Sunday, March 12, 2023

Update-2: Shul Kidushim, being instituted in numerous Shuls- All parve, including parve cholent, parve kishke

 Forward-looking Shul Rabbonim is cutting to the chase many of the issues of Shul kiddushim.

Some Shuls have instituted that the shul has three levels of kidushim, and the Shul will provide the food from acceptable sources for the different levels.

Many tried to outdo one another in the high-end spreads, including the meat boards in these Shabbos Kidushim.

The Shul also provides the Schnapps, all with Hashgochas—no high-end stuff.

Next, they should limit the kiddush clubs, the liquor variety, etc.



  1. The whole davening in shul is 2-2.5 hours shabbos morning why is it that at some point during davening in some shuls do people feel the need to get up walk out and have alcoholic beverages ? Besides for that it is a lack or respect to hakadosh baruch hu is this the kind of chinuch one should be teaching to their kids .

    1. The kiddush club is ah alteh minhag which the sushibagels don’t want to give up. At least they keep epes ah minhag fin deh heim.

  2. Maybe the rat race will calm down a fraction - the rats will find stuff to race with at kiddushim - but the price will be the same for parve as it was for meat saying it’s the labor etc.
    When one will need a meat party the price will be sky high saying: aye it’s meat it cost me much more.

  3. By the shul of a big baal gaavah mechuton of the ex-CEO there was a shul meeting about throwing him out. A handful of members were previously warned if they continue to talk mitten davenen they are no longer welcome to come. One of them immediately quit, the others stopped talking except the mechuton & his friend who moved their shmoozing to the hallway of the veiber entrance as they don't daven anyway, and continuing every week from the veiber to the catering hall over mashkeh as round 1 before round 2 at kiddush. Then the Rav got even more annoyed at the mechuton's childish antics when the mechuton returned from a vacation. There was lots of red faced pouting and the kovod zucher mechuton whining to everyone about the Rav's "avlah" of not making an announcement welcoming him back. The next Shabbos, when the mechuton's hurt puppy act turned to anger & nekommah, he left his used becher from round 1 at the Rav's makom kavuah for the Rav to deal with at kiddush. The Rav wanted to throw him out. I was from the ones advocating to not throw him out, which I later came to regret. My cheshbon at the time was that most of the members were tight fisted with their money. I had a right to speak up because I was not tight fisted. I was afraid that since the mechuton was the biggest menadev to the shul, no matter what his kavonnos are, it would be a big financial hit for the shul if he's tossed out.

  4. Chaim Berlin = My Way or the HighwayWed Mar 08, 12:04:00 PM 2023

    No high end stuff - EVEN for BOURBON, the favorite Berliner booze???!!! You have to let people live!


  6. Heimishe Kishke CatererWed Mar 08, 01:05:00 PM 2023

    See 8:52 am how after the OU mashgiach in Queens has for years been chewing out comment writers who accuse kosher gesheften of greedy profiteering, he comes on the blog - to accuse kosher gesheften of greedy profiteering! The Holier than thou mashgiach is the only one in his opinion who can criticize - and even though he's shried umpteen times that it's lashon horah or outright sheker to say exactly what he's saying. (Not that he was correct to begin with). The mashgiach just loves no charge bully pulpits.

  7. Wed Mar 08, 01:05:00 PM 2023

    Can anyone explain 'vos ehr ploppeled du' ?

  8. Heimishe Kishke CatererWed Mar 08, 04:47:00 PM 2023

    Funny the OU mashgiach in Queens would ask, when as he knows, the explanation is zeyer pushet!

    When commenters rightly accused heimishe gesheften over the years of greedy profiteering such as Pesach pricing extortion, playing geneivishe shtick with foods by the pound, etc, the mashgiach comes charging right in to the Yudelstake comments to shrey it's not true and rank out the comment writers. This is all part of the mashgiach's act because he knows that certain kashrus industry personalities are observing him online and the phoney chanfener is looking to get "brownie points" from them. But deep down the mashgiach knows the taynos are true, so when he thinks his buddies like Chaim Schwartz & some OU-Queens Vaad mashgichim are not expecting him to go there, he tried to sneak a similar negative comment on to Yudelstake above at 8:52 this morning, bashing the heimishe gesheften with a likely conspiracy to fleece customers out of their hard earned money.

    Whoever knows the mashgiach well & is very familiar with his manner of speaking can see his fingerprints all over the 8:52 am comment.

  9. TashRAT overpriced partyWed Mar 08, 04:58:00 PM 2023

    Yener OU mashgiach is in favor of the Tequila Gedola via the Teimanisher shofar from the video as long as it's a variety with the worm & no shgooche. Sounds like a manufactured heter from the OU that's not widely known yet.

  10. "just pick a nice innocent rebbe and blame him"

    So in other words the Queens OU mashgiach admits it that when the Rebbelah schnorrs on his behalf from the Moderneh rich dudes in Jamaica Estates, there is something wrong with the fact that it's HUGE amounts that are chappt auss - while the mashgiach publicly ridicules any recipients of meager rations from Tomchei Shabbos who he happens to dislike, and with the even deeper hypocrisy that the crazy kanuee mashgiach despises Moderneh but will still take their gelt!

    The BIGGER the FREE FRESS, the harder they fall when exposed

  11. ..Thu Mar 09, 01:41:00 AM 2023...

    just because people are nice and won't accuse you of eating treif........

  12. Why doesn't anyone talk about the big picture. IN MONSEY THERE LIVES A ANIMAL THAT PEOPLE CALL A RABBI HE HAS A SHUL AND HE IS A MOSER. remember he even killed a mispalel on chanukah by hiring a goy to kill him at a tish. A Moser that puts people in jail and then tells them to rat on someone else and he will help get him out of jail.

  13. This Moser people call rabbi Rothenberg he isn't a rabbi rather a filthy animal stay away.

  14. He tries to play politics and he had a meeting with agudda last week while children parents siblings were crying for a person sitting in jail the aguda goes to meet him. Shame on aguda if they are a spokesperson for us so Don g do things against us

  15. Who is getting very excited in Monsey? Rothenberg is not the correct spelling. And even if you call him a moiser, no one ever said he hired the Shvartza killer. It's believed someone upset at that Rebbe paid for the contract hit on the Rebbe but the Shvartza klutz stabbed the wrong Yid to death when the Rebbe stepped out of the room

  16. He is a moiser stay away he's an animal where is the outrage. He deserved to get hit by the shvartzaloke we say machshefa or moiser loh sichaya.

  17. The Queens Vaad must be running scared. If one cash cow can escape them, is this the onfang of a tidal wave of switching to a more reliable hashgocho?

    Sushi Fussion Forest Hills is now free of the joke known as the Queens Vaad & under Rav Altusky from Philly (VKM Vaad Kashrus Mehadrin) whose poskim are R' Doniel Neustadt in Lakewood & R' Shloima Gruber in Boro Park.

    1. Couldn’t get the VHK or the VHQ so he had no choice but to go to VKM.

  18. Good competition for the Bloomie laitzanim who do t need or care about a hechsher.
    But on this new show in northeast USA there’ll be queens vaad jokes kuful shmoina.
    You know the new shower is REAL FRUM.
    Yeh. Right.

  19. Just curious, which shuls have instituted this policy? I have spoken to many people and no one heard of this initiative.

  20. Shuls in Florida, etc.

    1. Lolllll. Shuls in Florida always have a pareve kiddush. They dont even know what kishka is. Theres no reason Shuls can't have a fleishigs kiddush with meat boards and high quality alcohol. Just because you don't appreciate it, doesn't make it wrong.

  21. "he had no choice but to go to VKM"

    Or at least so claims a desperate kashrus admin (or his sidekick from the larger hashgocho) because he lost out.

    When does the Queens Vaad EVER refuse $$$ an account? And it's rare Queens Vaad throws anyone out even for serious kashrus violations.

    You can't honestly deny it, Chaimel & Yanky.

  22. So do the Conservative and reform temples. Sometimes its dairy.

  23. It says on Shabbos you should have Bassar Vidagim, V'Chol mataamin....That includes high end fish and meat boards and good quality wines and alcohol. If you want, you can write your own shabbos zemiros that include very yoshon sponge cake, pickled herring from a jar and potato vodka as you decide what's appropriate

  24. There is a huge difference between the shul kiddush rat race and the lonely home fress lunch.
    Sorry for getting into your kishkehs.
