Tuesday, May 09, 2023

New 5 Towns for Chareidim- Lakewood, Jackson, Howell, Toms River, Manchester

 The other 5 Towns' Rabbinical pulpits are for Secular Chareidim.


  1. According to this blogger the 5TNJ are also made up of secular aka as strange Rabbis.

  2. Surprised that R' Yudel is putting it so mildly to only apply secular when he could've said 5 Towns as in Sdoim vaAmoirah, Admah, Tzvoyim, Tzoyar!


    Don't tell me R' Yudel is going soft & has joined the cover up perpetrated by the OU and the Board of "Shaarey Tiflus" along with Belsky, Yankel Bender & the Lawrence Bostoner Webbe?

  3. At least the 5 Towns Vaad doesn't put just any menuvol in charge of the veiber mikvah


    like what the Queens Vaad allows with the veiber mikvah in the KG Metro area, mit der Mechuton of 'You Know Who'

  4. I never heard of this Danielov character before. Seems he's running a kiruv org called Etbonan.

    Follies hints in the tags that Danielov is davening by Rabbi Avraham Ashville who is one of the characters vos ruffen zich Chief Rabbi of the (Soviet) Georgian kehillah. Those guys are not Bocharian but also not Ashkenazim. Queens Vaad handles all these ethnic groups with kid gloves, allowing kashrus violations galore in their restaurenten so that they can collect the $$$ and head off efforts to go under Bocharian-Georgian homeboy hashgachot or the successful competitor Philly hashgocho that gets certain Queens Vaad & OU hockers the most uptight of all!

  5. Who is running the Queens Vaad kashrus cover ups & micromanaging Chaim Schwartz now that Joel Schonfeld has thrown in the towel & moved to Baltimore?

    It would be funny if it wasn't tragic that Schwartz got up to speak at the last major Queens party event with Joel in attendance & had this to say: "Rabbi Schonfeld held my hand and taught what it means to be a leader"

  6. It’s really a shame that CCRC didn’t learn anything from Schoenfeld. Maybe he would have a life even if it were a bedi’eved life according to his cronies.
