Sunday, January 08, 2023

Vaccinated people now make majority of COVID deaths in US: Re: Covid Suicide vaccines

For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, a majority of Americans dying from Covid were at least partially vaccinated, according to the new analysis of federal and state data.


  1. Please don't drink the Philly Kool Aid. It's not that the vaccine is dangerous. The vaccine WAS helpful until covid mutated into the Omicron strains which are very evasive & get around the vaccine.

  2. All the non vaxxers already were nifter thus only vaxxers are niftar now

  3. That's because vaccinated people make up the vast majority of the population. The death rate for vaccinated people is still lower than that for unvaxxed, but not by much.

  4. Yudel, were YOU vaccinated?

  5. Yudel was not Jabbed or booster for covid 19; it's a suicide jab.

  6. I doubt that Yudel is vaxxed. I would suggest he uses a thrip cloth to protect him from germs.

  7. National Association for the Advancement of InsectsMon Jan 09, 03:59:00 PM 2023

    Thrips have a in front of their mouth what's called a mandible, which is like a miniature harpoon, that can give mini jabs.

  8. Aphids have the mandible, not thrips-at this time


  10. Shain fargessen that the Agudah sometimes does things that are tachlisdik


    Avi Kahn in New City attends the kumzitzen that Agudah arranges with politicians so that he can chanfeh Feminist Judges & Prosecutors with an eye to a 'fruitful' shutfus.

    Check him out in the pictures

  12. Yesterday's 5:07 pm comment is not accurate.

    The right mandible in thrips is of reduced size. (It is absent in some subspecies). But the left mandible is used to destroy or rupture plant cells, leaving visible, distinctive scarring.


    Childers, C.C.; Achor, D.S. (1989). "Structure of the mouthparts of Frankliniella bispinosa (Morgan) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)."

    In Parker, B.L.; Skinner, M.; Lewis, T. (eds.). Towards Understanding Thysanoptera.

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Thrips. Radnor, PA: USDA Technical Report NE-147.

    Chisholm, I. F.; Lewis, T. (2009). "A new look at thrips (Thysanoptera) mouthparts, their action and effects of feeding on plant tissue". Bulletin of Entomological Research. 74 (4): 663–675.

  13. Mon Jan 09, 09:21:00 PM 2023

    According to CCRC this is the greatest thing done. The fressers can fress now more during the light hours.
    Of course. CCRC sees everything in fress terms.

  14. Belsky's shake down entity that he called a "beis din" under various titles is still being run by his thuggish sidekick Avi Kirch. Mechutzef Kirch sometimes calls the entity "Beis Din of Torah Vodaas".

    Here is the recently niftar adam gadol R' Chatzkel Roth ztl blasting Kirch as an ignorant gangster for protecting serial crook Luzer Wertzberger after a real beis din found him guilty
