Monday, April 03, 2023

How did Barkan wines win the most gold medals? Their Falasha workers (aledged) refused to go through a גירות להלכה!



  1. Dinkins the PinkinsMon Apr 03, 04:01:00 PM 2023

    When I saw this year that Barkan has gone under Chug Chasam Sofer, I thought for sure the company replaced the Brothas working in production. (The wines are now additionally under Mishkoltz, but I wouldn't Trrrust him!)

    Hayitochen that the Chug would join Chabadsker OK in turning a blind eye?

  2. There is a Kushi that R' Yudel can vouch is very creative & has a sense of ingenuity when it comes to ganvening salamis behind the back of KCL. Barkan could use someone like him!

  3. That Kushi is professional in making exchanges, and you never say you don't have something.

  4. Dinkels the PinkelsMon Apr 03, 10:11:00 PM 2023

    What are the kashrus requirements for homemade wine put up for sale?

  5. I don't understand takke how Mishkoltz gets away with it.

    When Arlington Hotel in Beis Lechem (Nei Hampshire) used to be kosher, he brought a "mashgiach" from Montreal who is erger vee a Tuna Beigel. He's not even minimal frum. He wore skin tight clothes that made it visibly obvious he couldn't be bothered with tzitzis. He told the men he couldn't come to the beis medrash for tefillos because he "can't take a break from watching the kitchen." What he was accomplishing instead was making sure the men weren't watching him getting farshmeezt with all their veiber in the lobby. Sometimes there was no Yiddishe frau available so then he hit on the goytas in housekeeping. The "mashgiach" had a bigger koyach than most mashgichim. Instead of seeing to it that the men & veiber would be shvimmen alein, which would be rather easy with a mostly heimishe crowd, he made sure there was mixed swimming davka! And he put up a sign that a goyishe movie (rating was far from "G") will be shown in the BEIS MEDRASH. An alter Yid guest in the kashrus industry said tze duch a groissen problemm but he's zicher the Mishkoltz will do absolutely nothing if all this is brought to his attention. If anyone complained the slightest while there, the rasha achzar "mashgiach" retaliated severely by refusing to provide food required by infants (such as boiled egg & even single serve yogurt), sabotaging all adult meals coming out of the kitchen, and ordering waiters to not allow any such mishpocho to have the better matzos & not any wine whatsoever. The gangsterei was backed up & reinforced by his Montreal Tuna Beigel buddy who was in charge of maintenance. The on site agent of the Satmar KJ owners has no spine so she made excuses why she's not stopping the rishus, such as she doesn't want to fight with the "mashgiach" because "his wife is so nice" & she "doesn't want to get her upset", but she offered to sneak food out of the kitchen for babies so they wouldn't starve when the rasha isn't looking. The rasha is probably still working for MK Montreal.

    The Mishkoltz himself is known to behave like mafia. When Belsky's cousin Weberman (currently serving a 54 year jail sentence) was using the Satmar Willy Vaad "Hatznius" as a platform to be me'aness young girls provided by Beis Ruchel as needing some "Musser", one of the prosecution witnesses was a restaurant owner under the hashguche. No less than 3 sons of the Mishkoltz were arrested for witness intimidation, not limited to threatening to revoke the hashguche.

  6. Tue Apr 04, 08:58:00 AM 2023

    Im going to stop listening to kol mevaser and get direct very detailed news and yentehrei from our La Kosher Nostra B'haymeh.

  7. Rabbi Berger has no shaychus to the rabbonus of any Mishkoltzer kehillah in der alter Heim. But the title is a smart marketing strategy in Willy!

  8. If it Smells like KG NaysayerTue Apr 04, 10:03:00 PM 2023

    Who else? It irks him to no end whenever corruption is exposed, so he attacks the messengers with nasty names. Very reminiscent of his attacks on R’ Yudel. Hopefully he will be assigned by his major hashgocho to an account open on Chol Hamoed or otherwise be busy in “Metro” so that he doesn’t have too much time on his hands for vos mer of his shtussim & venomous attacks than usual.
