Monday, May 22, 2023

American Dream-Can we eat at Bravo's Pizza חלב ישראל Pizza?

 Anything requiring Bedikas Toiloy'im should not be used.

One that eats from KCL establishments can surely eat there.


  1. American Dream location is part of the Bravo chain with 2 Manhattan locations.

    A different Bravo Pizza chain is in Queens & North Miami Beach. One that eats from Queens Vaad infestation (backed by a certain mashgiach from the OU) can surely eat at either chain.

  2. Farkoifing yeshivos Sitra Achra styleTue May 23, 01:01:00 PM 2023

    Which yeshiva lures talmidim to victimize by inviting the prospects with their parents to shpiel at American Dream's amusement park? They even did it during the height of covid when it was illegal after getting the Modern Orthodox owner to let them in exclusively.

    Here are a few hints

    It's head is known as the most shver davar rosh yeshiva of this dor.

    He has toxic daughters needing to be removed from chinuch who try to destroy maydelach they have a koyach over.

    When the yeshiva relocated out of area to escape covid shmiros, they announced a medical director, who a few days later was locked up by the FBI for fraud.

  3. Tue May 23, 01:01:00 PM 2023

    Mon May 22, 07:29:00 PM 2023

    Two jealous dudes. The kinah is eating them alive. Mammesh.

  4. The hints were enough for me to figure out which yeshiva uses such shallow recruitment tactics to draw into what is essentially a trap.

    3:40 pm has a special extraperceptual sense of kinah that is beyond the daas of most people. He feels kinas soifrim for shysterish hashgochos playing fast & loose with kashrus at the public's expense. And for an imposter in a frock, who while sadistically leaving talmidim with emotional scars, purports to take his orders from the place that rosh yeshivas Brisk warned is a toxic ort of rishus - Philly.

    As far as the yeshiva's official medical doctor (arrested in Scranton) who violated his oath & worse, his wife was also arrested when the Feds finally determined her whereabouts. There were rumors that she was hiding at Levitan's shul (another Philly bastion).

    The doctor's father & fetter from Flatbush were previously arrested for molesting at a camp for the retarded in the mountains. This was not stam, it was a monstrous mayseh worthy of Mendel Epstein.

    Now 3:40 pm must really, really 'know' that 'dudes' are being eaten alive with jealousy!

  5. That rosh yeshiva put on a frock already? I guess it fits the image he's trying to paint of himself, of trying to be more of a R' Avremel Ausband than Rav Ausband alein. Vehamayvin yovin, lol! His rebbitzen is agav marketing director of the corrupt nursing home that infamously got in a lot of hot water for sneaking out & back in heimishe residents to spend the first Pesach of Covid with relatives from where they brought back the virus to infect the other residents. Then they were caught covering up the outbreak of deadly black fungus in residents lungs. When they were outed by a frumma blog linking government & newspaper reports, the page of the nursing home website listing it's executives was quickly deleted.

  6. Wed May 24, 01:51:00 AM 2023

    ...Now 3:40 pm must really, really 'know' that 'dudes' are being eaten alive with jealousy!

    Guess we really proved our point. CCRC just put his fress feesel in his 'pi' once again.

  7. ...R' Avremel Ausband .. Vehamayvin yovin, lol!

    His rebbitzen is agav marketing director of the corrupt nursing home.
    Where is the Nursing home? In Riverdale? next to the Yeshivah?
    Class AAA moitzee Shem Rah.

    Vehamayvin yovin used only by CCRC type smart creatures.

  8. "moitzee Shem Rah" is when something is a lie. The government announced that they were caught so it is true. We are dealing with someone who can't stand lashon horah of toieles. 12:30 pm would rather that someone's elterren die from greedy negligence rather than "chalilah" expose some shady people with ties to the establishment.

    1. As predicted you missed the whole point including the MSR part.
      Also, government saying you did something wrong is not a Heter to make it Toeles or true.
      Welcome to the aino Mayvin club.

  9. Who needs to get a clue? Most Rishonim & Achronim hold that something announced by the government or even newspapers that is seemingly true is no longer assur to repeat.

    You however, as the self-appointed flag bearer of the Agudah Fressers, will do anything to cover up the shrecklichste avlos, as is well known in KG vehagelilos!
