Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Re: The Lakewood Tumult about KCL's certified food service episode(s)....Due to KCL's viable threats- We are not sharing any further info at this time. De Ja Vu!

 At least One Shul Rabbi banned any shul member from partaking in a KCL certified


  1. Is this any shaychus to the missing sechoira from Restaurant Depot?

  2. What do you think about the assortment of Racks of Lamb served at the high-end affair?

    Where did it come from on such short notice?

    AH! you're on to something.

  3. Yudel has been raising red flags about the meat board gesheften.

    Could anyone please give me some info on that?

  4. The meat gesheften are also threatening Reb yudel and others….can’t talk now.

  5. Do we have a Puerto Rican connection here?

  6. https://dusiznies.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-screaming-rabbi-doesnt-know-what-is.html

    Probably a catering hall where they're not body frisking the guests for contraband smart phones loaded with WhatsApp

  7. That Finkel comment might get a few laughs but there is something going on with Puerto Rico that is nisht ken galachter.

    The Sfardi Fraudster-Schnorrer vus halt zich Satmar / Toldos Aharon has some new kneitches in his scams where he takes gelt from everyone under falshe pretenses to invest in real estate.

    After the Chesed Fund got complaints about his anonymous $100,000 fundraiser for "family in distress" they got a letter written by episs a Ruv. The letter was legit for someone else. The shem mishpuche was crossed out. The real aniyim have a very short name that is much shorter than the Sfardi con man so the ziyuf is boilet.

    It turns out the Sfardi is running an even bigger Schnorr campaign of $350,000 on Charidy that is supposed to be for the tuna beigel & OTD boys that Beri Weber opened a rehab yeshiva for. The video for the campaign hides nothing, it shows the boys were sent on a paid vacation to Puerto Rico. Meshiggeh! That is the last place that bucherim with a yeitzer hureh should be allowed to go! They couldn't send them to anyplace normal?

  8. What's this? Another grumble about Empire "timtum"?

  9. Reb Moshe sent a messenger to Reb Shnuer not to use Empire poultry.
    Now, it's much worse than at that time.

  10. These kcl party participators are so tumtum already you can't even try to tell them anything about the food that they are consuming.

  11. With so much kcl timtum, how far are they all from being non-believers (deep down)?
    As R' Yudel calls them "Manalapan Chinese kosher style"

  12. This is just an "I told you so" placeholder for the next scandal if/when it becomes public. There is no reason to post this if there are no actionable details.

  13. When the Essen is der Ershter zachWed Mar 15, 05:17:00 PM 2023

    Is this what the Shabbos Maamad in Prudential Center is about? Altz the kids who went OTD? An 800 pound gorilla in the room that goes unmentioned is the timtum.

    The Agudah Fressers haven't announced why they're doing the Maamad. IF it's altz the kids it's a choshuveh kavonneh - but only if they also attack the roots of the problem which is timtum from bad kashrus, molesters, and etlicher melamdim who are overall up to no good. Yesh oimrim also the viruses that come from metzitzah which is why R' Chaim Brisker & R' Chaim Oizer posken against metzitzah.

    Is there going to be a farce repeat of the over the top Fressing for VIPs like at the Siyum Hashas where they came close to the excesses of the Agudah Fresser Convention? Calling Michael Schick?

  14. What's ab's point considering that there are KCL shenanigans ALL THE TIME?

    1. So bring actual proof. I too want to believe what you say, but without any evidence, this is simply motze shem ra.

  15. At least One Shul Rabbi banned any shul member from partaking in a KCL certified

    Must be connected to the new super hashgacha VKM.
    Another winner for Lakewood and the Northeast USA

  16. The batlan mashgiach from you know where is making a backhanded sarcastic swipe against VKM. Why is he allowed to get away with it yet we cannot respond to him? Not fair. And now that you are blocking his usual shtussim & malice, he will keep trying to sneak in items that are still shtochs against everyone but couched in less hostile sounding language. Therefore the filter should be intensified to keep him out.

  17. The truth hurts sooooo much that you have to block him out.
    Thats Brave.
    You continue to push for a one sided super fress site.

  18. Hypocrite. What truth? You are a machine churning out lies. You had no complaints about the owner's frumkeit when he was under Queens Vaad. All of a sudden when he upgrades to VKM hashgocho you start spitting out the smears & questioning how frum he is. Whenever someone questions the frumkeit of owners under Queens Vaad & OU you lash out because you cover up even for mechalel Shabbos owners who the Queens Vaad allows without mashgiach al gabav.

  19. VKM happens to be banging on all stores doors for some more customers -VHQ or elsewhere - and they’ll let them do whatever they want as long as ‘you come to us’.
    As much as that hurts all serious people for trying “to upgrade” in such a desperate manner, it hurts CCRC so much more that the stores are not responding that it interferes with - you guessed it - his FF. What really kills him is that the 73rd “guys” are not getting what they want in a flash.
    However, in about 30 years they’ll make another “yesoimim or Coffee” mayseh out of it.
    Can’t wait to see what happens next.

  20. Wow!, Gehenim (the Abyss) is constantly in rotation 360 degrees.
    They realized that even though it's 60 x larger than Gan-Eden with standing room only, they need more room for the Mizrach wall.

    Now that it's in a constant rotation, there is 400% more room for Mizrach.

    1. The black hat ‘mizrach vant’ down there will never be wide enough to place all those shtendehs facing the heat from maarav side.

  21. March 22, 2023 at 2:16 PM

    plus some not so secular guys. Unless you classify a secular Chredi as anyone who does not follow the YS path. Then your right.

  22. How could one tell if someone is a secular-charedei?

    How could one tell is someone is an "anshei-Sedom"?

    1. Check up the latest Nishma survey for the answer

  23. Were there threats over the Bais HaVaad post?

  24. Replies
    1. Bob Feller,
      Your team has been eradicated

  25. VKM= vaad kashrus Mehadrin out of Philly, it beats KCL, BUT for anyone interested in an acceptable kashrus, it doesn't cut it.

  26. Yeh.
    When the Kveens Rabbonim couldn’t go lower then they already are the rabiinim brought in the VMK. Now all the Metro guys together with the Estates Rabbonim are very happy.
    Metro guys think it’s better.
    Estates Rabbonim think it’s lower.
    VMK originates in the city of brotherly love thus everyone loves them. From Reb Yudel all the way down and beyond.

  27. Heard that the new VMK stores are looking to sell.
    All 3 stores for 1 price.
    Money goes to VMK and is tax deductible.
    Can’t beat a deal like that.
    Oh. Rabbi O gets a cut for bringing them in.
