Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The difference one teacher can make



  1. I guess one as to be careful what they say or post about people.
    They also should be careful what they think about those same people.
    Last but not least, people run organizations. Not machines or robots.

  2. The Stoddard story is fiction and Xian.

    Teddy's story originated in HomeLife magazine, a Baptist publication, in 1976, but it was labeled fiction. The author, Elizabeth Silance Ballard, said she based the story very loosely on incidents in her own life.

  3. Your comments. Are they like a rishon on the story? or a Achron ?
    Is there any 'reid' here ? Artscroll? Mesivta? Chavrusa? Maybe a shtainzaltz ?

  4. Maybe a shtainzaltz ?

    Shvache 'reid' because 'You Know Who' has much more "advanced" material that he pushes on the Mertropolitan oylam. Even beyond Moses Mendelsohn on the Bible, he farkoifs his kisvei Galochim on "Old Testament"!
