Sunday, February 12, 2023

Update: What's a difference who's AUFRUF, as long as there is a kiddush that we can enjoy! Please put on the Choson's name

 RE: No name of Choson on Auf'ruf invitation.

 As seen on public notices and cards with the invitation.

We were going to attend "only" the Aufruf, so we no longer have the wedding invitation.

BP Print (Lakewood) says they can print invitations with the Name of the Choson or Family



  1. Jewish Geography with Bernie S in KGHSun Feb 12, 07:40:00 PM 2023

    Is that a typo on the bottom invitation that "Teitelbaum's" is on Princeton Ave in Lakewood? There is a Teitelbaum-pin's on Metropolitan in KG, Queens where the OU mashgiach enjoys a good Free Fress while blaming someone else for sucking up all the shirayim.

  2. At least it says where it is so you check the kashrus even if your at the wrong party

  3. whatsthe problem? you forgot whothe invitation was from and planned to go to oif ruf?
    so go!!. when you get there youll be reminded who it is

  4. It comes with the invitation. So take a second and write the name on the card if you are going to throw out the invitation.

  5. Bernie really is into 'Jewish geography'!

  6. Wow! The outside envelope has the names of both sides, so delete their names from the invitation altogether.
    And you don't need to address the return card, as one can get it off the outside envelope.

  7. There is much other information that one can delete from the invitation, might as well delete it, it may be cheaper that way.

    I see these aufruf signs in shul, and I don't know if I know who's aufruf it is, should I just go and crash the party for a piece of kugel or a bowl of cholent?

    Well, lately with meat boards, let's crash the aufruf, grab a good shot of whiskey also.

  8. Lots of ground to cover when Bernie plays Jewish Geography with the OU mashgiach of Queens. They can chazer ibber in which prisons Bernie's ex-law shutef David Schick spent time with members of the mashgiach's mishpooche & associates.


  9. Tue Feb 14, 12:51:00 AM 2023

    Nebach CCRC lebt in ah prison where ever he goes. He has to rely for his nutrition on all those free fresses. He can't even discuss it with anyone since every one knows his gantzeh gehshichta. And it ain't pretty.
