Monday, February 06, 2023

A Jew must always stand-up to their religious values! 


  1. R' Amram Blau held it's assur to go inside the Vatican. Who is mattir? (If you answer the OU mashgiach in Queens, machzik of the kisvei Galochim, it's nisht ken raayeh!)

  2. Mon Feb 06, 09:20:00 PM 2023

    Reb Amram Zatzal also held its assur to go to the Kosel. Is thee anyone who is matir that????

    (Stupid comments get stupid responses). Im ikaish.....

  3. Stupido is like Stupido doesTue Feb 07, 01:26:00 PM 2023

    Someone just smeared various rebbeyim in Litvishe yeshivos who say over R' Amram's psak on the Vatican because it's in line with the mainstream.

    (Someone who is mevazeh rabbonim is eventually koifer b'Ikker)

  4. What was the need for her to go in the first place?

  5. Someone who is mevazeh rabbonim is eventually koifer b'Ikker

    A prime example is West Coast Pope and his reverend CCRC.
