Friday, January 06, 2023

Is the Yellow traffic light too short? Time it- get a "dual-lens dash-cam" NOW-State police in Lakewood today!



  1. Yellow lights should be SHORTENED in Lakewood as they are in NY.
    Longer yellow lights cause Lakewood drivers to SPEED UP in attempt to "make the light".

    Of course you also need red light enforcement....

  2. Cameras will solve all these issues and bring clean money into the coffers. Red light and speed cameras.
    It will also cut down on accidents.

  3. Ridiculous, cameras cause more accidents then saving people.

  4. Mon Jan 09, 09:21:00 PM 2023

    In the beginning maybe - you want to "beat" the light.
    But when you have to pay then you think twice and slow down and stopat light Before it tunrs red.

  5. This is the silliest post.
    Lengthening red lights is far more dangerous.
    When you're going 45mph in NJ and see a red 200 ft ahead there's still time to make it if you step on the gas.
    Shortening the red lights will make force that driver to STOP because the other vehicles will already be moving.

    Think this through. To date, with all the dash cams sold by csr radio, they have not been effective in reducing the number of accidents.

  6. What about buses they drive down blocks with yellow and out of nowhere they turn red - we have companies installing cameras on their buses.. buses should have some kind of rule where they stop turn on the yellow for a few seconds and then they can open the door. How are drivers supposed to know when it's turning red? And if they decide to stop at every block they need to pull over and let the traffic behind them pass..

  7. Wed Jan 18, 07:17:00 PM 2023

    Those are not buses those a 'yellow taxis'. They get tipped well to stop at each and every house to pick up their Zadikim instead of CHAS VESHALOM walking them to a bus stop.

  8. The OU mashgiach in Queens made that "taxi" comment, and he's upset about it. Was the mashgiach the parent who ratted out the goyishe bus drivers the year that there was a big scandal with some Bais Yaakov Queens bus routes with the most slight accomodations for tippers? If it was the mashgiach, he might think he can sit there all smug that he put the kibosh on it, but he was goirem the hefsid that the parents didn't get their money back. The drivers wouldn't stop anymore after a driver being followed by an undercover DOE investigator was fired & in legal hot water nuch dem for making an unofficial stop or two that wasn't even out of the way. Zeh loi chusser vezeh loi neheneh, but just because, because someone is full of kinah.

    Remember that the mashgiach has also tried to shut up Yudelstake commenters voicing real taynos, the mashgiach arguing that it's none of their business. Meanwhile, he's got a non-stop supply of hot air & malice in absolutely any topic tachas hashemesh. This must have been one of the kavonnos of the Chuchem mikol Adam, "hakol hevel", because one day there will be an OU mashgiach in Queens who inserts himself into every discussion he can be toifess to inject his sour grapes nonsense.

  9. Seems like one of those Titelpin guys who think that for ah nice ‘greasing’ you can break the law AND make others lose jobs. Applying zeh nehneh… to create a major chillul HaShem for himself and on other peoples account.
    That just fits in with guys like free fresser and company.
    This is just a minor sample of how some Titelpiners live and think.
    V’hee rachim yechapef oovin….

  10. Its Khal Adas Yereim to youFri Jan 20, 01:45:00 PM 2023

    Excuse me! No one made anyone lose their job except for jealous rats like you who ratted out the driver. The rule of no other stopping is a government overreach and it is a sakonah in multiple ways to have only one area stop b'oifan that the government says to make it.

    You were already on the bridge to nowhere it seems, Herr mashgiach. There are so many you don't get along with, by your own doing. And now you are burning one of your last bridges by bashmutzing everyone in our shul as well? Someone who was on this blog years back tells me how you were coming on to bash old Joey Arnold many times a day, announce out loud which items he was eating from Tomchei, and a whole host of other ways how to make bizyonos from him, when he only had sichsuchim with the Queens Vaad, he never criticized you. It's kind of weird that you said he was "burning all his bridges" when that's exactly where you are headed.

    1. Govt overreach
      Halacha overreach
      Rabbonim overreach
      Poskim overreach
      Fressing overreach
      Now zoifing overreach
      No hashgachas overreach
      Pope overreach
      Coffee overreach
      Cardinal overreach
      Loshon. Horah, rechilus, Moitzee Shem Rah overrreach
      Overreach overreach
      One shtik overreach.

  11. It's about time the Metropolitan yungerleit of Rav Wolpinbaum's / Teitelpin's spoke up against the OU mashgiach who uses the place when it suits him yet has zero respect for anyone.

    You go Khal AY guys!

    Pathetic how when the mashgiach was bashing Joey every day he tisked that "the whole Kew Gardens knows it's him on the blog". Little did the arrogant OU mashgiach know that his own cover would be blown one day.

    1. Blown …. Call hatzalah I can’t breathe… yoy. Need a kosher fress or zoif … hurry.

  12. The mashgiach's still busy over there on 116th St being boineh a hoif of lunacy.

    BH the normal readers are not sinking to his level with silly lists of shtussim & hoilelus.
