Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Self explanatory


June 7, '23 / 18 Sivan 5783

My brief meeting tonight with HoRav Dov Landau Shlita in Monsey:

Tonight, I arrived about 10 minutes early to my June 6th, 11 pm appointment to speak with the Rosh Yeshiva at the home of R' Shimmy Glick, next-door to Bais Mikrah in Monsey.

I opened by introducing myself, as a grandson of Rav Ze'ev Wolf Leiter (whom, of course he knew as a prolific Boki), and as someone involved in researching the Halachos of Avoda Zorah (New Age-related) issues relevant nowadays. (The Rosh Yeshiva expressed interest, looking at the Sefer about new-age holistic infiltrations pictured below.) I then stated the following:

Although I (B"H) have my own children, I am NOT asking for a brocho for them -- but rather for all of the girls - mostly mesorati (""not frum"") - sitting in Keleh 10 over their refusal to be drafted.

The gabbai (apparently an Israeli) who was serving as a translator of sorts (even though my Ivrit is more than sufficient) asked me, "which jail?" and "Where?" -- acting as if he had no idea what I was talking about -- or where the new Israeli military prison is even located. 

The gabbainot the Rosh Yeshiva, quickly asked me for my "next" question, which was regarding to'aiva (LGBT) issues, to which said gabbai was even curter, responding that I should discuss those issues with the Rosh Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel, not here.  Again, this undiplomatic brush-off was from the gabbainot the Rosh Yeshiva. Nor did I notice any indication from the Rosh Yeshiva that he was in agreement with the treatment. The gabbai was seemingly acting on his own.

P.S.  This meeting occurred very shortly after a local Rosh Yeshiva (whom I know personally), who similarly had an 11 pm appointment (who arrived perhaps 5-10 minutes after I did) spent a generous amount of time, apparently well over 10 minutes, with the Rosh Yeshiva. I have no objection to that. 

What's hard to grasp here  is why To'aiva and Giyus Banos, both of which involve institutionalized arayos and Chillul HaShem of epic proportions, fail to evoke interest by those who are shielding the Ziknei Rabbonim from such uncomfortable facts rather than conveying them.  What could be so unimportant about those topics that mere discussion is to be shoved off the table like that?


  1. R' Dov Landau, not R' Don.

  2. What's the name of the sefer on "New Age"?

  3. The gabbai must be one of us. There is no end to the list of things that we Fresser baal habatim, without the input of gedolim, decide must be covered up, just in case something makes the brand or one of us Fressers look bad.

    When the alter Rav Feitman spoke at a recent Agudah Fresser Convention, he attacked improper mechanchos who abusively cause Bais Yaakov maydelach to go off the Derech. How dare Rav Feitman raise awareness about any flaws in the system! We Fresser baal habatim surrounded him & wagged our grubbeh fingers in his face that he just did a big no no!

  4. Well, I was never moydeh to my netiyos one way or another but maybe the gabbai shut down the toyevah discussion in honor of Pride Month?

  5. Machshayfos IncorporatedWed Jun 07, 10:05:00 PM 2023

    One very passive aggressive way that sick yentas who should not be moros in Bais Yaakovs are hurting the girls is not by insulting them over their ruchniyus which is Rav Feitman's beef. They are just knocking the grades down for no legitimate reason. This hurts the girls whether they take the seminary or college routes. Seminaries and colleges read the transcript in full for both Koidesh & chol courses so not doing well in any area does not look good. These reshanta moros have some kind of perverse kinah or stam a sadistic streak. Many of them do not respond when you can prove to them that they mark correct test answers as incorrect. In one extreme case I saw a harshly marked test lined up to an answer key that is sold by the publisher (not through regular stores) which the nasty teacher did not expect anyone to special order.

  6. The rumor among chasidim always was that the Vilna Gaon was brainwashed by those around him about chasidus. It was always refuted by saying it can't be that someone of such stature could let himself. Yet I've seen it with many modern day gedolim, and have come to believe the same was with the gr"a. In fact, read the letter from the gr"a about his opposition to chasidus. There was little substance other than they shukle during davening.

    1. Ludicrous.
      There was little purpose to have a discussion since their whole trajectory
      was veering off
      His opposition helped cause their switchboard switch which in later generations stymie that,at least for a while

    2. Wow. You really don’t have a clue, do you.

    3. Sorry you drank too much of the cool aid

    4. The letter from the GR"A talks about shuklin by davening. Nothing about veering off. Any suggestion that chasidim were veering of is not factually supported. Saying that the GRA saved chasidim is not honest.

  7. Wed Jun 07, 10:05:00 PM 2023

    Rebbys are molesters.
    Moros are Reshantahs.

    Do you have kids? In public school, of course.

  8. There goes 'You Know Who', yet AGAIN, trashing whoever dares call attention to einam hagunim in rabbonus & chinuch (he's gotta protect zein eigenner mishpooche!).

    His own kids would, but of course, be in Qveens public school if zein mishpooche hadn't weaseled their way into the protekzia they provide him.

  9. So 10:27 am is lashing out with eress nachash because his wife is part of the problem?

  10. Thu Jun 08, 01:10:00 PM 2023

    As usuall, Ehr veis alein nisht voos ehr zoogt dorten.

  11. Thu Jun 08, 02:46:00 PM 2023
    Just because CCRC has major issues with his penniless mispoocheh does not mean others do.
    Just because CCRC has major issues with his penniless zaddikim does not mean that others blame the expellant Rabbayim and the outstanding moros for not tantzing nooch CCRC's fress feats and his narisheh 'keeoy' that he spews out here on a daily basis.

  12. Not Fit for ChinuchThu Jun 08, 03:21:00 PM 2023

    One Bais Yaakov that is perhaps the worst with a disproportionate number of malicious Morahs has a combination of different dynamics going on.

    Some of the non-Koidesh hires are Modern Orthodox or not even frum. They resent us and our lifestyle so it's no surprise that they will pick some victims to harm, but not enough victims to raise red flags with a naive Hanhala.

    Some hires are indeed full of kinah. They target girls to take out their petty frustrations on in cases where they won't be bumping into the mothers around town. They wouldn't dare do it when they have shaychus. The victimized girls grada seem to be smart, attractive & stylish.

    There is a teacher here & there who is nebich tzefloigent. Even when the Hanhala wants to punish them it's difficult to severely discipline someone who is just checked out mentally.

    The most matzuy category became very apparent since covid. There is a relative Horde of kfuyei tov who come with (bogus) taynos that they aren't being compensated enough so they take it out on all the talmidos, most to a lesser extent but some to a great extent. These ingrates used the pandemic as a wedge to wail with, that they supposedly weren't paid enough before Purim 2020, kal vachomer since then with all the health protocols.

    It was this specific group of yentas as somone appropriately labeled them who were also the ground zero in the great scam that prompted Torah Umesorah to shnor a fund for all Morahs period. If there is one place where the yentas really have nerve to wail about being shorted, it is here. That's why their school did not participate in the Torah Umesorah shnorring.

    This Bais Yaakov is also a huge victim of these ingrates who are attracted to it like the way that moths seek out a light bulb. They come in droves due to the largesse of revach & freebies to be had there like no place else. If there was ever an instance to invoke that "no good deed goes unpunished"!

  13. Don't you know your manners yet?Thu Jun 08, 06:34:00 PM 2023

    Oh, he has a clue alright, lots of clues that are factual! But 3:35 pm is terrified that the scam is being exposed to the public.

    To venture an educated guess, 3:35 pm's veibelah is part of the "Hands Across America" of the BY teachers bellyaching gimmee gimmee more gelt? Even kleineh kinder know that tze felt in derech eretz to be making a za commotion

  14. BORUCH HaSHEM this time it not YSV.

  15. YSV the Root of All EvilThu Jun 08, 10:17:00 PM 2023

    YSV thinks at least that their girls school that they sometimes refer to as Bais Sorah is a Bais Yaakov.

    Why shouldn't a bunch of teachers there have jumped on the bandwagon to clamor for more money? The institution was after all led by the King of GREED himself, Moish Finkel. As R' Mottel Aurbach famously told reporters, "I got through to him. He admitted to me that GREED got to him."

    There was a young girl there frish from seminary with zero qualifications who someone high up in YSV got her a gig that was not part of payroll, it was in gantzen off the books. Her whole tafkid was part of a shakedown of parents that was eventually tapered down when rabbonim started asking embarassing questions of Yudi Frankel. Though Frankel was not the one who initiated that whole shady scheme, he was not only the one with achrayus but he was wholeheartedly backing it too. She was irresponsible on top of it & had the nerve to come back to parents long after she was paid unterren tisch to mumble that she lost the check. How many good examples did this meidel have to look up to at YSV besides the head honchos like Finkel & Orzel?

  16. Ahh it's that Beis Yankev. Yes it is a chutzpah of those women. Even if they have 10 or 12 kids there & in the affiliated yeshiva, the tuitions are all free even if the mother teaches in the system for as little as 30 minutes a week. The miserable oissnutzers should be thrown out, especially the ones who sabotaged remote learning during Corona. They hurt the innocent students to be meshalem raah tachas toivah against the employer.

    1. Sounds like you work for footsteps RACHMAH LITZLAN.

  17. Oh. His zaddikiekos came home with another “wonderful” report card.
    It must be the moras fault. The penniless “salmon bagel” is perfect just the school were he barely made it in is at fault. Another post from YKW.

  18. There is a nutty OU mashgiach constantly intruding on this blog to mock R' Yudel & attack comment writers. He has no life so he is trying to find out all the way in Queens who may be a critic of YSV Monsey and is now stooping to publicizing their initials like he did 2:32 pm erev Shabbos

    1. I did think you ever looked in the mirror.
      It seems like you did while posting that shtus

  19. YSV the Root of All EvilSun Jun 11, 09:20:00 AM 2023

    Whoever the nut is he can't make up his mind as to what lies he uses to attack us YSV misnagdim with. For a while he seemed to recognize the fact that YSV does not accept any kids from Tuna Beigel families (who he oddly calls Salmon Bagels), so he kept using the same line that we supposedly are bitter for not getting in. Now he claims that we were accepted for enrollment but are disgruntled.

    Last week he coughed out one quick comment that was the only true thing he ever said, that there are old Monseyites who are defending the honor of Rav Greenbaum & R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz's mishpocho who were hijacked, fleeced, totally wronged by the listim mezuyonim who call themselves the Board of YSV. The nut was only moideh bemiktzas as he chooses to totally ignore the YSV achzoriyus angering many of they abuse many mishpochos (who aren't even Tuna Beigels) despite that kids have nowhere to go & YSV has plenty of room to accomodate if only they had an ounce of compassion in them.

    1. Misnagdim to YSV is the key phrase here.
      As in Chasidim vs Misnagdim.
      They already made up their mind what YSV is all about ( for that matter ..what anything else is all about is also predetermined to fit their fence sitting Jews agenda).
      That being the case they are pretty mild - so far.
      Let’s see wha else they dream up about YSV and the world at large.
      Waiting …..????!!!!!

  20. The only choloming is 'You Know Who', vos er cholomt in Qveens that he will shut down any exposure of anything corrupt, whether the culprits are zein gantze mishpooche, or anyone else anywhere else, like for example his protection racket for YSV in Monsey which fort might be connected to when he hung out in an older age Monsey yeshiva as a bucher. He certainly does not zitz offen plaut. He uses any filty tactic he can muster to achieve his slimy aims!

  21. Still pretty mild.
    Anything else??
