Wednesday, June 28, 2023

VHQ Queens Vaad De Ja Vu [Hashgocha endorsed by AKO]

 Shalom Rabbi Shain, I read your article and I have more information;

 Alert: Queens Yeshiva Dinners took place this year in Vaad of Queens Hall.

One consumer walked into a VHQ hall during an event. He said this hall has two kitchens, one treif and one kosher.

 In front of the non-kosher kitchen door is a sign with all red paint indicating the non-kosher kitchen.

 In front of the kosher kitchen door is a sign with all blue paint indicating kosher kitchen.

 So, all the equipment and cutlery with red paint marking is treif. And all the equipment and cutlery with blue paint are kosher.

 The consumer entered the kosher blue paint kitchen and saw red paint mixtures.

See pics below:



  1. Chaim Schwartz, when not completely denying things, comes up with excuses to weasel out of any situation.

    He likes to complain about heimishe shgooches (who dare show up to co-certify when he has declared himself a god who should be certifying zich aleins), that they shnor Queens Vaad tape rolls.

    So it's obvious what happened here. It's the fault of the shnorrer heimishe shgooches who intruded at earlier events. Because they used up all the tape, Schwartz didn't have tape left to X off the treif kitchen door to obstruct entry! You see when Schwartz declares it verboten to bring heimishe shgooches to be on top of him anywhere in Queens Vaadistan, he has very "good" reasons! (Including that they catch Queens Vaad dropping the ball in gantz Yoreh Deah!)

  2. Why did you take down the bombshell post on the Chaimel Schwartz scandal at Versailles Palace in Rego Park?

  3. Royal advisor YisroWed Jun 28, 12:58:00 PM 2023

    When Paroih declared himself god, Moishe Rabbeinu went down to the Nile at 6 am when Paroih secretly did his human tzrochim, to expose him as no god.

    So when his highness Chaim Schwartz thinks he can get away with the worst kashrus violations of all the various Queens avlos when it's far away from KG-KGH & not likely to be stumbled upon by bnei Torah, you should go to his G-d forsaken places in Eastern Queens, Long Island & Westchester to expose him. (It's really easy in the places with no mashgiach even when the owner is not frum)

    And if you complain out loud about Queens Vaad kashrus violations or even if Schwartz merely imagined you did, you'd better run for your life out of Queens like I did out of Mitzrayim!

  4. On weekends such places do treif and kosher events at same time. They even use leftovers from treif events; open bottles of wine, condiments ect.. all the queens rabbis know first hand but no backbone to do anything about it. It’s going on for awhile and only now IT’s mentioned!


    Even YSV President Moish Finkel eventually claimed to be sorry.

    What's the excuse for YSV alumnus Chaim Schwartz to continue his stubborn denials?

  6. It was MANY years ago that outside rabbonim confronted Schwartz's Puppet Master Schonfeld about the goyishe wine being served to guests when Queens Vaad takes charge. All Schonfeld cared about is how many people found out it's goyishe wine! He was noticeably hyperfocused on optics & public relations fallout only!

  7.'d better run for your life out of Queens like I did out of Mitzrayim!...

    Otherwise the vaad has all those extra yesoimim kevorim for guys like you.
    Then they go sfter your mishpoocheh for payment. After you pay your considered a yoosem and they discart your remains and sell it or donate once again.

  8. Chaim is not ready to forcefully divorce his wife...
    as is done in the YSV board.

  9. Who got divorced on the YSV Board?

  10. You can show a million pictures and videos and even take a tour of VHQ hall serving treif. The CC yeshiva with all their blind followers will eat everything in sight. They hold Rabbi welcher tovels the halal meat in the mikvah with his psak. And everything is allowed it’s a bigger sin to question the higher authority. Blind feeding the blind. And rabbi welcher knows everything Schwatz does and all the VHQ issues and does nothing about it.

  11. Schwartz hasn't yet banned cameras from all Queens Vaad hashgacha events?

    Vhat's wrong with him?

  12. Yeshiva CC is indeed a cult of mostly shvache learners who the bunch of them are out to lunch, sometimes bordering on delusional. They are not just under a spell that Queens Vaad kashrus standards are impeccable. The kids in 9th grade hock about how the beis medrash "is on a higher madreigeh in learning than Lakewood"!

    Rabbi Welcher does know what's going on however which is infuriating how despite that he's probably the most popular rabbi in the entire Kew Gardens Hills. He's also the only Queens rabbi who somehow gets away with giving a private non-Vaad hashgocho without the Vaad beating up on him & badmouthing him. Go figure.

  13. Yeshiva of Dingaling ValleyWed Jun 28, 07:15:00 PM 2023

    Yenta, the comment must have been referring to Finkel himself giving his wife a get.

    There is plenty of other shmutz on the YSV Board members however. And how! And the scripts of how that's so are usually very wacky & unique. One classic is how Sperka's family when still back in Detroit were renegades even by Modern Orthodox standards. A Baltimore rov high up in the Agudah once blasted them in his Yom Kippur droshah for putting Purple Gang mobsters-assassins who shtupped them with gelt on Mizrach Vant in their shul. They were also selling mezuzos to superstitious Shvartzas & the rebbitzen who didn't cover her hair was going to English poetry gatherings with upper class shiksas. Then there was attending Tzioni rallies organized by Reform apikorsim that the Sperkas falsely claimed an adam gadol was mattir. Sperka & the rest of them can get on line behind the corruption of Yisroel Orzel who filled Finkel's Presidential shoes.

  14. chaim schwartz gives private hashgocho too

    he gave once on a pesach hotel & will do it again if anyone is dumb enough to hire him

    1. Schwatz gives a Hechsher to his sons Pizza store lol. It turns out he owns the pizza store as a partner with his son. When queens rabbis non affiliate to VHQ found out. They called rabbi welcher to demand an explanation. The response was that r welcher gives his personal supervision on that place. Everyone ones else is VHQ. These people think everyone is a Moron to accept such an answer. So why is VHQ Schwatz certifying his own restaurant hmm. And why is no one saying anything!! Because queens Ashkenazim don’t care..

  15. And the Loshon grows bigger….
    And the chair at the mizrach vant of the hot spa gets hotter.
    You will defiantly not be surprised when you get down there. You’ll just say I know where I’m going I don’t need the Usher.

  16. The "spa" is actually for those covering up the michshol rabim perpetrated by Chaim Schwartz & his Queens Vaad accomplices. The OU mashgiach who won't stop internet trolling on Chaim Schwartz's behalf / Finkel's behalf / every machatee es horabim's behalf, can be the "party planner" down there, zein kisvei Galochim beyado. (The kesovim that he was matzdik befarhesya in KG to being machzik). He thinks he's one to lecture about Loshon when he has been a masmid for well over a decade in ploppeling & blogging Moitzee Shem Ra on countless rabbonim & baal habatim he doesn't like.

  17. Caterers paint their meat keilim and sheet pans some red for meat some blue . Even if there was a teen age mashgiaxh he probably would ot let trif keilim to be used

  18. It's called POILISH PARVE

  19. Which pizza place is Schwartz's? (Letoyeles so I know where not to eat)

    Wow! For those who didn't know until now what a hypocrite Chaim Schwartz is!

  20. Everyone knows it’s Naomi’s pizza. And all the other pizza stores were suffering because Schwatz was going around to all the yeshivas in queens telling them only to buy pizza from Naomi. He stole so many accounts by bad mouthing other VHQ pizza places. VHQ owners were crying to big queens Ashkenazi posek of the terrible crimes of Schwatz stealing away their accounts. Of course, VHQ posek gave a lame excuse for Schwatz.

  21. Another convenient way that the Schwartzes line their dirty pockets is when Chaim coerces Queens Vaad accounts to buy items from manufacturers / producers who give him a kickback

    Meanwhile, I don't think I've ever read so many horrifying reviews from dissatisfied customers like on the Yelp page for Schwartz's Naomi's Pizza

  22. 10:12

    ..Meanwhile, I don't think I've ever read so many horrifying reviews from dissatisfied customers like on the Yelp page for Schwartz's Naomi's Pizza..

    Another sure way of going to Gan Eden here. Hope your not tooo disappointed when your time comes and your start feeling the heat...

  23. Judging from the pictures and Vaad certified places. This must be the infamous Da’mikele Hall in Queens. The owner always had these issues in the past and the so called Queens Rabbis didn’t care to fix it. They had multiple VHQ meetings about the hall and Schwatz always covers up for the hall. Really, it’s not the owners fault it’s Ziskind and Schwatz who don’t care about the place to fix anything. But large part of the blame goes to 71 shul so called rabbis who promote weddings there with the treif that goes on there. Queens is a sick and twist community when it comes to food. The Sephardim make believe they care about Kashrus and the Ashkenazim mask the issue with so called daas torah of CC.

  24. Nothing will ever change in Queens. Anyone who wants to protect their mishpocho from Chaim Schwartz's timtum should immediately start sourcing food from outside the borough & make plans to move.

    Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva is so weird in many oifanim. They are in essence a cult. The YU rabbis who are the mechabrim & editors of Schwartz's job description are largely not from the Right Wing of Modern Ortho. They are Leftist mavericks. This goes way beyond them sneering at basic OU level kashrus standards, whereby they actually criticize OU & even Star K as excessive machmirim! One of the Young Israel rabbis is openly pro-abomination. He was such an embarassment that the Vaad had to muzzle him for PR purposes. Others are sympathetic but not as outspoken for the homos. These Queens Vaad rabbis do not have an eye on how to conform to the Torah, they are like Conservative clergy who are constantly chanfening avaryanim as the #1 & only priority. In one of the "mainstream" Queens Young Israels the rabbi was very upbeat in the Shabbos newsletter that dozens of high school & college age young men walked miles to a sports event - ignoring that they were oiver on multiple types of chilul Shabbos. They sanction official events that include eating from the home kitchens of members who are not frum, who drive on Shabbos! Even if the kitchens are somehow not treif they ply the guests with alcoholic beverages that the national hashgochos warn not to touch. They will give a shiur while fressing from freyeh in a sukkah built under a massive tree! When you press the phony rabbis about it, they refuse to back down or to yield a single inch, except to privately admit that the food should at least not be not eaten on Shabbos until it's cooled off from being yad soiledes because the baal habustas are zicher machshil in bishul! These Queens Vaad rabbis support the radical feminist "minyanim" with female leining from a sefer Torah! They have the Margulies-Torah Temimah attitude that all immorality must be covered up for any member so that the Queens Vaad doesn't look bad. This includes for molesters & adulterers among their ranks and the scams to be mevazeh the deceased for profit that their associate Zohn is running under the guise of the farcical National Association of Chevra Kadisha. This is why Lubavitcher rabbonim bypass Queens Vaad to go to Williamsburg chevra kadisha.

    1. Large part why nothing will ever change is because both the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Leaders in queens non VHQ affiliated are spineless reptiles afraid to stand up against Schwatz. They rather feed their communities Treif then get involved with Kashrus. Really sick situation. How do they sleep at night, they are responsible for their communities eating treif. Keeping quiet about what’s happening is also an opinion to choose to remain silent when evil Schwatz is leading your family and friends straight to Gehinnom. The Remaining silent queens leaders are accomplices with Schwatz. They will have to explain themselves in Olam Ha’emet.
