Thursday, June 29, 2023

All those that did not get vaccinated but used Ivermectin and Hydroxchloroquine were saved from covid deaths



  1. Oh come on! In these primitive, impoverished countries they are still bathing in mud puddles & don't have the money to test the living for covid, let alone the dead!

    The death rate in America is actually much higher because many covid deaths were not recorded for political reasons. The 3rd World has had virtually no testing.

    But someone Tweeted about a medicine that's been historically used for Ferds so it must be true!

  2. A dank R' Yudel for finally opening your eyes & getting with the program! Adoineinu & zein zun will be zayer tzufriden! We in Philly have our priorties straight. Mevatlin talmud Torah to propagandize against all vaccines! Lehagdil Anti-Vaxx ulehaadirah! Machoy timcheh Amalek hanikrah Big Pharma! Our guy Garfinkel will have to write a letter to the Yated that you're poshut giving us CHIZUK!

  3. One Hospital used the Invermectin and Hydro...... and Oxygen hoods, not any of the Jabs at all.

    This was the only Hospital where all fifty frum people that were there for Covid in 2020, "all 50 + of them walked out on their own two feet, B"H.

  4. Maimonides Hospital Horror ShowThu Jun 29, 02:03:00 PM 2023

    "all 50 + of them walked out"

    That zicher wasn't here, so velcher hospital?

  5. Yudel was one of the fifty.
    17 days, lost 23 lbs.

  6. Ahh the Delaware hospital where the Shvartza nurses screamed at the Lakewood Yidden to use their own hospitals! Nisht gehert that they were using the horse medication.

  7. It was not that Delaware hospital, this hospital had respect for all the frum patients.

  8. Your numbers are bogus. 50% of Nigeria was vaccinated

  9. By now it’s not a matter of Covid it’s just a matter of koovid.

  10. How many Amish died
