Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Update: Checking for infestation on fruits and vegetables

Rav Shmuel Felder of Lakewood BMG does not rely on any of the commercial Hashgochas for infestation issues. 

Rav Felder only eats vegetables and fruit that was checked by his wife. Therefore she has many years of hands on experience. 

Check with her what works best, each leaf, Shmatah bedikah, both, etc.?

One of the most reliable proven methods for checking for infestation in fruits and vegetables is the Shmatah Bedikah or thrip cloth method. One washes the fruits or vegetables and pours the water through a fine mesh cloth, and then they check the cloth over a lightbox for any evidence of insects. If one is not trained in identifying insects, merely using the Shmatah Bedikah is of no value as a surgeon having a fully equipped operating room but not experience in the surgery.

The method described involves washing fruits or vegetables, filtering the wash water through a fine mesh cloth, and then examining the cloth over a lightbox for the presence of insects. This method seems very practical and helpful in examining and detecting small insects that might not be easily seen on the fruit or vegetable.

Using a light box, the insects caught in the cloth become more visible because of the contrasting background. This would make it easier to see tiny insects like thrips that might otherwise be hard to notice.

As pointed out, knowledge and training about insects that might infest fruits and vegetables is essential. Otherwise, one might not recognize an infestation even if it's on the cloth.

It's also worth noting that this method might only catch some infestations. Some insects could still be present in the fruit or vegetable but not be dislodged by washing so they wouldn't be caught in the cloth. Therefore, while this method can help detect specific infestations, more is needed for all situations or pests.

As with any method of pest detection or control, it's always a good idea to consult with professionals or experts in the field for advice specific to your situation and your local area. They can provide information about common pests, effective detection methods, and strategies for prevention and control.



  1. ....but not be dislodged by washing so they wouldn't be caught in the cloth.

    So how does one make sure there is no infestation at all - 100% ?
    Or is that not possible ?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ....but not be dislodged by washing so they wouldn't be caught in the cloth.
    So how does one make sure there is no infestation at all - 100% ?
    Or is that not possible ?

    Expertise through training, An aphid will not be dislodged, a thrip on the other hand will be dislodged.

    1. Once again, you’re saying that one does not know if all insects - whatever race it is - are removed. Thus it’s not 100% clean. Best thing to do is just don’t eat anything that is subject to infestation.

    2. So true best to eat israeli styles salad tomatoes cucumbers onions peppers spices olive oil. Dont fall fall for this pre washed pre checked stuff in bags any company . The stuff is not good quality the stuff is quite expensive and they could and do sometimes
      contain aphids and thrips too

  3. If an experienced trained individual checks the produce and knows what he's looking for and the methods, he can produce a 100% clean product.
    But, there are too many "wannabe's" that think they know the Sugya or Parsha.

    1. Please explain the sugya.
      If: …An aphid will not be dislodged, but a thrip will…
      then you know that it is thrip free.
      But how do you know with the Shmatah system that aphid or other insects that do not dislodge are all gone. Unless you check every single leaf on both sides.
      To my limited knowledge no one does that except 1 or 2 stores in BP.
      I don’t think that Postiv one any other company checks every singe leaf for insects that DO NOT dislodge.

    2. They dont they check every leave positiv like others rely on chazakah checks

  4. if I can't see them clearly as bugs- what's the issue exactly??

  5. They are very visible, but they are camouflaged, or they may look to you like dirt or grass, etc. that's why training and experience are key. See Mishnah Berurah, and Shut Chasam Sofer, etc.

    1. MB and Shut just say you need a expert but they do not give you the method.

    2. why is it an issue if something is visible but not as a bug?

  6. Leave it to the trained experts as the Mishnah Berura, chasam Sofer, and Ramah rule in this area.

    1. please explain. can I not eat anything unless an expert is nearby watching everything I eat?

  7. Once again. If you’re using the shmatah system which what the experts do then you are not dealing with the non- dislodging insects even if you’re an expert. It’s like a EXPERT mechanic fixing the tire but does not look under the hood when the car won’t start and also has a flat. Yes he fixed the flat but the still is broken.

  8. A properly trained expert will know how to find Mishnah berurah, Ramah, Chasam Sofer.

    If to an expert, it's identifiable as a bug, it's a bug and it's Ossur.

    A non-expert has no right to check on his own for insects even if he's an ordained Rav.

  9. Thu Jul 13, 06:54:00 AM 2023

    You sound like Am HaAretz Shoiteh. Your are claim to be a expert but do not address the "non-dislodging insects" issue. You say "we say its OK so its OK". But you do not check each and every leaf for the non-dislodging insects. You sound like some Hashgachas that are posted here as problematic.
    The consumer has a right to know is the motto here. So tell us how you do this magic without checking each and every leaf on both sides. Otherwise your as "good" as them.

  10. Still no solution for non-dislodging insects.

  11. Solution is "let it to the experts, don't try to be the expert, there are too many "Wannabes"..

  12. If they are dislodging even experts can know unless they check each and every single leaf. Otherwise they are wannabe just like every one else. In spite of them hosting a blog.

  13. Mindboggoling. How the eventhe “experts” beat around the bush when it comes to truly insect free veggies.

  14. Rav Shmuel Felder of Lakewood BMG does not rely on any of the commercial Hashgochas for infestation issues.

    Therefore he only eats vegetables and fruit that was checked by his wife.

    Check with her what works best, each leaf, Shmatah bedikah, both, etc.?

  15. The aruch hashulchan has a big kula on bugs in general, and the mezritcher magid also was Maikel. See igros Moshe where he says that it could be one could be Maikel like the aruch hashulchan that there is no BARYAH BICHLALALAL in any of our bugs we find since they are gross gross gross. So Yudel, calm the hell down

  16. Do you follow the Oruch Hashulchan on everything, or are you of those reform Jews than "pick N choose?"

  17. Hypocrite Sun Jul 23, 8:42 AM zoiffs all the bugs provided by Queens Vaad & OU

    @ 11:30 Where in Aruch Hashulchan does it supposedly say there is no such thing as berya?

  18. Not sure you have to follow with everything to be able to be סומך here, but specially I think so when Rav Moshe Feinstien said the same....respond halachically to me whoever you are, not empitionally.

    1. Once again, Even Reb Moishe is only to be relied on if, nay IIIFFF, Yudel approves.

  19. siman 100 at the end, he is מלמד zechus on the nation, not like yudel


  20. If you cherrypick for kulos to your convenience, you are termed rasha

  21. only if the kulos are סותר each other (see Rashi in eiruivi 7A). according to your logic you have to go with exactly one posek in all4 chalakim shulachan aruch? who does that?

    1. Many many people use one poisek for their day to day living.

    2. It's not about picking something or other,
      Every decision needs to conform with a far larger tachlis

  22. So you are shutting down the popular phone line 1-800 Hetter

  23. And we still don’t know how non-dislodging insects get ‘cleaned’
    Via the Shmatteh system.

  24. The KCL guide to checking for insects covers fruits only. What do they do about vegetables?

  25. The KCL guidelines are not reliable for infestation.

    Rabbi Shmuel Felder's Rebbetzin is the one that women should consult and ask how to check for infestation.

  26. kcl goes by the Feingold group, which many of the experts in insects, don't rely on them at all.

  27. The KCL fruit checking guidelines don't conform to Rebetzin Felders methods.

  28. The kcl guidelines don't confor to the worlds expert, Reb Moshe Vaye, All of the major Haposkim relied on Rav Vaye.


  29. Mon Jul 24, 08:13:00 AM 2023

    If you cherrypick for Chumras to your convenience, you are termed Chosid SHOITEH.

    Guess some would rather be a shoiteh then a Rasha !!!!

  30. The KCL has no Guidelines. Only the Kehillos Chareidim of Lakewood & Central Jersey has some guidelines.

  31. Is the expertise or professionalism in knowing what an insect is or having the ocular ability to detect a bug given that some species blend into the surrounding.

    It would seem it is the latter. An insect is pretty standard stuff. eyes, legs, antenna, head, .etc. Everyone knows what a bug looks like.

  32. Who say that she knows bedikas of insects, Rabbi Felder doesn't know these things.

    Is it when you have loyal followers, it's embarrassing not to pretend that you know "everything".

    OK, that make sense.

  33. .... while this method can help detect specific infestations, more is needed for all situations or pests....

    What is that "more is needed...".

    Is it A secret ? Is it copyright so the "professionals" can charge more ?

  34. This method looks pretty thorough


  35. To the untrained, it looks great.

  36. "To the untrained, it looks great."

    99% that this guy never checked romaine lettuce. All these guys talk but never do.
    They are in the echo chamber chabura.

    If your curious about this get the fine nylon mesh cloth and a 10x magnifier. Wash a head of romaine lettuce. There almost is always a bug. If you don't see one it is because your vision is not yet trained. Kind of like the picture where if you look at it one way it's a princess but looking another way it is an old hag.

    With practice it becomes easier to detect the bugs from the other garbage which was filtered.

    The video shows a thorough method of cleaning the romaine lettuce which they believe removes bugs.

    It's not just how you check for bugs but also how you clean to remove all bugs.

  37. ... lettuce which they believe removes bugs....
    ...how you clean to remove all bugs....

    The REAL pros say that some bugs dislodge (come off with thorough washing)
    But some bugs NEVER dislodge. (as has been posted here in the comments and approved by the biggest mumcheh Reb Yudle Shlit'a) And here lies the issue with just usuing the Smateh / Nylon testing of the last rinse which is to be totaly clean.
    But they are fooling themselves by not knowing how get the non-dislodging bugs off the the leaves. And non of the guides really address this issue.
    Thus the shmateh test is just that: a make-me-feel-good-im-not eating-bugs-that-disldoged
    They can also pull the nylon over their heads (with the mouth part parted) and save water and time.

  38. Rebetzin Shmuel Felder can guide you in all of these issues.
    If She's not available, try the Feingold group wanabes.

  39. What’s really strange here is that alleh dayah zoogers have no response to this
    Real bug issue, thus, they post all kinds of narishkeiten to try to distract you from the issue.
    The other prahblame is that this may make a hole in a few pockets. So it’s best to ignore it’s long as the green is greening

  40. ...
    The REAL pros say that some bugs dislodge (come off with thorough washing)
    But some bugs NEVER dislodge.

    Really? NEVER dislodge? Have you ever tried? I doubt it.

    Wow no matter how much water pressure is applied, those aphids will not dislodge. NASA should have used aphids to keep those insulation tiles on the Columbia Space Shuttle.

    Forget Gorilla Glue. Use Aphid glue.

    Go into a garden center or nursery, Not Home depot, and ask them do aphids dislodge.

  41. unfortunately the so called pre checked veges has become such a profitable buisiness excpecially in supermarkets the mashgichim in theses places are pumping out tons of herbs and lettuce they are under such time constraint to get the stuff out its a buisiness like everything else . The shmatta method cuts dowm the time of checking so if the disloged bugs stay on nuh what can u do
