Thursday, March 23, 2023

FDA recalls OU frozen strawberries-sold at Trader Joe's and Costco



  1. Aless abee mattir zeinThu Mar 23, 11:06:00 AM 2023

    The OU was so busy trying to promote Belsky's manufactured "heter" to eat the thrips that they forgot that lazy Mexicans often do their tzrochim in the feld instead of looking for a bathroom, and thus the strawberries can also easily be infested with deadly Hepatitis.

    What is Daas Philly on this? No precautions for Hepatitis as with Measles, Covid & Ebola?

  2. Farina was found to have insects, black dots are visible.

  3. The KJ Vaad is boasting in advertisements this week that they are the first of any heimishe shgooche to have honey with mashgiach temidi. Organi-King honey sourced in Pennsylvania, distributed by Neiman Wholesale Distributors.

    Does Rav Shain feel that mashgiach temidi is necessary for honey production?

  4. FDA recalls strawberries due to the intolerant rate of insects which the FDA is responsible for.
    Metrodirty fabricators decided that it was a anti Mehiko issue created by the loving brothers city

  5. Honey is usually filtered with starched filters. Flavored honey is usually kitniyos, so there has to be a good kashering of equipment.

  6. I've heard that some honey farmers add lard or some chazir derivative

  7. I also heard eons ago that Coke adds Snake Juice to the products.
    However, even if they squeezes all the snake juice in the world it would not be close enough for Coke.
    Then a 'heimish' Soda company started. Not saying for a fact that there was any connection but......
