Monday, May 01, 2023

Some of the financial supporters of the World Zionist Organization- Star-K and the other Heimishe certifiers R"L



  1. What does this mean? They are donating directly to the WZO? Or through Eretz HaKodesh? I know there's no real practical difference...

  2. Star probably gave the hashgacha on something there this a donation as hakoras hatov - Lena an Kedishas Erez yisroel

  3. Tomchei Tzionim avaddeh. Mamzerim & anteh-vaxx noch nisht.

  4. Someone wanted to do a shidduch with a baltimorian but was made aware of Rav Shternbuch's letter about the excessive amount, or the potential excessive amount, of intermarriage there so he broke the shidduch on the night of the L'Chayim.
    Not sure if he contacted ReB Shternbuch first or he read this web site first.
