Friday, February 03, 2023

Moshiach Arrived- The Chazir is Mutar. 18th Ave Chinese restaurant, changed from the OK to UK, "Udvarie kosher".



  1. 4305 18th Ave

    they are still advertising - falsely - in magazines as under OK hashgocho

  2. What is Rabbi Shain talking about? I ran down there but the Rebbe is nowhere in sight, not even his portrait on the wall.

    Oh well, now off to Lakewood Matzos Bakery for low, low preizen on the batches that even they admit are chometz. Now that so many Chabad houses have been welcoming intermarried goyim, tze felt nisht oiss.

  3. Just like is cheaper so is UK

  4. Just like Chazir is cheaper so is UK.
    Just a business decision.

  5. is Udvari kashrus a reliable kashrus? they are together with the OK in a dairy resturent in manhattan.

  6. Udvari kashrus, has no idea what's happening; the Franklins he knows how to identify.

  7. Udvari has relatives & others working for him. One of his sons used to be dayan in Sachdis. So there may be some individual locations with a real shgoocha

  8. You can't make this up!

    Page 42 of this week's Yated has some revealations on the extended mishpooche of Paysach Krohn. He must be pleased at the mention that he is cousin of a certain major macher at Agudah, because even though the macher was a child molester, it was not widely known outside of Agudah of Williamsburg.

    But Paysach is probably giving a piece of his mind to Pinny Lipschutz for also publishing that another Krohn relative is hamenuvol Eliot Spitzer. Hard to believe that Spitzer's zeidy was such a major talmid chuchem as noted in the article.

  9. Another character in the extended Krohn clan is the OU mashgiach in Queens who must certainly appreciate that Shmelliot Shpitzer is a huge baal nekumah and other middos that he emulates.

    Is Shmelliot also related to the dayan who the mashgiach claims was "mattir" his kisvei Galochim? Same last name

    Kenneth Langone, a self-made investment banker, venture capitalist and philanthropist is a co-founder of Home Depot. Of even greater importance, he is a proud American who did not flinch when Mr. Spitzer went after him. He and an associate, Richard Grasso, spent some $70 million defending their good names after Mr. Spitzer trashed them. Then, several months after the former attorney general had trashed his own good name, they won. It took four years, but they won.

    Those must have been harrowing years, for, he was under heavy fire. Back in 2004, Mr. Spitzer publicly called Mr. Langone, then head of the New York Stock Exchange’s (NYSE) compensation committee, “unsavory,” “deceptive” and “tainted.” To his receptive stenographers in the media Mr. Spitzer then went on to vow that he would “put a stake through” Mr. Langone’s heart. In the Wall Street Journal he characterized this threat as a “metaphorical threat to my cardiovascular system,” as well as “brash talk.” Denying he had broken the law, as the grandstanding attorney general purported, Mr. Langone went on to demonstrate that there was no case against him.

    Mr. Spitzer’s barbarous use of his office “has never been adequately addressed in the media,” remarks Lawrence Auriana, chairman of the Columbus Citizens Foundation

    (barbarous runs in the gantze mishpooche, from Paysach Krohn's Gomco Clamp to the OU mashgiach's prickly personality & attacks on many feineh Yidden)

  10. It’s also a great shame that great “Talmiday chachoomim” keep posting nonsense and frivolous comments.
    Never mind the isreerim involved, these chelemeh chachoomim are not gourds certain iseerim.

  11. Do you hear this tremendous "chiddush" of the OU mashgiach in Queens which has a din megaleh punim Batorah sheloi kehalacha? In his desperation to cover up for the mishpooche, he wants to convince you that there are "issurim" to shame a meshumod like Spitzer who for decades has not been with a Jewish woman.

    "Frivolous" commentary zugt er, dem vus alemole hockt about fressing & passing gas.

    The "gourd" is altz kikayon d'Yonah? The mashgiach takkeh needs to stop running away from reality.

  12. Agudah Kovod ZucherSun Feb 05, 06:23:00 PM 2023

    "was not widely known outside of Agudah of Williamsburg"

    "WAS" is the key. It is more widely known today after a few boys who grew up in the Agudah of Old Williamsburg were mefarsem as adults. MIT scientist Philip Fishman writes about it in his book & a couple of now residents of Monsey were mefarsem including the President of a well known shul.

    Old time rabbonim who are familiar with early American Agudah politics, have said the molester was arrested more than once, but in those days high placed protekzia really went a long way. A call from a Senator for instance would make criminal charges & arrest records completely disappear.

    And check out all the corruption that this molester's offspring are guilty of.

    This is part of what R' Chaim Brisker referred to that the Agudah will be run by Sekretaren instead of daas Torah from gedolim.

  13. Nebach in Brisk itself and most of those connected to Brisk there are a bunch of grubeh payos guys who run the show there as is well known. Sounds like the sekrataren thing was a “toileh killelosoy beachairim”
    When Briskeh guys know fin alleh shtisim that are in MIT bichlach and keep surfing the internet for newsboy that are centuries old so etching is wrong at home.
    Like they said in the days of the shoiftim : til koireh mebein einechoo.
    Stop tacking about others when the issue at home is much worse.

  14. "Stop tacking about others"

    Azoy zogt der rosh habatlonim & der rosh fun der sailech rochil chaburah, aka the OU mashgiach in Queens.

    "bunch of grubeh payos guys"

    This from the same OU mashgiach who took great offense when someone was criticizng Chaim Schwartz for being a two faced phony at Queens Vaad, covering up gross violations of kashrus mit zein groiseh payos.

    sekrataren thing was a “toileh killelosoy beachairim”

    R' Chaim Brisker was the gadol hador. That's who the arrogant mashgiach is trying to pull rank on & be mevazeh by putting words in his mouth. Just another page out of Yanky's playbook who he tramples on any & all gedolim to further his goal of protecting his relatives & corrupt Agudaniks at large.

  15. Mon Feb 06, 09:11:00 AM 2023

    Woe. Really blew off some steam here. Lots and Lots of steam. Someone check if his ears are still operating.
    Looks like the truth hurts a lot.
    The Koireh is still not removed but its now at 'keisoy nichvehs" levels.
    Not sure if a fress would help even a grubbeh fress. Guess he'll have to return to the "Candies".

  16. R' Chaim Brisker was the gadol hador

    Thats a chidush.
    How so ?
    Not sure if there are "brooches-peh" on Reb Chaim or not, but you can be assured that if the einikel was around then, Reb Chaim would of got plenty of "Broochws-peh" showers from him.
    And he is you guru. He decides who is a godol (and roiy for his special brooches-peh showers) or not.

  17. "alleh shtisim that are in MIT bichlach"

    They are beyond the OU mashgiach's pay grade & Chelmer level of intellect. Don't forget he was the guy in Kew Gardens who grew up reading & believing Fairy Tales about little green men from Mars. He publicly admitted it along with his being machzik the kisvei Galochim.

    Sciences, including math & musical notes, are episs a madraigeh of Torah. The Gr"a wrote seforim on them. They are the only chelek of Torah mutter to learn in the bathroom so many gedolim including kanoyim like the Satmar Rov read those books there. But what would the OU mashgiach know or even care in his willful ignorance & dismissal of all Torah that gets in the way of his twisted agendas?

    Hakol moidim that R' Chaim was the lamdan hador. A gadol said that R' Chaim's charifus disguised the fact that he also had the tzidkus of the Chofetz Chaim. But the Brisk Basher will never accept that. Tell us we're wrong, Yanky.

  18. To say that the gr'a or the Chazon ish or the satmar rebbe got their math and science knowledge from reading 'bichlach' in the bathroom volt gepased fahr Pope Pauly himself. He makes a bathroom of everything and everybody - as in all of sifray kedusha and all gedolim.

    The gra and the other gedolim learned astronomy, medine, math and science from the torah itself and ONLY from the torah. No Bichlach. No Chochma chitzonis defined as anything that not torah. To say otherwise is defaming the Torah velomdeh'ah.
    Luckily for the readers his true essence was finally revealed. The true CCRC and his apikoorsoudik view on our holy gedolim and the torah itself. Be it Brisk, Mir, Satmar or any Jew. In simple language - Meenis.

    For CCRC, who claims he knows everything about everyone including Brisk, Satmar and lehavdil bein elef alphay alophim his Reverend Pauly, the whole internet, and all the loshon horah.rechilus and moitzee shaim rah about all is the true fraudster CCRC.

    Leave him alone, give him his fress, make him happy and let him post, hock, tell shloof time tales. Just know who he is and what he is.

  19. Revisionist history much?

    Many gedolim including R' Yoelish hobben areingeshleppt math books vechadoimeh into beis hakeesay. The Gaon probably did derive everything direct from Tanach & Chazal but more contemporary gedolim will learn trigonometry & calculus before learning Eruvin

    The distortions & denials from the OU mashgiach in Queens stems from a combination of his crazy kanoyus and his eagerness to say any lie to further his krum agendas & attack his opponents.

    And for the umpteenth time, the mashgiach is the same bulvan with his holier than thou derooshos who is the machzik of the kisvei Tiflus from his favorite Galich. Rather rich that he smears someone else as a Pope / Reverand. One of the many facets of the mashgiach's complex hypocrisy.

  20. The Gaon 'probably' - CCRC deciding what the Gaon knew or didn't. No Surprise.

    contemporary gedolim will learn trigonometry & calculus before learning Eruvin - More Tales.

    machzik of the kisvei Tiflus from his favorite Galich. That is the holy West Coast Pope AKA as Paulie.

  21. Tzedreit & tzemisht much?

    The OU mashgiach himself said the Gaon derives sciences directly from Torah and now he attacks someone for repeating what he said. Par for the course!

    And how does the 'genius' mashgiach think that heintigger gedolim (who are not on the Gaon's madreigeh) learn trig & calculus if not from a book? Besides that talmidei R' Aron Kotler & others have confirmed befarhesya that gedolim including Satmar Rov (who took the bichlach in the bathroom) use the books.

    No one is falling for the mashgiach's smokescreens that he is frantically pumping out in Queens dort to shift culpability for the kisvei Galochim to the West Coaster after the mashgiach was matzdik it for himself bifnei am v'eidah of KG.

    1. When do the sipeeray metro zadikim end. Their endless.

  22. Another terrible middah of the Queens OU mashgiach is he can never admit he's wrong.

    What would der alter Mirrer Mashgiach Ruchni R' Yeruchim Levovitz say, especially considering how the above shvantz milks dropping his name?

    And remember this when the Queens OU hypocrite constantly lambasts his West Coast enemy that he supposedly has no right to zog ibber from his zeidy R' Shraga Feivel.

  23. How can we tell when the Queens Mashgiach is lying or knows he's wrong?

    Whenever his lips move!

  24. Whenever his lips move includes sfasav dovvevos when he's Fressing his favorite matamim Fried Rice & Greasy sufganiyot from the publicly sneezed & coughed in open bin at Bloomie's. He & Chaim Schwartz alein are the first to line up there for the billigeh preizen that don't have the Queens Vaad fees built in to massively overprice. You could say as far as that dynamic duo are concerned: to heck with Queens Vaad in a (Bloomie's) handbasket!

  25. Wed Feb 08, 09:03:00 AM 2023
    Wed Feb 08, 10:18:00 AM 2023
    Wed Feb 08, 10:29:00 AM 2023

    Kol Haposel...... He has the most experience.

    BYW: Even if by a long far shot it ever occurred that Rabbainu Schwartz bought something at Bloomies at least he paid for it. Do we have to finish the sentence, Free Fresser ??

  26. The OU mashgiach in Queens is the ROSH Hachaburah of the Kol Haposel guys which is why he is being criticized to begin with. The closest comparison of his throwing back the taynos on himself - which he way surpasses - is the Leftist Democrats falsely being toyleh all their own chesronos on Trump.

    "if by a long far shot it ever occurred that Rabbainu Schwartz bought something at Bloomies"

    Nice try to pretend Chaimel doesn't make a mockery out of himself & his Modern Orthodox masters at Queens Vaad, but there were plenty of witnesses for example when Chaimel had the showdown in the Bloomie's aisles with Joey lambasting him as importing the krumkeiten of the KVH Conservativ rabbiners from Boston to Queens! Joey had Chaimel running around like a headless chicken while holding on for dear life (& billigeh preizen!) to that Bloomie's handbasket!

  27. Try let’s get something straight.
    All those free fresses that is set up for CCRC does cost money.
    There are people who pay Bloomies to make sure CCRC don’t fall off his high horses and sure that “ehr hingehrt nisht”.
    (The Hungarians from BP and Regular Qveens know how to do this “shtillahheit”. A mistake happen and on the day that Schwartz came to pay there was some other “groiseh” mouth offs there. So the cat got out of the bag.
    But you should have figured out that you all these people some hakooris hatov for feeding you endless fresses.
    But Nebach your guru don’t go for these basic tenets that he should have learned from the Zaideh. So no one can really blame you.
    But ‘the truth must be told’ (figured you feel at home with a line like that).
    And the chops fall where they may even if it means showering all gedolim with those special ‘holy water’ words and compliments coming straight out of the West Coast.

  28. Chaim Schwartz used to shop at non-Queens Vaad Rosenblum's ALL THE TIME for the bargain prices until noise was made about the utter hypocrisy of it!

    The day that J. Arnold chewed off Schwartz's head about his Conservative rabbis associations being one gorem at least for Queens Vaad shocking lack of kashrus standards, Schwartz was carrying a hand basket because he was there to shop for groceries. Someone coming to secretly give money for aniyim does not walk around putting groceries in a hand basket and he does not come during the erev Shabbos rush hours which is when the confrontation happened.

    so the OU mashgiach needs to STOP LYING!

  29. Other days that Joey was coming to "Bloomie's" he was muttering that Schwartz is the second coming of Napoleon, that his title at Queens Vaad is getting to his head on top of the kashrus scandals.

  30. Wow. What a level of Matan besaser.
    The receiver has no clue from where his fresses come. And does not want to know as long as the fresses keep coming. Makes no difference if it from East kveens or vest kveens. As long as it has no hashgoocheh it qualifies.

  31. The OU mashgiach in Queens in the Makkeh rayayhoo basaser.

    You should have seen what a backstabbing monster he was during the years before his identity was outed. He was totally out of control how he was bashmutzing countless rabbonim & baal habatim he doesn't like when he thought no one would be on to him. As bad as he is now, his current behavior is actually toned down from before.

    1. What makes you thing the mashgiach has any friends that you use rayayhu ???

  32. Did Chaim Schwartz & Joey end up in a din Torah? Joey kept telling people that's where things were headed

    1. CCRC would love to officiate at this bin Torah. He’ll have what to plopple forever and a day. The ploppeling may continue at the infamous ‘mizrach vant’ but that’s another story.

  33. Its Khal Adas Yereim to youSun Feb 12, 01:54:00 PM 2023

    There have been plenty of Chaim Schwartz critics acting l'shaim Shomayim. Joey was not one of them even if he happened to sometimes have appropriate taynos. On the flipside, the OU mashgiach's defenses of Schwartz are also not l'shaim Shomayim. And oyb mir redden veggen normala mentchen, neither of the above are in the parsha.

  34. Noch ah Leshaim Shomayim'nick.

    The fresses are zicheh leshaim Shamayim mit alleh fress kavoones for the next super fress.

  35. Aye mashgiach, say what you want about Shaim Shomayim'nicks but one thing he is ZICHER hitting the nail on the head is when he left you out of normalkeit.
