Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Interesting- The more signs that are posted in Lakewood not to carry in the Eruv "more & more people are carrying"!


  1. Carrying in general or carrying across 9 ???

  2. Because it alerts people to the existence of an eiruv

  3. Simple. Now people know there is an Eiruv.

  4. Even if the eiriv is no good in Lakewood but since there is a eiriv in BP so you can carry in Lakewood too Even across the nine.
    Don't You know that minhag ??
    Every one in BP knows it.

  5. They posted a notice that R Shlomo Miller wouldn't give a heter for Rav Bergman to attend.

    They posted a notice that Rav Forscheimer wouldn't give a heter for Rav Bergman to attend.

    They posted a notice that no one would give a heter for Rav Bergman to attend.

    But they were desperate for a Hetter Mayah; why didn't they go to R' Moshe Heineman? He also wouldn't give a heter?

    Don't wash your dirty laundry in public once they scraped the bottom of the barrel.

  6. None of the above spoke there so why a heter for someone else ??
    The heter inventor spoke before the event even started so he is way aHEAD OF THE OTHERS.
