a prominent menahel of a well-known, widely respected school & asked him if it's true that many parents have a hard time getting their child even into the first grade. He told me he recently needed to intervene to use his prestige & connections to get his grandson into 1st grade in Lakewood. The rising bar of meaningless exclusivity increasingly dominates our community. Those at the top of this pyramid are ok with a system that benefits them, even if it heartlessly cuts out others, and too many people find themselves on the outside for no good reason.

    This brings me to where Kiruv is today & why this is about so much more than Kiruv. The reason for low numbers joining our community is the same tragic reason some leave our community: we simply don’t care. Orthodoxy’s birthrates are high, our institutions are full, no one would like to upset the status quo, and our mosdos are all in a position to reject large numbers of people without anyone losing their job. Who wants someone else to join our community when parents struggle to simply get their child into summer camp? True, we culturally applaud this celebrity or that celebrity becoming frum, but that's just to raise the already high status of the top of the social pyramid in our community.

    Those doing Kiruv out there do amazing work. Sadly, too often, there's nowhere to bring people to. All doors are closed, and the beautiful fruits of being frum are too high to reach. Does this mean those in outreach are doing something wrong? No, it means we as a community need to do much better. If we continue to foster an environment in which self-congratulation is all that's permitted & do not reflect or self-improve, we sin to who we are as a people & are complicit in all those who leave because we could simply not be bothered to make space for them.

    1. A good article.
      Although the one who posted it is a piece of trash Charedi basher. A Democrat. Pervert defender. BLM marcher.
      And former younger roommate of mine.

    2. Chareidie basher- pervert defender - BLM marcher - all acceptable insults. But to call him a Democrat??!!??

    3. Any Democrat nowadays, below the age of 60, or local government employee,pretty much has a deserved suspect value system

  5. There is no question the siruv will be honored as she will absolutely NOT be given an aliyah.

  6. Open a YSV branch in Lakewood and teach all the other yeshivas howto really run a school.
    Talk is cheap especially here.
    Some action - without talk - is what needed specifically from some who claims to know all the ins and outs of all Yeshivas.
    Bottom line: Start one yourself and let all others know the true - boduk oomeniseh - approach.
    B”H for 2023you must of accepted upon yourself some frimmeh resolutions.
    Keep it up.

  7. She could get an aliyah at the Bais Medrash of Arlington, as the Rav has a siruv on him, and Khal Sterling Forest shul, as their Rav has a Siruv on him.

  8. Can anyone share verified details?

  9. Apparently, even the watered down JSOR kashrus standards are too much for the non-bnei Torah among the SYs, so they caved in to allow this nonsense:


    HomeKosher is a Kashrut recommendation for boutique and blossoming vendors, who are vetted and adhere to an up to standard protocol. This is a project led by Rabbis of the JSOR, however not a bona fide certification.

    (JSOR is plenty worried about how bad this looks so they have recently stopped giving out HomeKosher teudos)

  10. https://youtu.be/BFa-85cc8cA

  11. Very interesting he speaks about the trangression of going to the Secular courts, one must only go to Bais Din. Yet there was recently issued a Siruv on Rabbi D. Kahan for refusing to submit to a Bais-Din.

    1. Please post the siryuv issued against Rabbi Kahan

  12. There's a Kamenetsky mechuton who tells people you don't have to go to beis din because batei din charge money when they are supposed to be for free.

  13. HomeKosher sounds no different than non-Mehadrin Rabbanut in Israel that still gives their seal if let's say there are a dozen criteria for kashrut but only a half dozen are fulfilled.

  14. Why is Kamenetsky's name posted here when you yourself say that its his mechuten??? He has nothing to do with this statement - at least the way your posting it.

    FYI: Today is Asareh B'taives. See the Rambam and other Halacha seforim what one should do on a taanis Zibbur. Maybe this comment could of waited for tomorrow. (Then you would of maybe practiced what you'll see in Rambam and Halacha Seforim today and the comment never would of been posted).
    Just a shot in the ... Light We Hope.

  15. "its his mechuten"

    Upgelernt fun der Philly rosh yeshiva mechuten who supports the zoynah mesareves making mamzerim after she feifed on the beis din. Philly was already heavily involved while she was feifing on the beis din so the old RY mit Sholom bnoi are also people who make mockery of dayanim and raise their grubbeh hands against Toras Moshe.

    But your attempt to cover up for Philly is noted, Philly boy.

  16. Philly boy lav davka.

    We all know WHO comes on to the blog to defend any & every corrupt shvantz, especially when R' Yudel agrees that a given corrupt figure is takkeh corrupt.

    Hey OU mashgiach, you should get introduced to Rav Weisshaus who was with the Ziditchover Rebbe's hashgocho Ichud Harabbonim when it existed. He had previously worked at the OU & does not have a very opinion of them after what he saw being covered up. But please, when he states the facts, don't punch him or insult him, or anything like that.

  17. Roshei taivos Jersey Shore Orthodox Revisionists?

    What do expect when the Lefty Modern Ortho Ashkenazi rabbis in the area are made partners in the hashgocho?

    Yes, the shuls with a woman "posek" on staff. And not just the Feminism garbage. These Moderner rabbis come with the whole package, pro-toyevah, etc

    1. we lack the integrity or courage of our rabbinic leadership to ordain a new denominational divide between us and them.
      they need to be driven out
      A new 1956 Chasm is due and overdue

  18. Tue Jan 03, 08:59:00 PM 2023

    Yes. Your highness.


    OU Mashgiach.

  19. That would be a tchikaveh zach,


    the OU mashgiach in Queens getting a dressing down from a heimishe shgooche after he's gone through the years lumping the heimishe shgooches together to hypocritically prattle unflattering things about them!

  20. Nothing tchikaveh about being CooCooRiCoo or Kuckoo Gardens. Unless you didnt do you minimum
    trice fress yet

  21. Shpolter roll of tapeThu Jan 05, 09:09:00 AM 2023

    "getting a dressing down from a heimishe shgooche"

    As much as the OU mashgiach would find that hard to stomach, it would give the shivers to his associate Chaim Schwartz at Queens Vaad. I hope the poor guy Schwartz doesn't read this & have nightmares that a heimishe rav hamachshir is chasing him with a roll of tape grabbed from a commercial kitchen. Vehameiyvin yuvin!

  22. CooCooRiCoo worried about something other then his fress ??!!??
    The above is a fraud.
    Rolls of tape is available from any shgoochie (You name it someone will get it pretty quickly)at any time. Nothing new here.

  23. Denial is a river than runs through Queens.

    The OU mashgiach is lechol hapachos correct to blurt "nothing new here" because many people already knew that Chaim Schwartz had a beef against a heimishe hashgocho for shnorring the Queens Vaad's tape at a catered event. It was his way of griping that anyone dared not trust the Queens Vaad by bringing in a better hashgocho to be on top of them. And Schwartz certainly has what to hide which is why (whenever possible at least) he talks big that he enforces the Queens Vaad's ridiculous rule of only 100% trust in Queens Vaad is tolerated.


    "Mighty Mouse" Schwartz gets even more uptight & obstructionist when the hired heimishe hashgocho appropriately deems it necessary to kasher the kitchen. It's very transparent & telling that Schwartz fights that they should not be allowed to kasher. If Schwartz was truly the kashrus standard he claims to be - "mehadrin" as per his own boasting into the AKO speaker's microphone - then he wouldn't have such a sad complex about a real hashgocho kashering after him. He wouldn't even care.

  24. Yeah, "shocked". As if many of the retailers aren't in large part responsible for the price gouging themselves.


    There is a growing concern amongst retailers that continued inflation will put a damper on the upcoming Passover season. The retailers are mainly concerned that key items like eggs, flour, potatoes, and poultry will be at record levels, surpassing last year’s shocking increases. They seem to be less concerned with supply chain issues saying that many of the SKUs may already be in stock. One retailer said: “We keep getting shocked by an endless spade of increases which we are mightily trying not to pass along to consumers.” He was also concerned about the possibility of spot shortages of many goods and wondered how high the price of Shmurah Matzah might be this holiday.

  25. Does the woman work? If yes, pressure should be put on her employer (assuming he/she is a frum yid) compelling he/she to tell her that the business will not tolerate a mchallel shem shmayim bfarhsia

  26. Fri Jan 06, 05:40:00 AM 2023

    AND THEN get sued in Secular court.

  27. Thu Jan 05, 08:05:00 PM 2023

    If the haimish guys knew what to do in a kitrchen would be one thing. But they don't. And you know that better then anyone - if you were honest for once. But the haimish guys charge ah shaineh matbai'ah so they say we have to "kasher" fin kup biz fees to justify the oiveh lasoicheh gelt. Nu So shvartz lets the poor haimish machsir make ah parnooseh. And of all people - if you can be titled as that - fall for it..

    Nu. Nu.

    You spilt the beans not me.

  28. Thu Jan 05, 09:15:00 PM 2023

    No problem.

    Since only the heimish Chazirim are gouging just buy everything non-heimish chazirim producta and you'll save lots and lots and even more money. We will teach these Chazirim about gouging.

    Wow. What a great idea - Chelemeh Idea.

    Get real. There is over 10% inflation aside of all the other market conditions.
    So either buy a bit less luxury items or get another job -if you can find one.
    The bottom line STOP complaining about something that can't and won't be changed.
    If you were a man you would increase your charity to genuine needy people.

  29. Is 10:51 am the same promoter for the supermarkets who came on to defend them the last time this scandal was raised? That's some slimy tactic there to attempt to brainwash the public that the fleecers are somehow also the victims. Do you have any other demands besides that whistelblowers Shut Up & STOP any mention that highlights how GREEDY you guys are? There are halachos & laws you know as to how high you can inflate prices above & beyond actual inflation.


    If YOU were men you would stop ganvening, censoring, intimidating & gaslighting about who needs to give tzedokah.

  30. For smart guy like you who knows everyone who is fleecing and raping the customers, you should open a supermarket and sr YOUR rules for pricing. All of Lakewood would buy by you. You follow all the halachic pricing and of course would be the cheapest supermarket within a hundred miles of Lakewood
    But you’re not man enough to act on your word and here lies the root of this most ridiculous commentor who knows is all.

  31. Ooh-ah! A Lakewood supermarket baal habus 6:57 pm is getting REALLY defensive with an offensive!

    1. The truth hurts mr 8:49
      Your chicken to open across the the street of my fleece gesheft.
      Maybe I’ll sell my place to you and you’ll have plenty of change left to lower the prices and make money on volume.
      As in the guy buying watches for 20 bucks and selling them for 18 and making tons of profit on the volume he sells.
      Hope when you dray you grubeh finger in the Yeshivah you say more practical sevarehs.
      Because as of you last iluyescheh comments your the biggest loser in Yeshivah let alone in Mila de’almeh.

  32. The OU mashgiach is the one who needs to be honest for a change. As he knows, but pretends not to, Chaim Schwartz was also bent out of shape over KAJ kashering a Queens Vaad kitchen. Last time I looked, KAJ is not a Chassidishe shgoocha, and KAJ are pros who know gantz fein how to kasher a kitchen.

    Schwartz of course conveniently makes the Queens Vaad Tinhorn Dictatorship rule of no kashering go away on the quiet when he's getting some kind of bakshish. This does not always mean cash unteren tish. In the KAJ story, there was episs a barter, and you will fall out of your chairs if you know the corrupt details. Someone who who had inside information notified out of Queens rabbonim who were investigating Queens Vaad kashrus lapses so that they know what kind of frauds Schwartz & associates are.

    1. You’re a fool.
      Do your homework on KAJ and tell me they are not a chasidish hashgacha. And as far as kashering…..in ain’t what it used to be….

  33. Not sure if I'm bakant with Chaimel's KAJ fiasco. Sounds zeyer interressant. Vus iz geshein?

    The OU mashgiach in Queens also needs to get called out as being the one who started defending the thieving supermarkets on this thread. Besides that he sticks his snout everywhere it doesn't belong, he views the supermarkets as part of the Sacred Cow Establishment which must be protected no matter what. After all, they do huge volume in OU product and many of them are clients of WEST SIDE KOSHER.

    In his comment above a little over 36 hours ago, attacking a supermarket critic, hut der mashgiach gezugt in flug: "If you were a man you would increase your charity to genuine needy people" (!)

    Can you believe this achzuriyesdik PHONY? This is the same OU mashgiach who tries to find out which nitzruchim that he personally doesn't like are receiving from Kew Gardens Tomchei Shabbos so he can publicly mock them on blogs with hints to their identities. (He won't comment meanwhile on how his Rebbela backer funnels into his pocket much larger amounts of money schnorred from the wealthy 'Mauderna' doctors & lawyers in the Estates that he eagerly chapps aus while he despises & baredds them.) And before Pesach last year an askan commented on Yudelstake about a problem that Monsey supermarkets created for elderly & disabled Yidden that he was trying to solve. The OU mashgiach jumped on the askan with his classic & vicious bullying to disrupt the askan, pester & laugh at him.

    Oh SADISTIC one, is this what you've learned from the stash of kisvei Galochim on your seforim shrank that you claim the Viener Dayan supposedly was "mattir" you to hold on to? Azoy vee shteit in Kinos that bnei Eisav gave Klal Yisroel more tzures than any other people on Earth, with the scribbles of their Tiflus so close tze dein hartz, the above is no wonder.

    1. Sounds like CooCooRiCoo needs some more fress. Bloomies costs also went up as have all other supermarkets (except the imaginary fleece gesheft CCRC keeps referring to).
      So let’s send Bloomies lechol hapachis 101.00 so they can increase and fulfill CCRC’s fress appetite so he can calm down a bit and stop post his chelemeh chochmahs.
      L’maan hakoovid d’CCRC,

      OU Mashgiach

      PS; I arranged with west side to deliver special delicacies for CCRC exclusively.

  34. "does not always mean cash unteren tish"

    But he sure will take it! Mezimmen interen tish is always git!

    What was Schwartz's % for the unmarked trucks coming around to the back doors of Queens gesheften to peddle Rubashkin's South American chazirei?

    A pizza gesheft was also complaining to the oylam that Schwartz was getting a cut for a specific pickle brand that he was strong arming.

    Ayin punim le"Living Wage"!

  35. Rubashkin Truck DriverSun Jan 08, 09:57:00 AM 2023

    Rubashkin's South American chazirei

    Why are you attacking this Schwartz character for doing the politically correct thing to promote Rubashkin? Nu nu, so he sponged off some of the $$$ gravy. The undercover Queens activity is only a tipa shebayam of how much the Yated has $$$ milked from various Rubashkin promotions.

    All Hail the Messiah Sholom Rubashkin. You can now pay homage (& gelt) to the Messiah at his new HQ. He gets around a lot from Postville to Otisville prison (the Catskills snif of Frankel's shul) to Monsey, and now in Jackson, NJ, under auspicies of the Rebbe of Shady Lane (Pinny Lipschutz).

  36. There is a lot of bekius to cover with kickbacks to Chaim Schwartz & others on the Queens Vaad. Just a few examples follow.

    If it wasn't enough that Queens Vaadniks hit the jackpot with millions from the goyish funeral home company to destroy 1000s of old kivrei yesomim to resell plots to Russian chazir fressers & goyim, Schwartz even tried to squeeze a massive sum out of someone farkoyfing matzaivos. The poor guy's hair was standing on end when Schwartz told him the $ amount!

    And why do you think Schwartz was so protective of the coffee bar in New Hyde Park, Queens, under joint hashgocho with the YU koifer Abraham Eckstein who went off the derech to become a Reform rabbi? It's not like Schwartz bestows such goodwill for free. It was fort very creative how Schwartz & Eckstein tried to fool the oylem goylem but having Eckstein mount his teudah written in Hebrew to pretend he's still bichlal Amisecha!

  37. "you dray you grubeh finger" (10:43 am this morning) is one of the trademark lines of the OU mashgiach in Queens, which means he is trying to pass himself off as a Lakewood supermarket owner, in order to argue with someone exposing fleecer supermarkets. Then 3 minutes later he tries to defend himself in another argument by insisting that a Yekkishe hashgocho is Chassidish.

  38. When doing Brisk becomes Sam hamoves (a rarity) it’s a pleasure to watch it grow deadlier and deadlier. And the last few comments is a great sampling of that.

  39. A Flatbush yungerman was meshadech in Queens. He had heard kashrus horror stories what Schwartz was covering up at Queens Vaad so he was nervous about Queens Vaad caterer Mr. JK from Nassau County for the chassunah. Boy did Schwartz get worked up when this yungerman wanted to bring a hashgocho in to be on top of Schwartz & JK. Schwartz tried to deflect the unwanted attention away from himself by bashmutzing the yungerman as just a cheapskate who is manufacturing all the problems durch being karg. Maybe he is karg or maybe he isn't. It's completely irrelevant because the whole basis for the balagan is lousy kashrus and scandals a plenty with maacholim assurim that Schwartz is letting his accounts get away with. It's true that Schwartz is under pressure from his higher ups who whose congregants want it this way, but I am aware of instances where Schwartz runs interference and outright lies to protect these non-kosher interests. And separate from this, the late Rabbi Goldberg of Flatbush Vaad personally told me that when a Queens Vaad account was coming to set up by the campus of Brooklyn College, he was going to keep an extra eye on them because he doesn't trust Queens Vaad.

  40. The end of this story is that this sidduch broke up.
    The Queens side went off the derech ( eating all that tarfus). The flatbush side eventually got married to a chosuveh Goldberg relative and eats now Vaad od Flatbush products exclusively.

  41. Sadistic OU mashgiach in Queens vus halt zich 'chosuv', if the shidduch didn't break up you must be hoping that it chalilah still would. It's like when people criticize corrupt mosdos you're trying to protect and you lash out with your venom that you hope their kids go off the Derech (chalilah).

  42. If the moisad is corrupt why would anyone send their kids there?
    You the one and only promoter of sending kids to corrupt moisros so eventually they don’t have to go OTD they just will join your WC Pope and clip themselves in baichel how they went to the Zaidehs Yeshiva and now are followers of the zaidehs einikel. No need to go OTD. You can do what you want anyway and the Pope will protect you. In the worst case you’ll learn the special nivul peh you can shower on all gedolim - past and present - from the Reverend and his choshuveh Pope.

  43. OU Mashgiach, that's a lot of krumkeit that you are repeating in Queens dort from your kisvei Galochim, the latest installment last night at 10:52 pm. Has it ever dawned on you that your constant ploppering about Popes is directed at the wrong crowd. This is Yudelstake website. You should lehavdil be preaching on Vatican Tiflus-take.

  44. This is Yudelstake website. You should lehavdil be preaching on Vatican Tiflus-take.

    The west coast Pope got you and this crowd pretty fooled especially with his holy yichus.

    One thing is for sure - this site and the pope's site quote each other. Talking about having kesovim collected, how about quoted ???

    Can anyone still get a message to the late Pope emeritus to save a mizrach vant seat for our WS Pope. You know next to the 'tanur' rishon.

  45. Nisht ken Galachter in QveensMon Jan 09, 03:57:00 PM 2023

    Aye OU mashgiach, with all your disgraceful behavior, you of all people should not be laughing, wishing that your West Coast enemy should go to the tanur. Be careful what you laugh about.

  46. It’s a lot better and cleaner than the Popes non joke nivul peh against gedolim and even the Baalay tosfos.
    Let’s the the pope a pope. And leave it at that. It can get worse….

  47. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Mon Jan 09, 09:19:00 PM 2023

    Liar, he did not say a bad word against any baalei Tosafos, except for maybe Avner who became a meshumod. Who are you to talk anyway, Mr. OU mashgiach in Queens who wanted to hang on to your kisvei Galochim? (even when your father said to toss them)

  48. Mon Jan 09, 09:19:00 PM 2023

    When the "liar" has issues he looks in the mirror and starts klopping on his computer.

    The nivul peh is a fact and it is available as to when and what the Pope used it for.
    Its no secret he cursed and said worse on current and past gedolim.

  49. Here is one sample of the WC Pope's quotes:

    You would NEVER believe that a so called Jew wrote something like this.

    If you have the guts to post it:

    "Don't give me the yeshivish b.s. on tosfos, o.k.? The Talmud is rife with passages denigrating women. Cut the crap.” “The gemora has viewed women as "inferior", not just different…..we may "dung zich" with a gemora, rashi or tosefos"

  50. bemokom sheain ish yishtadel lihiyos UOJWed Jan 11, 01:08:00 AM 2023

    OU mashgiach with too much time on his hands in Kew Gardens, are you happy now that you surfed up the website of Margulies shlock shamoshim who were paid to attack UOJ so that Margo could keep giving safe haven for Kolko to molest 6 year old boys in the Torah Temimah basement boiler room?

    UOJ used to speak like a wild man back then in 2005, being mechaven lshaim Shomayim to scare Margo & the Agudah Fressers into behaving. While UOJ has said a few unacceptable things over the years, you do not present the full context with that Tosfos excerpt. UOJ is criticizing a reader comment. The reader wanted to be medayek from Tosfos Chulin that women are cut out to learn Gemara, which is a ridiculous assumption by any daas Torah standard, and the reader was using yeshivish style lomdus to build up his argument. While most people would have used more civil language to tell the reader to knock it off, UOJ is referring to the Chazal of nashim daatan kalos when writing that the Gemara views women as "inferior".

    When UOJ spoke of dinging, he was referring to a statement made by a frequent commenter, Mr. Gross, a former Flatbush resident. Gross was engaging in a Slifkinism of embracing Rishonim that we don't hold like. Many rabbonim who were buttonholed by (another shvantz with too much time on his hands) the crook Leib Pinter to attack Slifkin as an apikoress for siding with those Rishonim, were being rather simplistic according to bigger gedolim who told Pinter to take a hike. The way Dayan Sternbuch puts it is that the so called Rationalists have views like those Rishonim that today are takka kefira but it still does not make them themselves into apikorsim for having the Rationalist views.

    Talk about peas in a pod! The OU mashgiach's fetter Georgie was also convicted of crimes and had helped Pinter construct the infamous treif sandwiches passed off to Yidden as "kosher" while they defrauded the government & taxpayers.

    Kleineh Velt, you lowlives!

    Aye mashgiach, if there was ever someone who is the wrong guy for the job of finding faults with others - it's you!

  51. …UOJ used to speak like a wild man back then in 2005, being mechaven lshaim Shomayim to scare Margo & the Agudah Fressers into behaving. While UOJ has said a few unacceptable things over the years,….
    I mean where did this guy come from?
    Is this what they taught them in Brisk? To protect outright Apikoorsous because he’s a wild man ?
    Maybe the yesoimim thing - if it ever occurred - was also one of “ a few unacceptable things over the years” which is OK.
    Maybe “my cousin” or is it “my uncle” also is allowed to do some “unacceptable things over the years” ??
    Why only nivul peh against all of our gedolim of today, yesteryear, up to the Gemara itself ? I guess shopping for raisins in restaurants is also one of those “unacceptable” things that are OK.
    Talking about shamayim. According to the Pope’s shamayim you may as well covert openly ( we will defend you as one of those unacceptable….).
    Finally the real you emerged. The real fraud. The real maysis umadeeach, the real Baal Loshon Horah, Moitzee Shem Rah and rechilus professional.
    Let stop here. There is much much more of these unacceptable Pope quote out there. Much.

  52. Mashgiach, vos drait men a kop? Aless vos dee redst shtinkt fun sheker.

    The caveat that UOJ made a few unacceptable statements is just that. The oylam of his defenders (which ain hochi nami includes many Briskers), are not excusing the problematic statements but recognize that he fort brought a yeshuah by shining light on Kolko-Margo & many other monsters, which resulted in saving literally toizent fun victimized kinderlach. The Rov zt"l was makkir that even in people who are ruboi ra that episs a purta of toiv is possible to come from them, so avaddeh ainer vos iz ruboi toiv we will not disregard all that toiv he has done. This is perfectly reasonable and a Brooklyn rosh yeshiva has been saying the same thing. Too bad if you have a problem with it. You probably haven't said Ani Maamin since you were a preschool yingel so it;s about time you revisit it - unless you are koifer that people are judged separately for good & bad. You being a koifer would come as no surprise as you have a one track mind to protect molesters & ganovim and bashmutz those exposing them, heyos your own family is rife with molesters & ganovim.

    You keep harrumphing about Popes and you are getting digs about galochishe texts (that your parents bought at an antiques store). I asked around and Ich hob aidus that you said befarhesyeh at Rav Teitelbaum's / Rav Wolpin's shul that even though your father had charotteh, you were mutching to hang on to the chiburei Yoshke worshippers, going so far as to (absolutely not credibly) claim that a dayan agrees with you! Ain lecha "real maysis umadeeach" gedoilah mizu!

    Azus maytzach: brazenness - acting without shame. The Chida says it's in viduy because it leads to many other maysei rishus. Try to internalize this, Mr. mashgiach

  53. Wed Jan 11, 09:35:00 AM 2023

    Two points:

    1. The Galachisheh kesovim are from the West Coast Pope Himself. Since 1/11/23 9:35 AM Brisk allows such papers.
    2. There is nothing to add to the !/11/23 9:35 comment. It Speaks VERY loudly for itself.

    PS Trying to get in touch with the Vatican for a aitza to reserve that special Makom for the WS Pope and his main Reverend CCRC, for all the good they have done for society.

  54. Denial is a river that runs through Queens.

    100s of people are witnesses at K'Hal Adas Yereim on "Mertropolitan" in Kew Gardens. Zay zeinen geven dort, they heard, they saw the OU mashgiach defending the writings of the Medieval Priest sitting at Bais R as a prized possession.

    The OU mashgiach is falsely blaming others to create a smokescreen that he is real baal davar and the only one with shaychus to the Vatican, hard copy shaychus!

    What's next for the OU mashgiach? That the Viener Dayan was "mattir" for him to prav Xmas Mass?

  55. And I thought that Prince Harry buried himself with that absurd book he released yesterday.


    Are you serious that the OU mashgiach announced at R' Teitelbaum's that he has an affinity for for the chevra that meshumod Torquemada was chanfening?????

  56. Wed Jan 11, 12:21:00 PM 2023

    Once again concocting shayneh maysalach.

    The nivyl peh which this reverend claims is and was oked by Ther briskeh mishpochah, the Yerushalmi Rabbonim, who he had plenty nivul peh sputtered at, including Reb Elyayashev Zatzala , the American Rabbonim and probably had some "kind" words for Rabbi Teitelbaum as well.

    So let him plopple, fress, and surf the treifeneh internet and tell us frum queens people what to do. He is pretty good at it.
    Coffee, yesoimim. molesters, Christianity - he is the pro. Everything else is maysalach. Tall stories B'laaz.

    Wait around for some more of his ploppeleray. but you must inquire wasit pre fress or post fress. If your not sure just uber him a gezunteh fress.

  57. Keep it up mashgiach! There are readers from KG who see what lengths you will LIE.

    You zicher can't get away with denying about the pirush of the alter Galach on "Old Testament" because there is kimat not a neshumala in KG who didn't hear you say it.

  58. What does Long Island expressway have to do with the popes writings?

  59. LIE = Sheker doiver


    Sheker is something the mashgiach is more mired in than commuters in traffic jams on the Long Island Expressway in Queens.

  60. https://dreamdoctors.org.il/nyu-students-visit-dream-doctors-in-nazareth/

    No wonder why the OU mashgiach in Queens loves to talk about Kookoorikoo! It's his favorite politically correct entertainer

  61. Hi.
    I'm the infamous OU mashgiach.
    According to CCRC, UBER FRESSER, reverend to WC Pope, I Know LIE better then anyone else.
    Not sure if I shall be thankful to CCRC for this UBER Compliment. TBA.
    I agree I know about LIE betterthen anyone else. Therfore I know how much LIE goes into CCRC's comments just to make all think that he really knows voos titzech oifen velt. He knows only FRESS and Bloomies - his fress source.
    He only fresses (publicly) non KCL and non Queens Vaad stuff. We cant say that he fresses anything with hashgacha because he insists on no hashgacha stuff.

    Git Shabbos. See you all a Wolpins - formally Teitelbaum's.

  62. Well, the OU mashgiach was moydeh to pirushim on "Old Testament". The shayla iz doch what he's not 'fessing (and fressing) up to on the so called "New Testament".


    This is all very exciting! Chaim Dovid Zweibel will have to follow up about this with the mashgiach's brother in Far Rockaway!

  63. The New Testament consists of a nivul peh contest as per the WC Pope.
    The Old Testament consists of nice coffee stories, a yesoimim Plots (pun intended), access to used Russian gold teeth Maybe a “godfather conspiracyand of course detailed history of all molester and potential molesters. The relatives and the relatives relative ad sof kol haRelatives.
    Some sections discuss mamzars and the creating Mamzarim and ways how pre set up a mamzat scenario.
    Sounds pretty west coasty.
    These testament have “kesovim” - some call them “stenslach” - which enlighten you with the sharfsteh nivul peh and special “wild man” Chumrahs.
    This version has sponsors from sandwich feeders provided you name is punter or pundrik. If you make your money on Metro drive and feed the right pundrik on a trice daily basis you get extra protection from the WC cheering club goons.
    In order to sound legit you also must be a member of the “tightpin” organization
    And donate nice Loshon Horah etc at the weekly “MiShehparah” collections.
    Waffles and wine help make you even more legit.

  64. Whoever knows the real scoop about the mashgiach, knows that his smorgasbord of shtussim posted last night at 8:13 pm, is the height of hypocrisy & posel bemumo.

  65. Aye. That’s the best you can come up with ??
    The Pope needs to teach you some better shtoos replying tech-niches.
    Hope to get better stuff in the next reply. A extra fress will help
