Thursday, February 16, 2023

WHO inserts its ideology into our minds and hearts: the Chemed Medical Ethics Conference This weekend the public health ideology will continue to insert itself into the minds and hearts of your rabbis and doctors, and through them, into you and your children 


Chemed is a Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) receiving our tax dollars through the Public Health Service Act, in addition to tax dollars it receives in return for promoting various public health agendas within the Jewish population. The word “Chemed” in Hebrew means “cute” but, with a small change in vowelization, means an insatiable greed for money.


The World Health Organization anti-Torah priorities and agenda are plain to see on their website as part of the UN Sustainability Goals. The job of the trusted influencers is to sanitize the public health agenda by introducing it in small palatable doses, each small step justified using Jewish and Torah sounding phraseology, and then each new step rendered palatable that it is the next logical step based on the previous steps you already agreed to. As exposed in an 8 part "Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn" series on 

 using recordings of Zoom calls and non-public documents, the trusted influencers provide a feedback loop in which they report back to their superiors in the public health chain of command reporting on success and difficulties in obtaining buy-in from the target population and asking for additional resources and permission to modify the messaging to be more successful.  focusses its exposé on public health operations targeting the Jewish Community, particuarly in Brooklyn, but this is going on in every


Here is an interesting tweet endorsing eugenics. Note the reference to genetic testing and screening which is being pushed on the Jewish population by the above discussed conference and other avenues. Note also the reference to the non-observant Jewish support for eugenics in the 1910s in Germany. It’s taken 120 years of clever and patient work and the eugenics movement is now winning support in the Torah observant Jewish community through the use of trusted influencers manipulating Torah, science and emotions.


  1. It's true that JOWMA is run by anti-Torah Feminist radicals but this Chananya Weissman is a moderner alter bochur who is not in gantzen & has his own hashkofah problemmen.


  3. Oh come on! Yitzchok Dovid Smith is gevoren a Chabadsker BT after he graduated Marxist Berkeley. And in anti-vaxx he makes Philly look like moderates.

  4. Besides for coming across as totally ignorant about the work Chemed does and what this Shabbos is you really just look for hate

    1. Why are you, OU mashgiach, mixing into business that has nothing to do with you???
