Monday, May 08, 2023 Vs Chat GP.AI- absolutely no comparison is for show and tell at this point; they hopefully will improve.

Update-Metro-west (NJ) a Kashrus Organization;

AKO et al, checked out the MetroWest hashgocha and decided the Administrator must go. They replaced him with a different Administrator who does the food service at the OK Labs.

He was the OK's RC in charge and responsible for the "Manalapan Kosher Chinese Restaurant", when it was discovered that they were serving treifos.

The fact that he receives a paycheck from MetroWest for doing nothing of substance, is that in itself an improvement in the kashrus? One should ask that question from the administration of AKO.


  1. Oy, Reb Shmuel's Rebbetzin was niftar previously, who is going to feed and take care of all the needs of Shalom?

    The mother of the Kohen Gadol fed everyone in the ערי מקלט

  2. Since when is AKO a ‘Mann de’amahr’ in anything, according to this very site??
    Kol Shaka in in Kashrus” ????!

  3. AKO is an Organization that despises transparency to the kosher consumer.

    Some were actually threatened that if they revealed (again) anything discussed at an AKO meeting, they would be thrown out.

  4. Ich hob gehert that when word got out that Chaim Schwartz addressed the AKO conference in Texas over 10 years ago with a shysterish proposal that all the hashgochos cover up for each other's dirt, he was going bonkers that it was leaked on this very blog and he was desperately trying to figure out who leaked it! That says it all about Queens Vaad kashrus "standards"!

  5. AKO, in the past year set up a metro NY conference for the "heimish" mashgichim.

    One of the featured speakers was an old timer Heimish mashgiach said;

    If you see someting rung, don't tell no vone, not de boss, no vone else-just shut up....

    That's the motto of AKO.

  6. It also gives insight into 'You Know Who' from the national hashgocho who is Schwartz's biggest backer for cover ups, on kashrus violations and on the worst behaviors in many other sugyos. He's always on the lookout for the next scandal to cover up & run interference for, not limited to Metro or Queens. He is a Globalist.

  7. Tue May 09, 01:00:00 PM 2023

    Voos zoogt ehr ? Anyone know ? Does He himself know ?
    Does he know he is posting ?
