Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Bowery Mehadrin "all" leafy products should is not reliable as far as infestation.



  1. Stick to yudels brand and you'll be safe.

  2. could you elaborate. is this for all the products or just the one in image? they have others...and what is blossoms?

  3. Blossom's is a relatively new brand of fresh produce with CRC Hisachdus Brooklyn, it's a reliable product as far as infestation is concerned.

    Just like Positive and kosher Garden brands.

  4. There is another brand coming onto the market called Grown kosher.
    It has infestation and Shabbos issues, which must be cut off from the sponge.
    Usually, the sponges harbor insects

  5. Interestingly, GG and Seasons Five Towns sells this infested product which is under a lousy hasgocho.

    But when Blossom's was only under Steinmetz, they wouldn't sell it because they wont trust Steinmetz. Even though they knew and trusted the checker himself. (Now they sell Blossom because it went under dual hashgochos)

    How does the Vaad of 5 Towns even pretend to be a kashrus organization, and not a political one?!? No Steimetz, only this garbage?!?

  6. Hold it; when Blossoms only had Steinmetz, they were right not to use it. When it had Ari Green also, then it was very good.

    Now when it has Hisachdus Brooklyn, it's always pre-checked by Ari Green; now it's the preferred brand.

  7. Odd name for a heimishe gesheft. Back in the day on the Lower East Side, the Bowery evoked fear altz homeless bums congregating there & the criminal gangs based there. "Bowery Bum" was a common shprach by all in the City.

    Since this is a vertical indoor factory operation, would you say the infestation is at least less than outdoor farming?

  8. https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2023/01/03/jewish-parents-offer-blessings/

    Mamash geferlich! He should not be counted in a minyan kol zman he carries on with this demented siyua of oivrei aveireh.

  9. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/jetblue-ends-legal-fight-with-kosher-certification-group-over-snacks-2022-07-06/

  10. i thought hisachdus was nto good for bugs . are they good or not good? how about bodek?

  11. In spite of Hisachdus Brooklyn not being reliable for infestation, the Blossom Brand is being checked by Reb Ari Green, the recognized insect expert.

  12. is his hasghacha on it? if not how do we know that information and if it lasts....

  13. could someone please give a clear and true history of bodek and why it used to be considered the BEST and than many people did not trust it anymore? is it still the case etc? i am a concerned educated kashrus consumer

  14. Wed Jan 25, 12:45:00 PM 2023

    You mean he counts for two in each minyan.

  15. Seems like some people here are missing some info.

    Blossoms was ALWAYS Ari Green, even when it was under only Steinmetz. GG and Vaad of 5 Towns Adler would not allow Blossom in their stores because it was cerified bt Steinmetz. Everyone else is fine. Bodek, Browey, Eckstein stuff, and even some products with plain OU. Just not Steinmetz/'

    Snd whst sbout the Vaad's ow bodkim? They have no clue what a bug looks like! Often when Blossom doesn't have product due to heavy infestation, all the Vaad establishments still have. This happened recently with Romaine, parsley, dill etc..

    Now that Green added a dual hashgocho, they sell it.

    This is even though the mashgichim are often the same people. And Ari Green is a better boidek than their mashgichim anyways.

    And Bowery is an old company. Now they just found someone wiling to be machshir their bugs.

  16. Wed Jan 25, 12:35:00 PM 2023

    These days the bowery has all kinds of utensils - mostly used - for all kinds of 'ESSEN Gesheften'. No gangsters, they moved to all botay dinim according to what gets posted here.

  17. Updated current info:
    Ari Green was not always on Blossom, only when his label was there together with Steinmentz.

    Now all of it is under Ari Green ("We hope" Sachdus aren't gonna pull a fast one).

    Bodek was always playing Russian roulette, but in general they were market product-"Often" infested, besides their Iceberg was generally clean.

    Now they got into a fight with Flaum their distributor, so Flaum scraped the bottom of the barrel hashgocha (Minchas Chinuch/Tartikuv), and the train is roaring to the bank.

  18. so to clarify, if i buy blossom now i will see rabbi green hashgacha on it?
    in terms of bodek, is it possible that i heard very recently that something changed and its GOOD now?
    and rabbi gissidenger ztl was not reliable?

  19. Blossom does not have Rabbi Green's name on it, but he's in charge of the infestation.
    Bodek sold out their frozen to some lubab, and they took tartikuvs minchas chinuch to certify the protein on the vegies.

  20. By infestation issues, there is no such thing as they got better; either it's always clean or it isn't.

  21. Rabbi green is like Trump MAGA make Ari green great. The rest are FAKE Mashgichem . With classified hashgoche hidden on every package open to the public in every grocery store

  22. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2018/07/13/how-one-rabbi-ensures-produce-sold-is-truly-insect-free

    If Rabbi Penner is so concerned about bugs then why is he silent as a stone about Queens Vaad being from the biggest enablers of bug consumption?

    The answer is actually two fold.

    He wouldn't have lasted at his Queens shul of gourmet bug eaters who want it that way.

    And it would distract from Penner's major undertaking to promote the toyevah of his son who is "married" to a man, a gay Conservative "rabbi" who twists the words of a Rishon r"l to mistranslate that toyevah is "heilig". Penner uses his clout as YU rosh yeshiva to throw weight behind his toyevah campaign.

    This is outrageous as even Hisachdus never tolerated insects that are human size.

  23. Thu Jan 26, 10:22:00 AM 2023

    Another corrupt Commenter.

  24. There is corruption alright which includes when the Penner homo was working in a Queens Vaad store, maybe even as a mashgiach.

    The so called rosh yeshiva Marc Penner recently did an interview on a media show to advertise the homosexuality, pull a Dor Hamabul style promotionary stunt. He claimed during the interview that he asked the shaalah to the gedolim of the Modern Orthodox world if he should attend his son's monstrosity posing as a homo chuppah vekiddushin and one of the "gedolim" who he won't identify said yes. What a disgrace which is destroying YU-RIETS!

  25. Aye OU mashgiach, there has to be some moonlighting opportunity for you to team up under Queens Vaad with Gedalya Penner to back up each other's mashgiach shifts somewhere down there in the Rebbela's turf, like at Kampai Hibachi or Union Bistro. Although Gedalya may no longer like being called Penner because dach zich he adopted the last name of his "husband".

    Der Qveens oylam esst kusher?

    And I will prompt the question that the OU mashgiach must be itching to ask. Is Fresh Meadows referring to location? Or is it any relation to Fresh Water (in a different continent?


  26. We got to admit what we are practicing ain't the same religion or denomination or religion our ancestors practiced.They would've probably reis kriya,were they to come back presently

    With all the issues then,it was obvious where orthodoxy had an end.When that was passed,we wouldn't step into those places which breached, or consider their kiddushin valid.
    Now'he won't identify said yes. What a disgrace which is destroying ' all of us

  27. Looks like CCRC missed his fress today.
    In his “mitzvah” of Loshon Horah, Moitzee Shem Rah and rechilus he is ALL INCLUSIVE. Even stretching to the next continent to be sure he left no “Faivel” out. What he has against people from another continent beats us all. He knows nothing about people on this continent unless it a fress connection. As is the Rebbe and JE. Does Penner give kiddush on every weekend? Does he give Tokyo every day?

  28. The anshei Dor Hamabul would give an award to the OU mashgiach in Queens that he is such a "nizhar" & "adam gadol" that he is fighting to protect against any "lashon horah" giluyim on toyeveh promoters.

    It's "mitzvah min hamuvchar" to protect same gender targeting menuvolim, even more than to cover up for corrupt kashrus orgs, because mechuton Bryks is known to have targeted boys in addition to the opposite gender, as per Canadian police.

    1. After all the CCRC hocking one must conclude the the UO only hires mashgichim who relatives are molesters or went to jail or robbed others.
      But if you shower gedolim, poskim, Rebbes, Roshay yeshivas, Gemara amorous and reshonim you lose any chance of becoming a mashgiach. But you can join the West Coast unorthodox church and join special fress groups here on the East Coast.

  29. noone helping me with my comments of rav ari green etc

    1. Ari Green runs Blossom. His name is not on it, but it is run by him. He can't self certify. He is under Hisachdus and Steinmetz, although he really doesn't need them.

  30. "mashgichim who relatives are molesters or went to jail or robbed others"

    He finally admits it!

  31. Sure within tall tales and Bubbeh mayses all the admitting leads to a stress free, free fress.
    Keep fressing and and fressing as long as all others are molesters and thiefs.
    But on the end of the day CCRC keeps hocking and fressing and all others eat kosher and make a honest living.
    Something the Pope and his Metro Cardinal know nothing about and don’t want to know.

  32. "all others eat kosher and make a honest living"

    The OU mashgiach in Queens can't live with himself unless he denies, denies, denies all the scandals at OU-Queens Vaad, and that he has menuvolim & crooks in zein mishpooche, bifrat how he grew up living off the toivas hanueh of totty embezzling from client accounts. That conviction stands despite all the attempted weasel word appeals.

    Yet somehow in his convoluted thinking over the real aforementioned avlos, the mashgiach feels it proper to appoint himself as the biggest critic of everyone else for their "avlos" that he invents with his vild imagination.

  33. As if you are the generation zaddik after REY.
    Do you take kevitlach - while fressing ?
    Sherayim we know can happen - it be minimize the fress shiur.
    And your guru - WC Popeis another zaddik tuning the world with his Chodesh I’m in Nivul Peh against all Jews Nebach.
    We know the Zaideh will “save” him.
    Never in a million + years.

  34. While the OU mashgiach shreys about Popes and that everyone except him & his buddies are apikorsim, he's being toifess his kisvei Galochim, his favorite, most cherished antique in Queens dort.

  35. CCRC missed his fress once again or the huge fress was not enough.
    The “kisvei Galochim” are from none other then the WC hoipt galoch” aka Pope Einikel I.

  36. Chronicles of an OU Missionary?Mon Feb 06, 09:16:00 AM 2023

    The OU mashgiach in Queens needs to stop deflecting about his kisvei Galochim which most of Kew Gardens have personally heard him defend being machzik the tumah.

  37. ...being machzik the tumah...

    That would be a great description of CCRC's Moireh derch lematoo, the WC Pope.

  38. ...being machzik the tumah...

    Aye OU mashgiach in Queens, stops trying to redirect all your own failings toward others

  39. He must of learned from you how to redirect stuff.
