Wednesday, March 08, 2023

If you might get a cut in salary, or get laid off, etc. "prepare", Shaar-Ha'bitachon in Chovas Ha'livov'ois 


  1. One be knowledgeable in Chovas Halevovos independent of if you will lose your job or get a salary cut.

  2. Etlicher kashrus personalities who will pull any shmitzik stunt to be machshil the rabim in the name of parnooseh, wouldn't know a Choivas Halevuvos if it smacked them in the punim.

    Parnooseh is sometimes known belaaz as that living wage, Qveens / Bostoner Webbe edition, and otherwise known as let's disrupt Yudel's blog to minimize whatever kashrus scandals he's exposing.

  3. IU thought I was getting layed off so I applied to be a KCL and/or VKM. I'll for sure get the job and have a great salary.
    Rabbi Olbaum will make sure of that.
