Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Support the Coalition of Jewish Values

 The Department of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX are only the latest salvo in the Left’s ongoing Un-Holy War to enshrine transgender ideology as a state religion. CJV’s public comment pushes back on these changes as an attack on women, Biblical values, and religious freedom.

The Department of Education is trying to rewrite Title IX, the groundbreaking legislation that guaranteed equal opportunity to women and girls. The proposed changes redefine a woman as anyone who “identifies” as female and punish schools that refuse to play along.

A host of prominent pro-values groups, religious and feminist organizations filed public comments opposing this change. Some filed detailed legal arguments reaching dozens of pages.

So what was the role of CJV, and its relatively brief, four-page comment?

In all our work, CJV provides a fundamentally Jewish perspective, one rooted in Torah and guided by millennia of tradition. In this case, CJV’s comment forced the DOE to address an entirely new set of issues—and by law, agencies have to review and address all comments, or face a court challenge if they fail.

CJV argued that the new rules prohibit normative Jewish beliefs and practices, and threaten to exclude religious Jewish students, especially women, from interschool and intercollegiate sports. At a foundational level, the new regulations would establish a new state religion, an ideology at odds with belief systems held by millions of Americans.

The proposed changes equate “gender identity” with sex and codify gender ideology in law. They compel Americans to accept a set of definitions that are nothing more than articles of a new, idolatrous faith, at odds with both the Bible and human biology. As we put it in our comment:

“The regulation would not demand abandonment of Jewish religious standards more clearly if it asserted that the Book of Genesis is null and void.”

Codifying a new state religion, and forcing schools to honor its precepts, is a flagrant violation of the Constitution and the right to freedoms of conscience  and religion enshrined therein.

CJV is a strategic asset not just to the Jewish community, but to every American who cherishes traditional values, and even the right of women to participate and excel in sports. Your generosity enables us to grow and to expand our impact. Please help us today! And please don’t hesitate to reach out for any reason.

Yours sincerely,  Rabbi Yaakov Menken

P.S. Your enthusiasm and financial support will help us put this country on the right path. Please help us as we strengthen our network and work to educate politicians and the media about authentic Jewish values. Give to the CJV today!

The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, articulates and advocates for public policy positions based upon traditional Jewish thought. We stand for traditional family values, religious freedom, and combating anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world.The CJV does not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate for political office or any political campaign. Any mention of public figures herein is purely for informational and educational purposes and should not be interpreted as a statement of electoral support or opposition.

The Coalition for Jewish Values is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donations to the CJV are tax deductible as permitted by law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding any tax deductions.

1 comment:

  1. Are you for this org, Reb Yudel??
    The board consists of all your 'friends' in the kashrus world specifically from you favorite kashrus city. You know, the city that breeds intermarriage.
    Are we missing something here?
    Is this maybe a 'fundraiser' for this 'holy' org?
    Anyone getting a cut for every hit on this site?
