Monday, January 30, 2023

Re: Strawberries- Rabbi Dovid Goldstein (Positive labs) has been saying this for years


must be peeled, even those under any Hashgocha.


  1. Eight years it took once again.

  2. But they are meikel when grinding! Nice heter!!

  3. This sign is old and outdated. The grinding intructions are not up to date

  4. Yudel, any info on Vegendary broccoli being sold under rabbi ecskteins hechsher?

  5. They only don’t allow their hashgacha ( Badatz). There possibly are other hashgachas that do a better job. Maybe postiv or this green guy ???

  6. Rabbi Eckstein says, נראה לעניים is the size of a Franklin.

    The Optometrists Association says 1/3 mm is visible to someone with normal eyesight.

    Therefore, we can't accept Franklin-size insects.

  7. Franklin is still smaller than Itzu Glick's shita?

    But Franklin is the shiur that the OU mashgiach in Queens randomly picked and has his buddies at the Queens Vaad adhere to it. The mashgiach got carried away at the real estate closing and applies "Jeffrey Franklin" wherever he can.

    1. Better than the Pope whose nireh leainayim is a raisinette.
      That shiur is no good for CCRC. He needs a elephanette shiur for his fress to start being nireh lemai’ayim.

  8. Vegandry broccoli is grown by Postiv

  9. There’s a letter R Vaye wrote to R Goldstein what nireh liaynayim is.

  10. Vegendary is only being distributed by positive, not grown etc.

  11. when does yudel comment? everyones comments is anonymous. carries no weight. is vegendary reliable?
    if blossom is RUN by rav ari green so doesnt it mean his expertise doesnt matter as hes involved in the business of blossom?

  12. Reb Yudel is the one who comments not to eat Vegendry. He believes it is only distributed by Postiv.

    Others have other information.

    Call Reb Dovid Goldstein to find out

  13. The bakshish is on the way from ??? To ????
    So if it arrives it will become good if not it won’t. Pretty straight forward.

  14. So the main thing is to blend it to make smoothies then u dont have to peel them just do the cutting and washing as written. So here you have a fruit that we all know has a major infestation problem it has a chazaka to have bugs but if u blend it you can ear the extra fleishig protein . It makes no senssw.

    1. You missed the point.
      You can only blend Badatz stuff because they are not michzok.
      All other stuff is michzok.

  15. What’s with the new High breeze farms strawberries with R’ Vaye hechsher ..?

    1. Did you see them recently? They had some batches a year or two ago with his hechsher. Then the next batch it was off. Is he back on?

    2. Just saw it in gg

  16. If it has Reb Vaye's name on it, it must be a good batch. Most of the year, it has a plain OU. Very rarely that get a batch approved by Reb Vaye.

    You might want to make sure its fresh though.

    A few times a found GG 5Towns selling old product.

    I caught them selling expensive frozen ice cream in cones. I checked the code for Yoshon purposes and it was over two years old! I got the company to call and yell at GG for selling their expired product. More recently I found grape juice which expired over a year ago. I pointed it out to the manager, and they told me it must be a mistake. I told them the mistake was that they forget to remove the date before they put it on the shelf like they usually do.

    1. Why would someone care if a frozen product was properly frozen for 2 years. Strawberries

  17. Mon Feb 13, 08:13:00 AM 2023

    Catching the mistakes in order to get it for free or at next to nothing price and then posting it pahst for our free fresseser.

  18. Nobody got it for free. I just got them to remove it from the shelf. The ice cream was chometz sheaver alev es HaPesach anyways. The other stuff is garbage. I am not a schnorer like you. This happened in the 5 Towns.

    1. Only chometz sheavar assuming the frum owned store did not sell their chometz

  19. Or they sold it through their local Vaad. Or you are makpid not to rely on the haraama of a store's mechira.
