Wednesday, January 18, 2023

*GE/OU finally did it, a two year+ battle for lower priced appliances that are Shabbos Friendly (copies @

Alert: The Star-K & Rav Weismandel, Shlita approved appliances, transgress Shabbos and Yom-Tov.



  1. Transgress Shabbos according to Horav Yudel’s opinion. Obviously other Rabbonim do not agree with Horav yudel Shlit”a

  2. From my experiences Weissmandl cannot be trusted. I don't touch anything the guy supervises.

  3. But many many Jews including Yeshivish and farfrummteh yingehlaat
    Prefer Weismandel

  4. Volt Ich in gassen geloifenThu Jan 19, 03:08:00 PM 2023

    "Transgress Shabbos"

    Spoken by a true Dummy & Star K partisan, if not in gantzen a maysis umaydiach.

    The only thing that's obvious is that just about every Heinemann psak implemented by Star K has been condemned as worthless by all gedolei haposkim.

    1. Rav Heinemann is still the respected zemanim Rabbonim and poskim in America, a talmid of Rav Aron Zatzal, and is well respected around the the world except for some people with personal conflicts either within themselves or with the rabbi or some ”achar mayseh” pesokim ( which is unfortunately normal today.
      AND of course Reb Yudel Shlit”a (who wasnt served a drink when he came for “meeting” to tell Rav Heinemann what to do).
      Again a normality in todays age.

  5. The Baltimorons must be angry that their appliance monopoly has finally been breached. If you know anything about Star K it doesn't take much to anger them, and this is a biggie!

  6. Liar covering up for Star K of course also gets in that cheap dig against R' Yudel. All gedolei haposkim have attacked many piskei Heinemann - bichsav.

    "normality in todays age", yeah like for the "asher loi kidmu" crowd that 7:17 pm tonight belongs to. The way it's supposed to be is how the alter Mirrer R' Elchonon Hertzman (who also learned in Grodno) told everyone about his farher by R' Shimon Shkop. After having traveled to Grodno, R' Shimon said never mind about the farher derveil. Let me give you a meal, you must be hungry. When he bentched R' Shimon said you also must be exhausted so let me give you a bed to take a nap in. When you awake we will speak in lernen.

  7. Who are you kidding?Sun Jan 22, 11:15:00 AM 2023

    "Nobody is angry"

    Oh yeah, sure! Do you know how angry Star K was when R' Shlomo Zalman was tipped off about the light bulb bishul akum trick?

    Also, try calling Shmuel Heinemann in charge of Star K Northeast quadrant when you find a problem at one of his accounts & see how snippy he gets.

  8. R' Elchonon Hertzman ztl

    Ironic how the big mouth ribbing R' Yudel is the one who is totally off base & devoid of Torah values for siding with Star K's poor hospitality.

    R' Michel Feinstein ztl was troubled by a shverra Yonason Ben Uziel that when Yisro arrived from traversing the midbar, Moshe Rabbeinu immediately showed him the oylam learning in beis medrash (before he gave him a drink). R' Yeruchim shlita bolsters the shverkeit by mentioning the Rav Hertzman mayseh that he personally heard from him. Entfert R' Yeruchim, that the only exception that can be made to not provide a drink first is tze veizen al pi R' Yaakov Emden that the only nissim bigger than yetziyas Mitzrayim are that Torah & Klal Yisroel will always exist. Derfar, only for this can you quickly show Yisro the oylam areingetung in lernen before giving episs tze trinken.

  9. Was Shmuel Heinemann ever annoyed when the NY Times found out about a freya bar mitzva party on a Shabbos that a millionaire Wall Street macher rented Yankee Stadium for. The oylam figured out it was a Star K caterer that was ignoring the chilul Shabbos galore as reported in the article with manipulating the electronic scoreboard for shtick and probably other frivolous disgracing of Shabbos. They would also made shmattas out of the mashgichim either to sleep at the stadium or walk through the most dangerous neighborhood in the City to a fleabag motel populated by the lowest criminals. I know one Rav who called SH to complain. Before denying it, SH was bristling at him: "WHAT??!! WHAT do you want??!!"

  10. Why dont we take this story a step further and say that Heinemann caused chilul shabbos directly and first hand ?? and therefore its like HE was mechalel shabbos ? Youll even find something somewhere to back you up - Shabbos Daf ????
    You cant post it first and then get your pesakim from the gedolim in Israel. Im sure youll find some "Big name" Rahboonim wholl agree with you for a few greenbacks for their kollel or whatever.

  11. Who is this koifer 11:40 this morning who falsely accuses the gedolei EY of manufacturing any psak for the right price?

    Oh right, this website is constantly plagued by the OU mashgiach in Queens who constantly belittles the gedolei EY because they are an inconvenient hindrance to all his corruption. He knows how to falsely accuse them because that's exactly what his former head posek at the OU did whenever Genack asked - he manufactured bogus psak. And when the mashgiach's monstrously corrupt buddies at Queens Vaad were told off by Rav Elyashev altz their destroying 1000s of kivrei yesomim to resell to Russian chazir fressers & goyim for $ millions in sick profit, they were mevazeh the gadol hador and announcing "we have our poskim"

    Really? Which "poskim" are those who blaspheme against HKBH & his Torah!:

    Kevorim are assur bahanoah - Tur YD 364.

    Bizayon hameiss is d'Oraysah - Sifri Ki Seitzei 21.

    Zicher the overt acts of the Queens Vaad, but even passive acts as poskened by Noda Biyudah tinyana YD 210 & even for one little bone fragment - Chasam Sofer Shut YD 353 - or even a single hair - Chashukei Chemed Bechoros 48.

    The yesomim already went through enough when they were living. The Queens Vaad being mevazeh them now victimizes them with a new cherdas Hadin - Shach, Taz & Levush YD 363.

    1. Woe.
      Now the Bubbeh mayseh comes with som sahm. Under normal circumstances one would say sahm HaChayim but in this case it’s defiantly sahm hamoves.
      When one uses Torah (and gedolim and poskim) to try to justify Bubbeh mayses and then this same reverends use grubeh nivul on those same gedolay hador because he did not back ‘‘em up.
      Your group nivul peh was used against Reb Elyashev himself now you’re gonna use him to back up your tall tales??
      Who is the apikores here? Who is justifiably called the Pope? Or Cardinal?
      Keep up your sahm hamoves Torah at least you can say you were not mevatel your sahm hamoves Torah when not surfing or fressing or venting right here.

  12. Even if rabbi Heinemann was directly mechalel Shabbos with his own yadayim the comment writer would still cover it up while hurling insults at R' Yudel.

    1. No one ever hurled anything against Reb yudel. He may do things in his own way, he may mix into others business but he is very proud of what he does and should be proud of his kashrut investigations.
      You are the one who can’t handle it as you learned from the guru himself

  13. The Vaad to Expose the Queens VaadMon Jan 23, 05:47:00 PM 2023

    There was a niftar whose neshomah had to come to a din Torah by the Bach after he was ba'avaled & cheated out of his kever. The Bach only arranged the din Torah as a huge favor to save the life of the ba'avaler who would otherwise have to be niftar to answer the hazmonnah to the beis din in Shomayim. The Bach was very upset & disappointed with the ba'avaler but still felt sorry enough for him to save his life.

    I hope the Queens Vaad & it's weasel propagandists are happy that they spurned Rav Elyashev trying to help them fix the exponentially more humungous avlah that was done to a por toizent yesomim who were buried in Queens by 1800s NYC orphanages.

  14. Crackpot Dr advising Agudah on Anti-VaxxMon Jan 23, 09:07:00 PM 2023

    While we Agudaniks like to cover up for our own crazies and engage in Shafran style denials to label all embarassing maysim shehoyu as "Tall Tales", even I can agree out loud that the OU mashgiach in Queens has gone from mostly to completely delusional.

    Not just the usual lying through his teeth to deny all chatoyim of himself & corrupt kashrus orgs and try to boomerang them back at his enemies, but now he claims that the insults that he & his co-conspirators fling at R' Yudel were never insults.

    Put his name on the choilim queue cards for Mishebeirach in KG vehagelilos, starting from the Metropolitan shul that he "loves" so much to Nachlas Uvos in Richmond Hill to all the way down Myrtle Ave to Rabbi Glazer's shul in Woodhaven.

    Maybe the mashgiach's Chicago fetter who is a doctor specializing in brain problemmen can do something

  15. First worry about the nivul peh against rav Elyashev and worry about yesoimim mayselach that no one knows about except your mayselach. And who knows if the Bach story is true either. It’s coming from you and you have a clean “truth” record behind you. Yeh. Right. I got a few bridges to sell you.

  16. "the OU mashgiach in Queens has gone from mostly to completely delusional"

    Mit der gantze gantzkeit! And oh how the mashgiach is a pathological shakran.

    There was no nivul peh against Rav Elyashev from the fall guys who the OU mashgiach falsely blames everything on. But there is the corrupt gang of the OU mashgiach & his Queens Vaad buddies being mevazeh Rav Elyashev. Long time readers of Yudelstake will remember the magazine articles posted here about Mirrer kollel yungerman R' Moshe Handler presenting Rav Elyashev proof from experts of the Queens Vaad destroying the multitudes of kevorim to resell. When Rav Elyashev protested, they made bizayon of him. The goyish newspapers then reported that the Attorney General was putting Queens Vaad co-conspirators on trial but just 3 days before the tribunal the mumche on kevorim was assassinated in what the NYPD called a professional execution. Rav Handler is also mayid that he was accosted in the street by Mendel Epstein's shutef at Queens Vaad, Peretz "the Sheretz" Steinberg, who threatened he will have him knocked off too by Italianisher Mafiosos. Bear in mind that there were many millions of dollars profit at stake in the Queens Vaad grave robbing scam.

    The Bach mayseh is real from one of the pinkesei Krakow and has been reported more than once in the Yated and other publications. The victim who got his kever back at the din Torah was the only Yid besides the Ramoh to have his kever left undisturbed when the Nazis under Krakow Kommandant Amon Gothe ymach shmum came to destroy the Yiddishe feld.

  17. the Yated....

    Here we go. Some more pick and pay. The Yaated is the worst thing that happen to Judaism as CCRC keeps hocking here and now he uses the Same Yated to establish His Tales.

    The Nivul, gross nivul peh used and showered upon REY - Afra Lepumay - has been published right here on YUdel as have his Nivul peh agaist the Gemarah and Ballay toisfos.
    Don't let CCRC come with his 'sepiray Quveens Vaad' which won't even pass for his motzay shabbos fresses.
    And to accuse REY to give pesakim by just hearing one side is apikorsous itself.
    So Sit back and keep on reading CCRC 'sipeerim'. The mix is great. Brisk, Mafia, REY, Coffee tales, DA's, molesters (his expertise) and what not.
    If you can donate some fress material the mayselach will get even more exciting.

  18. Mah nishtana motzei Shabbos fresses mikol haleilos? Entfert der Beverly Hills Magid that the OU mashgiach in Queens fresses extra on the nights of Agudah Fresser Convention Keynote Addresses which are alemoll on motzei Shabbos.

    BHM from what I've seen has referred Rav Elyashev as the gadol hador. I never saw him use nivul peh against Rav Elyashev so me thinks you be lyin' again.

    You zicher lie when you say Rav Elyashev only heard one side. You know darn well that your corrupt Queens Vaad associate Elchonon Zohn flew out and was thrown out from Rav Elyashev THREE DAYS IN A ROW because Rav Elyashev kept catching Zohn's lies to conceal the kivrei yesomim scandal.

    But what can be expected of the OU mashgiach in Queens? It's only sometimes that he's impaired from quaffing mashkeh that he freeloaded at Fress events. He knowingly lies the rest of the time.

    ווער עס האט געטרינקען אונגארישע וויין אים קען מען נישט אפנארן

  19. Thought the UO mashgiach was some yekky ???

  20. The OU mashgiach originally shtams fin the Poilisher-Litvisher border. That line about Hungarian wine is an inside joke by the Ingrisher which is appropriate as much of Kew Gardens is from Ingrisher yichus. And this is the base from where the mashgiach floats around spouting off his hock, barges in off-duty from OU to 'inspect' the kitchen kashrus at their simchos to promote himself as some kind of mon d'omar, and picks over the essen & mashkeh in full throttle freeload mode.

  21. Still no editing guts to publish the truth about the Pope and let the oilom know who he really is.
    It must be included in the Loshon Horah mitzvah to Rat on all others except your connections and buddies. Maybe the Pope sends some hashish to Forest Ave. Or is it Bakshish.

  22. "Good to see" the OU mashgiach is so bakant with the illegal drug trade of hashish at Forest Park Dr. in Kew Gardens. Being mashgiach while intoxicated / under the influence of narcotics is permitted under OU guidelines?

  23. Not sure if MY boss allows it - PLEASE don't tell him - But under Pope Pauly rules one cant work unless their high or in CCRC version High on fress. Just pointing out the realities.

  24. Alert: The Star-K & Rav Weismandel, Shlita approved appliances, transgress Shabbos and Yom-Tov.

    Should read: ...And Yom Tov according to some Rabbonim mostly in Israel...
