Monday, March 20, 2023

מזל טוב, בית דין של בית הוועד ד,לייקוואוד-The attached letter was written Re: the Bais Havaad's Bais-Din, but it's apropo for all other Bais Dins.


The Lakewood Bais Din of the Bais Havaad was honored by taking R' Shalom Kamenetsky on as a Dayan, as he is a future member of the מועצת, ר"ל.

He was מתיר אישה להינשא בלי גט, even though Reb Dovid Feinstein, Z"L, said that she is still an אשת איש it was אסור.

This new Dayan to date has yet to instruct the couple to separate.

He has many other attributes.

This Bais Din has also made what is AKA גט מעושה


  1. The father & son are also still chumming around at the dinners of the Philly Community Kollel, sitting & shmuzing with the zoynah & her tzvaiter "husband".

  2. Who will Sholom collaborate with on mamzerus scams now that Nota Greenblatt is out of the picture?

    Why was Greenblatt the only one put in cherem by the special beis din of the alter Karlsburg Rov & lehavdil bain chaim lechaim the Freimaner Rov? We may not agree with every position of Itzu Glick, but he made a very valid point in a public letter, signing as Menahel of Hisachdus Beis Din, that Sholom & his father are just as shuldiks as Greenblatt.

  3. Sholom controls his father like a puppet pulling the strings.
    Reb Shmuel doesn't want to disagree with Shalom, a future member of the corrupt Moetzes.

    Mind you; Reb Shmuel knows well that his darling Sholom is eagerly waiting for the day after... to be on the Moetzes finally.

  4. Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility ComplexTue Mar 21, 11:49:00 AM 2023

    Philly gets away with it & so does Fuerst whose official title is head rabbi of Agudah illinois - because the establishment org protects them. Fuerst is an expert in pairing aishes ish with fremdeh men. He's probably pulled more of this than Greenblatt was at his age. The Fressers are also protecting whatever racket Yehiel Kalish is making money off of, from toievah propaganda to his membership & attendance at a non-Orthodox temple.

  5. The Philly Kamenetskys engineered that some little mamzerim came into the world

    An example is here on page 111. This day school has Sholom on their Board.

    "a school for our daughter that nurtured her personal, academic, and religious growth"


  7. The love for another Jew is 'plotzing' in these last 6 comments.

    From the filtyposekshoperfresser all the way to the windy city and beyond.
    From Kollelim until Hebrew day Schools.

    Just one question. After following this site for a while I learned that the only Pope with 'Papal infallibility' is some guy on the Pacific Coast. Did he move or did he die or what?

  8. "Sholom controls his father like a puppet pulling the strings"

    The yetzer horah has tremendous sway over me. So according to shitas Philly-Agudah I get a free pass?

  9. The plotz monitor wants us to adore those making pirtzos in kedushas Yisroel with their mamzer production schemes.

    Instead of posing a bogus question about an imaginary Pope on the West Coast, why doesn't he be honest for a change and talk about real issues. He's obviously yener mashgiach so he knows all about the complex religion from his Galich beechel keepsake. And he's especially upset that Agudah Fressers are being exposed in the Windy City of all places because that's where he owns a chelek of a nursing home under corrupt management that mistreats the elterreh mentchen.

  10. Puppet Master Sholom is doing quite well for someone not actually on the Moetzes. He fort managed to hijack the gantz Agudah & get them to adopt his underhanded agendas that they follow like lemmelach:


    Pretending to be "machniya" to R' Dovid Feinstein

    Feifing on the Torah Hakedoshah & all the gedolim in the velt


    Anti-Medical Establishment

    Pro-measles infection

    Pro-Covid infection (Except for the Tatten R' Shmuel vos er lebt noch after they secretly set up a de facto hospital in the house when he became deathly ill from the virus. You 'little people' have no such protekzia, and if so be it, then must die as collateral damage for the Philly 'greater good')

    Pro-covid infection

    Secular Zionism

    Pretending Philly is 'shpitz yeshivish'

    Pretending Philly is anything better than a very mediocre at best level of learning

    And there are plenty of other corrupt, cockamamie agendas that Philly has backed that are not so well known. Sometimes however Philly is good for comic relief. There was the episode that Sholom came to preach to some of his choir in Lakewood. It was right after the Gaavad of the Edah had been moyche against him. When some protesters tried to give Sholom a piece of their minds, you should have seen Sholom's bodyguard son lurch at them with kicks, stomps & karate chop arm movements!

    1. So who got rejected from Philly HS?
      Your Kaddish zoggers?
      Your einikel zaddikim?
      Maybe all of you?
      If that true,as it seems, your pretty mild!!!

  11. Philly also collaborated on the infamous mamzerus story with Mendel Epstein & Belsky. The real husband Aharon Friedman was lured to a fake pick up of the child being used as a pawn where Aharon was savagely beaten by Mendel's goons as per the FBI criminal complaint. And Philly is further collaborating with the Open Orthodox & Far Left Modern Orthodox to harass Aharon. Even though the YU pipsqueaks at ORA have declared Tamar Hazoynah to be "Free" (durch "bittul" kiddushin), and therefore if true there is no reason anymore to monn a get meusah, the Feminist Mob is still harassing the real husband anywhere he goes. It's actually old Shmuel K who encourages them to do so. The old man has become the Moireh Derech of the totally Un-Toradik Feminist Mob. Philly speak out both sides of their mouths. To the oylam Hatorah they supposedly defer to R' Dovid Feinstein (which that lie was only last minute when they saw 100s of big poskim not kidding around about putting the Philly RYs in Cherem), but the Feminist Mob Philly directs to stalk the real husband, scream up a storm, and disrupt any shul that lets him step foot inside.

    1. Oh. Now we’re blabbering like a genuine reject.

  12. Baltimore the City that BreedsTue Mar 21, 10:21:00 PM 2023

    Rabbiner Heinemann signed with all the krum moderner rabbis in support of ORA.

    What a bizayon!

    Especially when you see the full scope of how he acted completely oblivious, like he didn't care ki hu zeh, that Philly made a mockery out of Baltimore's beis din, overriding the psak that Tamar is married - with their demented corruption that they are gods who kaviyachol override the Torah on LO TINAF!

    1. If one eat yenneh hashgoocheh what else can you expect especially since the pre-chosen poisek already predicted that this will occur.

  13. What's the 'rest of the story' of Sholom having challenges telling the truth back in R' Shneur's days? L'mye nafka mina some might ask as he could still fill up that decrepit, makeshift shul on Monmouth Ave from a steady supply of Philly robots who were expertly programmed into obedience.

    And what's with this Bais Havaad shteller? Are they only using Sholom as a pinch hitter for 'complicated' episodes where they have to make a kiddushin 'disappear'? I mean, how does Sholom even have the time to play sitting dayan when he has a million other tafkidim from programming the new crop of robots every year on Drexel, to micromanaging Agudah and TU, to sitting on every other vaad hachinuch, to pontificating at Woke university campuses? What would the heilige Zeidy say about that last detail?

    1. Did Reb Sholom ever do Brisk?
      Which one?

  14. Interesting that this guy mentions “heiligeh Zeideh”.
    There are much larger Zeideh issues in this day and age.
    Not sure if Zeideh is happy when the holy einikel labels himself “unorthodox” or all the unprintable and unquotable chiruf and giduf showered on our current
    and past gedolim - lavish and chasidish - let alone one Rishonim and Amoroim - bahr minan.

  15. There was an earlier teshuva from R' Shloyma Miller tackling the same reckless behavior of Mordechai Tendler & Belsky being mafkir aishes ish.

  16. Chronicles of an OU MashgiachThu Mar 23, 09:31:00 AM 2023

    It's like clockwork. Someone criticizes one of the corrupt, sacred cows in the world of Agudah, and their self-appointed attack dog, who at least officially "works" for the OU, lashes out that your kids are rejects.

    And veiter like clockwork, the mashgiach never misses an opportunity to bash a grandson of a frierdik gadol who fights to stop molesters who are even more sacred to the mashgiach than stam Agudaniks. Azoy darft es zein when zein gantze mishpooche is populated with molesters. Bar minan is exactly the hypocrite mashgiach's M.O. of years of attacking all kinds of rabbonim who also fight molesters - in blog posts that the mashgiach didn't think would be traced back to him in Queens.

  17. I believe Sholom was in Brisk. He's not the only who disgraces the yeshiva. Some bad actors in kashrus had also passed through Brisk: Babad 20th Ave & Weissmandl.
