Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Update: Alert- Tarnipol Hashgochas-

Women that are interested in learning "checking for insects" perhaps can learn from Rebbetzin Felder.

It's claimed that Rav Felder only relies on his Rebetzins' checking, not on any of the commercially produced products.


  1. Tarnopol put out the azhorah? Or who did?


    Vechol Oichlei Rubashkin yivku!

  3. There should be inspections made on all these supposedly bug free veggies. I think be would be surprised to see without mentioning names how they have been taken for a ride paying all that money and trusting in the hasgachos for the so cslled bug free claim.That goes without saying all the stuff checked in supermarkets which is a real scam there should be samples taken from all these places and have the stuff rechecked.

  4. Interesting episode, Rav Shmuel Felder, Shlita told a mumcha in kashrus, "I'm sorry but I don't know anything in the field of kashrus".

    Yet, everyone is asking him questions about Kashrus issues, and he is responding with all sorts of expertise, etc.

  5. Not surprised, numerous individuals have their convictions that "ess pas nisht" if they are not the expert in every area. It's not hard to attract the regular Yeshiva yungerman to go for it.

  6. One of the kashering companies is taking the infamous shortcuts of shvache hashgochos & maybe even less than the shortcuts the shvache hashgochos take - while invoking Rav Felder that he is "BMG's posek".

    Even for Pesach they are kashering plastic. The shvache hashgochos rely on minority shitos that it's ok to kasher hard plastic. None of the shitos were mattir soft plastic.

    And even for Pesach they are kashering sink faucet aerators by simply varfing heisseh vasser at the limited portion that's exposed. Who among the gedolei haposkim were ever mattir something like an aerator mesh where there is for sure treif and/or chometz that got stuck in there being very shver to get unstuck?

    Rav Felder does take these shortcuts in his sefer, with the lame caveat of "veyesh machmirim".

    Though I did not pose these specific questions to Rav Forscheimer, I know that he doesn't talk like this.

    Will the real BMG please stand up

  7. Let’s hear was the run in between moireinee HoRav schien and the Lakewood poisek???

  8. Aren't the Felders mishpocho with the Pinters? Taking geganvenneh gelt distorts the thought process of poskim which major gedolim have attested to even if someone slipped gelt in their pocket without their knowledge. The Nodah BiYuda was zicher meyid to this. I think also the Apter Rov.

  9. Is Tarnopol bichlal not on top of things? Or the infestation is limited to that client company?

  10. Sounds like Reb Yudel believes women can’t check shmatahs.
