Friday, June 16, 2023

A creative solution-

(Update on today's Bais Dins.) 

Have one of the עדי קידושין be R' Sholom Kamenetsky future Member of Moetzes an active member of a Bais-Din or R' Dovid Markin et al, as they are non-acceptable עדים and we can make a ביטול קדו'שין.

Ask R' Sholom Kamenetsky how it works.

[he is an עד פסול] ביטול קירושין


  1. How does that help?

    And can't the me'agein then tayna the dayan must recuse altz conflict?

  2. He is saying that he is a pasul eid

  3. Just about every Dayan on a Bais-Din is posul for Eidus.

  4. You'll run into the argument between Reb Moishe and Rav Henkin if a couple lives together etc.
    So you brilliant idea/joke don't work.

  5. Leave it up to Sholom Kamenecki, he'll be mivatel the kidushin, even though Reb Dovid Feinstein told him she is still an eishes ish, he didn't have her divorced.

  6. Nota Greenblatt was put in cherem by the beis din of R' Chatzkel Roth ztl & the Freimaner Rov shlita for facilitating the mamzerus play for $$ pay $$ scheme by Sholom & his father.

    Almost everyone including Kamenetsky nunter R' Malkiel signed they are resigned to impose a cherem on the Kamenetskys themselves, but at the last minute Sholom had his father sign that he's mevatel daas to R' Dovid Feinstein. This is a huge lie to weasel out of the cherem when they are not mevatel daas whatsoever. Whoever did not sign for the cherem is either because they are brainwashed Philly boys or because Pinny Lipschutz put gigantic pressure on them.

    R' Avrohom Yehoshua said befarhesya that the Philly Kamenetskys are reshoyim, Philly talmidim (very few got in regardless) are no longer welcome in Brisk, and that no bnei Torah should send their sons to Philly.

  7. A must listen, Reb Shimon Russell on parenting.

    1. Why is this a must listen? The book is a bunch of fluff. Why would I take advice from someone whose kids all went of the derech. His goal per the book is to let kids make healthy choices even if that choice is not being frum. He should not be proud if his technique and its not for any frum home.

  8. Mamzer Lives Matter?Fri Jun 16, 03:34:00 PM 2023

    What did Dovid Markin do?

  9. R' Avrohom Yehoshua said……
    Thank for posting the only Daas Torah in todays day and age, The Brisker Rov Jr.

  10. The sonei Brisk in Kew Gardens is at it again, unable to control his petty kinah that he wasn't cut out for Brisk. But what would he know about Daas Torah?

  11. Aye. Bensonhurst.
    Does Reb AY have other pesokim that are binding onto Klal Yisroel ??
    If he wants to say what the accepted Daas Torah is He can always join the Agudah (CHAS VESHOLOM) or the Sefardim (Rachmana Yatzeelaihu).
    Ah. Deh Tateh this the Tateh That......

  12. Deh Tateh this, lehavdil, iz duch besser, vus mer besser, vee kisvei Galochim offen deiner shrank in KG!

    Aye, you must have loved the Yated this week, Debbie Maimon from the Rubashkin conspiracy articles is back with US Air Force investigations of Little Green Men from Outer Space!

  13. Mon Jun 19, 02:37:00 PM 2023

    for a someone who hates the Yated and Co. Your mamesh a Baki in the Yated.

  14. I was just at a few weddings in LAKEWOOD and Reb Sholom Shlit'a was called to be a aid. He volunteered to read the Kesubah or Bracha Achrita instead.
    He's a briskeh and wanted to be Machmir for all the remote and Loshon Horah shitous.
    He actually got both, Kesubah and Bracha Achrita.
