Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Colgate disposable toothbrushes



  1. They only sell this in Maryland. It’s not shipped anywhere else.
    Using this product only causes intermarriage with a spouse where one parent is Jewish.

    1. Intermarriage is pat akum.

      Chazir is timtum halev, whatever that is.

  2. Tothbrushes toothpaste soap (even for dishes) etc don't need to be kosher they are not food. Infact most toothpastes have a poison warning printed on th tube, that is how unedible they are.
    However it is said in the name of Reb Yechezkal Abramsky OB"M that although treife dish soap may be of no kashrus issue,but bnos Yisroel Kdoshos don't want treif in their kitchen. Basically he wasn't laughing at those who wish to be machmir, like megardim al hakir, by bedikas chometz.
    However that said something poison may be different, for sure not asur, may be a tzad lechmir als kedusha or may be not..

  3. Toothpaste has no warning of poison, just if you swallow a larger amount, not that it's a poison per se.

  4. Dear Reb Yudel,

    I used these for years without knowing this info. Someone pointed me to the ingredients problem around the time that you posted this, and I have obviously stopped using it since then. (They possibly got the information from here.)

    Since I am looking for a replacement, do you know the status of these:

    Crest Scope mini brushes? Customor pictures/reviews in this link have a clear picture all the ingredients

    Brushes on the go?


    This is a serious inquiry. Thank you!
