Tuesday, February 14, 2023




  1. If businesses are not to be political this business site is very much political.

  2. Anti Yudelstake Derangement SyndromeTue Feb 14, 04:25:00 PM 2023

    Tue Feb 14, 01:47:00 PM 2023 is pathetic. Never miss an opportunity to criticize R' Yudel even if you have to strain to fit the unrelated narrative.

    1. If you can dish it out you gotto take it as well.
      Most PEOPLE grow from criticism unless you’re into fressing which Reb Yudel is NOT into.
      (He mestama sends it to you CCRC).
      You should thank him once in a while if that is in your vocabulary.

  3. Learned from the Pope how to compliment chayas.

  4. First,being involved through colleagues in developments In Trenton.He throws a monkey wrench 🔧 in midst of big issues.Or he Is himself the monkey wrench for others.

    Additionally, nowadays is there anyone across on the globe unaware of what the Democrat party is,what it mainly represents,&who he is going to umbrella with?
    If this isn't a desecration, explain what is

    Better to vote for an anti semite

  5. Schnall is not really running it’s his “secrataren” that are going to run.
    But he does not want to megahleh yet that he became a Briskeh.
