Sunday, February 19, 2023

Update: The sent a Heimish Mashgiach to the caterer-

 The Mashgiach wants to know where they schechted the Ducks for the Duck sauce.

OU Shechita?, Nuhr a Chasideshe Shechita.

At another caterer in Monsey, Chama sent one of their master Mashgichim.
The caterer showed him that everything has a hashgocha the  Orthodox Rabbinate.
The Mashgiach checked and found even their cleaning supplies had the "OR". Wow!

The Heimish Mashgiach called the Rav Hamacshir that he found in the garbage an empty box of "Oyster shells" pasta, come over now!

I see they have "Gelatinized" flour, I don't know what was made with that gelatin.


  1. Quack Quack Menachem GenackTue Feb 14, 12:59:00 PM 2023

    Well, it was Satmar who were cluelessly shechting the duck hadoress Muscovy species.

  2. Shechita munachas?

  3. Correction- MOO-Nachas.

  4. Just to note:

    No one cares if you Rabbi Genack or not. Hakol moidim he is a huge Talmid Chochom and by calling him names your in big trouble spiritually.
    No refuah for YOUR mackah.
    Don't come crying later.

  5. Gold's is not Yeshivishe

  6. "No one cares if you Rabbi Genack or not"

    You sure do so why the emphatic denial?

    Go figure that the largest hashgocho in the world is helmed by a Woke rabbi who hugs & kisses Hillary Clinton at the Democrat National Convention, is obsessed with freeing Shvartza criminals from prisons to commit more crimes, pays tens of thousands of dollars for portraits, not of Rav Akiva Eiger, but of his hero Lincoln because his shita was eved ki yimloich, and who rehabbed his good friend Katz, in cherem from R' Moshe for selling treif veal as "kosher", by installing him as OU Kosher Chairman.

    So 1:45 pm, what refuah exists for YOUR mackah?

    Mackah Wackah

    1. With all you major Toeles Loshon Horah we all know that with all the makos that may afflict LH guys like you, you’ll still get the mizrach vant (or will it be vent) right next to your guru from the WC.


    1. Sorry CCRC. The coins are not for you. All you get is fress itself not fress money.

  8. I wonder if they know where baby powder comes from…

  9. Lame Duck mashgiach AlertTue Feb 14, 08:13:00 PM 2023

    1:45 pm was the OU mashgiach in Queens passionately defending his boss & attacking the person associating Rabbi Genack with quacking ducks.

    4 minutes later at 1:49 pm on the post about aufruf invitations he attacks his old nemesis "CCRC" with the usual projecting from himself about "Free Fressing".

    Unsuccessful businessmen in 1700s London were described as having to “waddle out of the alley like a lame duck.” Over time, the term Lame Duck started being used to describe anyone who is ineffectual.

    If I was a caterer under OU, I certainly wouldn't want that tzebissiner Queens mashgiach Fressing & Blogging on the job!

    1. You would eat anything from your good friends hashgacha anyway.
      First of all it has a great hechsher thus it’s off limits for you even if it free.
      Second of all you can’t curse him out with same fress utensil you use to free fress.


  11. What's your point? Baby powder is talc, a mineral mixed with corn starch.

  12. It's a good thing the heimishe shgoocha mashgiach didn't stumble across Gold's Horse-radish!


    Gold's also makes Borscht

  14. Batoloh mayvee lidei Shiamoom leOU mashgichimWed Feb 15, 12:50:00 PM 2023

    The OU mashgiach in Queens is something else. He drags his obsession ccrc into pidyon haben when it doesn't appear to be an item that the mashgiach's critics are into. Meanwhile, the mashgiach goes around to his gullible following to show off that he knows the Hisachdus factoid because he's the "greatest"


    Some kinder shpiels were invented in Sweden. But the childish game of 24/6 disrupting a blog is a NYC outer Boro invention. The originator is vewwy vewwy busy with the non-stop disruptions when he is supposed to be "learning" in a Queens "kollel" in the mornings and on an OU kashrus shift as "mashgiach" in the afternoons in da Bronx and wherever else.

  16. B"H the uo guy seems to 'sitz' in kollel and have a job.
    Something that CCRC, or anyone else, can't say about himself.
    CCRC is proud of his fress chapionship however he can't wear the ring that comes with it. Unless he is 'hingrig' and schlepp to the Estates for his backup fresses. There he can wear his ring proudly.

  17. The OU mashgiach in Queens is posting some desperate shtussim this afternoon at 3:41 pm because he's upset that he didn't make the cut for another "well deserved" KUVED. BYQ anonunced this morning that the 2023 honorees are Ushie Koenig & Josh Goller. No mention of the mashgiach. Josh is doing a Vest Hempstead & especially an Estates style pose, not al pi the Gemara Bava Basra how Avrohom Avinu is noiheg mit Sara Imeinu. At least that's some consolation for the mashgiach as an Estates style pose makes him feel right at home with the zelba Estates svivah fin yeden free. Those are the Estates gvirim that the mashgiach mega schnorrs from and his happy to be choitef their gelt even though he has meshunadik disrespect far zei. The hoin rav that he schnorrs there through his gizbar Rebbelah is enough tze koifen gantze departments at Bloomies

  18. Rebbelah is enough tze koifen gantze departments at Bloomies And support CCRC’s grubeh fress addiction including an inflation upgrade. Only CCRC, mit Zein Briskeh training can be mechadesh inflation on fresses, FREE fresses.
    Looks like he is soon publishing: chidushay HaCooCooRiCo. A collection of all his mayselach and tall tales including his Loshon Horah chidushim on the Rambam. He may also find some hidden hangouts of the Chazon ish on his CCCRC (chidushay CCRC). And maybe some hair is from REY all sponsored by none other ther Rabbi Zohn Shlit”a. Also a special section with zichroinis of Yesoimim.
    The ‘Book’ will only be available in coffee color.

  19. Just like the OU mashgiach is koifer in the heilegeh psak of Rav Elyashev to stop the rishus of his buddies Elchonon Zohyna & the Queens Vaad being machariv toizent fin kivrei yesomim for $ millions in greedy, shmitzikeh profit, so too he is koifer in the Mishna of Hayoiker yaamir (at least for everyone else after the Rebbelah in the Estates got him a spetziale even more gigantic schnorring that's indexed to inflation).

    The coffee color is nuhr spetziale kaveh, premium blend. Chazon Ish takkeh shreibt in der Igros that one should buy seforim with nice covers because it increases geshmack in lernen.

    If the OU mashgiach will ever takkeh "wake up & smell the coffee" in Queens, maybe he will finally pay attention to the chiddushei akteevists that he despises so much for putting a halt to the corruption in zein gantze mishpooche. The chiddushim, available in blog form (oh does Paysach Krohn ever hate that!) or Brisker style stencils, are emess laamitoi with documentation available.

  20. If the hypocrite OU mashgiach in Queens ever admits to the mishpooche's corruption he would be out of business. Meanwhile they are banking on that bogus revisionist history piece that they duped the Yated into printing to whitewash the ancestors of Bryks & Paysach Krohn's wife. They're all chushev according to the lies in the Yated, from the child molesting embezzler who was rav hamachshir in Denver to their Nazi collaborating meshumod associate who they recast as a British intelligence agent.

    When you see how the mashgiach's mishpooche covers up the history of this guy, it's not shver how the mashgiach DENIES everything else that he has an agenda to DENY.

    And no wonder why the mashgiach likes to ploppel vegen Budapeshters!

    Ignatius Trebitsch-Lincoln (1879–1943) Hungarian adventurer & convicted con artist spent parts of his life as Protestant missionary, Anglican priest, British Member of Parliament, Nazi collaborator & Buddhist abbot.

    Ignácz Trebitsch (later changed to Trebitsch Lincoln) was born an Orthodox Jew in Paks, Hungary in 1879, moving with his family to Budapest.

    After leaving school (kicked out of yeshiva) he enrolled in the Royal Hungarian Academy of Art, but was frequently in trouble with police over petty theft. In 1897 he fled to London, where he took up with Christian missionaries & converted from Judaism. He was baptised Christmas Day 1899 & set off to study at a Lutheran seminary in Germany for ministry. Restless, he was sent to Canada to missionize the Jews of Montreal, for the Presbyterians, then the Anglicans.

    Back in London with no money, he offered his services to the British as a spy. When rejected he went to Holland & made contact with the Germans, who employed him as an agent.

    Returning to England, he narrowly escaped arrest, leaving for Brooklyn in 1915, where he made contact with German military attaché, Franz von Papen who was instructed by Berlin to have nothing to do with him, whereupon Trebitsch sold his story to NY World Magazine, which published under the banner headline Revelation of I. T. T. Lincoln, ex-Member of Parliament Who Became a Spy.

    The British, anxious to avoid embarrassment, hired Pinkerton agency to track him down. He was returned to England, not on a charge of espionage, not covered by extradition treaty, but of fraud. He served 3 years prison & was deported in 1919. His UK nationality was revoked in 1918.

    A penniless refugee, Trebitsch-Lincoln worked his way into the extreme militarist fringe in Weimar Germany. In 1920, after the Kapp Putsch, he was appointed press censor to the new government. In this capacity he met Adolf Hitler, who flew in from Munich the day before the Putsch collapsed.

    He ended up in China, taking up under various warlords. Supposedly after a mystic experience in the late 1920s, Trebitsch converted to Buddhism, becoming a monk. In 1931 he rose to rank of abbot, with his own monastery in Shanghai. Initiates had to hand over their possessions to Abbot Chao Kung, as he now called himself. He also spent time seducing nuns.

    In 1937 he transferred his loyalty yet again, to Japan, producing anti-British propaganda on their behalf. At the outbreak of WWII, he contacted the Nazis, offering to raise up all Buddhists against any British. The Gestapo Far East Chief, SS Colonel Josef Meisinger, urged that this scheme receive serious attention. It was even planned that Trebitsch accompany Nazi agents to Tibet to implement the scheme. He proclaimed himself Dalai Lama, a move supported by Japan but rejected by Tibet.

    Heinrich Himmler was enthusiastic, as was Rudolf Hess, but it came to nothing after the latter flew to Scotland in 1941. After this, Adolf Hitler put an end to pseudo-mystical schemes. Still, Trebitsch may've continued his work for the Nazis & Japanese in Shanghai until his death in 1943.

  21. “After leaving school (kicked out of yeshiva) he enrolled in the Royal Hungarian Academy of Art”

    It vey.
    Another one of YSV-Orzel-Finkel korboones. If they would have accepted him - on CCRC’s recommendation and Haskoomeh breevel - volt ehr gevoren a Odom Chooshiv and stayed a non molester frim ingerman.

  22. The bottom line from all this gibberish mayseh is that Trebitsch Is the Mashgiach’s relative, mechiten and or Great Uncle.
    In the next part of this mayseleh CCRC will decide if he was a molester or just a fraudster.
    To be continued…
    Can’t wait.

  23. Only the OU mashgiach in Queens in zein warped moyich would say Nazi collaboration is "gibberish" & use it to defend Moish Finkel's chevra

    1. Part I
      More coming
      Thank you CCRC.

  24. CHAMA is under the Monsey Viener Dayan

    His administrator is R' Hershel Kahn

  25. Even funnier than the duck sauce & registered trademark maysim combined is when the OU mashgiach of Queens noses around commercial kitchens at non-OU events because he 'thinks' that he 'knows' kashrus!

    1. It’s better then free fressing only in non hechsher places.

  26. The Heimish Mashgiach tells the kitchen goy, Hey-I understands English, don't .... with me, I'm a Rabbi.

  27. He fressed in one of those places, and a mashgiach saw him and confronted him.
    He asked whether you saw me eat it. He said yes.
    So it was under Rabbinical supervission.


    press the play button

  29. That Dayan Fischer in Vien has a son who is an independent rav hamachshir on caterers where he is not bound by inyanim of the Viener kehilla.

  30. I don't think there is such a thing as oyster shaped pasta but there are oyster shaped puff pastry shells & oyster crackers


    they sometimes add acid to aid the process

    do those acids need hashgocho?

  32. The NJ Agudah rep, Avi Schnall left Agudah to run for a NJ State Office.

    I hear there is a Rest of the story, behind this-What's the hock.

  33. ידוע שהגרי"ז אמר: אני לא אוכל 'הכשרים', רק ממה שהכיר וסמך באופן פרטי.. ללמדך שהמציאות של 'הכשר' היא בדיעבד

  34. But for CCRC No Hechsher all together is Lechatchila.

  35. Smokescreens of an OU MashgiachTue Feb 21, 04:46:00 PM 2023

    The OU mashgiach in Queens is playing the Bongos on his kitchen pots again about CCRC's supposed netiyos. The mashgiach always obsesses CCRC this or CCRC that, when it makes no difference when CCRC is not a public figure and no one outside of the mashgiach's 4 amos even cares

    Ein zach vus is klor is that yener mashgiach covers up any & all corrupt kashrus practices or even total lack of kashrus as long as the violator is a so called establishment shgooche or hashgocho.

  36. How come everyone is quiet while a few ppl are pocketing 20 million dollars of tzedoka?

  37. Reb Yudel Shlit'a.
    Please post your excellent Peasach list as early as possible so people can start shopping early. I think you posted early last year as well.
    Thank you.

  38. Smokescreens of an OU MashgiachTue Feb 21, 08:29:00 PM 2023

    The OU mashgiach in Queens kvetcht "Yenta (LH) part of this site" when he has spent MANY YEARS bashmutzing (on the blogs and in person) countless rabbonim & baal habatim who he doesn't like! The mashgiach's own mishpooche is full of scandalous criminals. Attacking everyone else is one of their cover up tactics.

    99% of his hoitzaois are covered by the BIG BUCKS that his benefactor Rebbelah SCHNORRS for him among the reiche Mauderneh in the Estates, yet the mashgiach made it his tafkid to keep tabs on every time someone gets a free tin of tuna fish, even minus the beigel. The mashgiach can't stand the Mauderneh but he's fort choitef their money quicker than when his buddy Chaim Schwartz asks the Queens Vaad for a home renovation "loan".

  39. 20 million dollars of tzedoka?

    enlighten us


    Was Rav Karelitz alein ever maskim to this? Or is his name just being thrown around?

  41. Tue Feb 21, 08:29:00 PM 2023

    Wow. You just push the button and there goes CCRC with some more mayselach Of course this was right after a good fress.
    Now he wants to know about the 20 million..Nu. Nu. he want a piece of that pie too. Aye hes from metro voo men hut chaloimos.

  42. Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rav Bransdorfer among many others assered the Brakel.
    How much did Lubin get pad?
    The Eidah and Moshe Shaul Klein & Dovid Shmidel were promised big bucks.

    1. That sounds like some post fress talk

  43. When Zalmi Teitelbaum had his dayunim sign to farkoif braekel, the chasima of Rav Filop did not materialize. I've heard that Rav Filop is a straight shooter.

  44. Bankrolling of an OU mashgiachThu Feb 23, 12:20:00 AM 2023

    Whenever they bring the sad facts on the OU mashgiach of Queens he obsesses over his personal boogeyman "CCRC" & then he lets out the same grepps that it's tall tales / fabricated mayselach.

    Derveil the shmootz on zein mishpooche has been all over the newspapers and how can he even begin to deny that the Rebbe takes loads of money from the rich dudes in Eastern Queens to stuff into his mashgiachdik pockets?

    $$$ Katch-ing!

  45. We know that Lakewood is the destination to buy reject chometz matzos on the cheap

    The question is who is now selling the reject KJ chickens after the shvantz in Far Rockaway got caught red handed?

  46. Mirrer Mirrer on the WallThu Feb 23, 12:39:00 PM 2023

    Who's the BIGGEST SCHNORRER of them all?

    It's the OU mashgiach who gets the truly BIG BUCKS from the wealthy Mauderneh in Eastern Queens, funneled to him compliments of his benefactor Rebbelah.

    But the mashgiach of course denies it & attacks others as schnorrers.

    One reason why the hypocrite mashgiach denies it is because he's terrified that his home will be another zuntag destination for the meshulochim coming to Kew Gardens, ringing his doorbell along with those of the groisseh kenackers from the Mertropolitan shul!

  47. Did it ever occur to you, CCRC, that the OU mashgiach and the mishpoocheh with the Newspaper and your suff stuff is all chelemeh sipeeray Zadeekim ??
    Ah. You never thought of that. Oy Vey. Time for a another quick fress. Hurry the baichel toot shoin vey. Es iz pikeeach Nefooshois. Ich bin Hingrig. Nu, Schneller....

  48. ...meshulochim coming to Kew Gardens, ringing his doorbell along with those of the groisseh kenackers from the Mertropolitan shul!...

    CCRC is pretty familiar with all those misheloochim. The rule in Metro Area is that every Misilach has to drop off a Shaineh Nedooveh far the super hungry CCRC free fress fund.
    Why is it that only CCRC knows about a Rebbeleh, and a Koillee, and the Modernaeh Estates negeedim ?? They support his fresses and have done so for many years. Going back to the Yesomim days. They also supply coffee for CCRC to zoiff down.

    It possible that CCRC owes a goiseh Shkoiach to the Teitelpin crowd for hosting CCRC all these years.

  49. Aye mashgiach, at least it's normal to zoiff a kaveh.

    But what's your excuse when you grab greasy Bloomie's doughnuts to zoiff vee a koiff? You manage solids just as effectively as normala mentchen manage liquids

  50. ...but what's your excuse when you grab...

    You tought all well. be proud of your super fress mission
