Wednesday, March 22, 2023

David Stern was the instructor for some in Lakewood that obtained their gun permits.

  Heroic victim David Stern releases video detailing the events that unfolded during this week’s shooting terror attack in Huwara. 

*English translation:* _On Sunday I was driving with my wife through Huwara on the way to Jerusalem. I got to a traffic circle, and I saw an Arab crossing the street and stopped to allow him to cross. As he was crossing, I noticed that he was making a suspicious movement with his hand, so I immediately reached for my gun._

_The terrorist then turned to face us and we opened fire at each other simultaneously. He shot at us, and I shot at him. After I shot about 10 bullets I saw the wounded terrorist flee and drove a few hundred meters down the road and stopped.

_I began to apply a tourniquet and bandages to my gunshot wounds. After a few minutes, an ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital._

_First off, I want to say thank you to G-d and all the Jewish people for the prayers. I really feel the love of everyone, thank you! I also want to say that the IDF must reinstate the checkpoints. It is impossible to continue living like this. We miraculously survived the terror attack, but what may happen in the future?_



  1. Who are the Lakewooders that got their gun permits?

    Is Yudel, one of them?

  2. Where was he yesterday when they needed him at GG

  3. Vos iz geshain at Gourmet Glatt?

    1. Nothing, this confused loser is referring to evergreen, but he doesn't live in Lakewood so it's all the same to him. I know this guy, he's 60 year old, and still living in his mother's basement. A big pathetic nebach, his only sipuk hachaim is posting bizzare comments on this has-been blog. Yudel should invite him over for the Seder, where they can talk about how good the kashrus was back in the old days in mitzrayim.

  4. The Tiferes Hagershuni learns that the Mitzrim forced Yidden to eat basar b'cholov so midah keneged midah the makkas Aroiv was an abnormal mixture of beasts that don't get along but joined together to attack the Mitzrim, just like basar b'cholov is an abnormal mixture that should not exist in the mouth of a Yid.

    Not a loser or an alta bochur, just sayin

    What happened in Evergreen Lakewood al kol ponim?
