Sunday, May 14, 2023

UPDATE: RE: Bais-Din arbitration agreements-שטרי בירורין

Note: Arbitration agreements are for the sole purpose that the parties will adhere to the outcome....

It is not to include any protections for the Arbitrators, if they make a mistake, etc.


  1. Which phony dayanim is this a swipe at?

  2. Bais Yosef BD, Vaad Hadayanim Lakewood, etc.
    All of them.

    Actually, anyone of them that have "Toy'anim."

  3. Why doesn't Rabbis Shlomo Miller and Reb Eli Ber Wachtfogel publish an Arbitration agreement that does "not" contain any of that language, and every one should ONLY sign that arbitration agreement by any Bais-Din.

    1. No one should be signing a Arbitration agreement, no matter the language, it is like a blank check.
      Instead sign a settlement agreement once the arbitrators present you with a peshoro or settlement which you agree to it.

  4. Any toyen besides ME is bad news. If you see any of those frauds please notify me ASAP. We can all get together against them!

  5. This tzettel is bad for business!

  6. Gershon, we can make ourselves a dynamic duo vs alla anderra. Toivim hashnayim min hoechod.

  7. Doesn't a brother of the OU mashgiach in Queens work for the fake "Novardok" faction?

  8. Mendel, nisht geferlich. We can fort be mamshich with our financial shakedowns & mamzerus schemes regardless of the Lakewooders making some noise. While we can no longer count on Belsky's intimidating screams, there's still plenty of gangsterei to go around from our boys Ephraim Bryks, Gimpel Wolmark, etc

  9. I once saw a dayan put Spiegel in his place that he doesn't have a clue in Choshen Mishpot.

    There is a commentator in the heimishe blogosphere who uses the handle Romanisher Ferd. It would be better applied to Spiegel, son of the character who called himself Romanisher Ruv.

  10. If you lose a din Torah or arbitration all you gotto do is give CCRC a hollower and he’ll take care of it for you with or without his WS Pope guru.
    It’s pretty cheap. A gezuntah fress portion of Pasta will be more than enough. Please! No hashgacha on anything.

  11. These letters don't happen in a vacuum. Could someone explain what is going on

  12. Dovi Kahan and Ari Marburger, compel the baalei din to sign their pre-printed shtart without any edit. if a baal din would like to make some comment, he is threatened with siruv
    afterward, they refuse to provide a copy of the shtar berurin.
    if a baal din takes issue with the psak they call him a mesarev and advise his rov, and children mosdos to treat him as if hes in cheirem. after this happening for so long, the roshei yeshiva finally advise yungeliet not to go to mayshkorim, so they look for 3 ro'ei bokor as a Zabla"h. the problem now unfolds, that the ro'ei bokor opened up the artscroll guide to "bais din" written by marburger who printed the "mayshkorim shtar berurin" where it says that any question on the psak must be arbitrated before "mayshkorim" so in the end, going to the 3 ro'ei bokor, results with going back to mayshkorim.

    we all know he gemoro as to why its called, amyshorim? because other peoples money is meaningless to them. (Yuma 81).

    1. Trying to figure who are the roiay baker here.
      More Moitzee to the commentor

    2. More noiteh to the commentor

  13. Dovy Kahan learned well at his alma mater YTT from Margo.

    Marburger is shecheino shel meshumod Singer.

  14. "mamzerus schemes regardless of the Lakewooders making some noise"

    Yeah yeah, shoinaimol.

  15. Avi Kahan at Vaad Hadin vehahoyroah in New City, NY, boasts that he "specializes" in such shtaros, blaming it on the Chofetz Chaim who he claims is mechayev them in Ahavas Chesed & Sefas Tomim. For a minute there I thought he was going to blame it on R' Meir Stern like he does with everything else.

  16. If people go to Din Torah to win, then you better not sign anything.
    If they go to bais din to hear or find out what is the "DIN TORAH" ( even if you lose) then sign all papers provided you go to a Bais Din that KNOWS what the din torah is.

    Thus, why this letter ???

  17. roiay baker is with hechsher from BDM (bais din mayshorim)

  18. Please ignore these kinds of letters. When you come to my Bais Din, you are guaranteed to get a fair judgement that is al pi halacha, and is nothing to do with politics or profits. You have our guarantee. Sincerely Avi Kahan

  19. How come this letter is not dated ??

  20. Its not undated. Its dated forever.

  21. It maybe us forged forever as well
